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词汇 internet
释义 internetUK:*'internet', 'Internet': /ˈɪntəˌnɛt/US:/ˈɪntɚˌnɛt/US:(in′tər net′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 the internet, also US: the Internet n (world-wide computer network)国际互联网,因特网; (台湾、新加坡)网际网络,互连网The internet now connects computers in all countries of the world.现在国际互联网把世界各国的电脑都连接了起来。 internet, also US: Internet n as adj (relating to the internet)互联网的;因特网的Internet advertising is diverting promotional spending from print media.传统印刷媒体营销开支正在流向互联网营销。 复合形式:internet | Internet browser, web browser, internet browser n (internet navigation software)浏览程序;浏览器Everyone has their own preferred browser.每个人都有自己常用的浏览器。 cookie n (computing: saved information)小段信息;小型文字档案备注: 指当你访问某个站点时,随某个HTML网页发送到你浏览器中的一小段信息,可用于记录、跟踪和数据分析等,常直接被称为“cookie”Every so often, you should clear the cookies from your computer.你应当经常清理自己电脑中的小型文字档。 internet advertising, also US: Internet advertising n (marketing via the world wide web)网络广告;互联网广告 internet cafe, internet café, also US: Internet cafe, Internet café n (bar offering drinks and web access)网吧While my computer was being repaired, I had to go to an internet café to read my emails. internet cookie, also US: Internet cookie n (stored information about web user) (指网站存储在终端设备上的小文件)cookie;网络cookieI make sure to delete all my internet cookies if I use someone else's computer. internet site, also US: Internet site n (website, web page)网站I am putting together an internet site for some African eco-guides so they can market themselves and their services to potential tourists. internet user, also US: Internet user n ([sb] who uses the internet)互联网用户Online shopping is gaining popularity among Chinese Internet users. online banking, on-line banking, e-banking, UK: internet banking n (access to bank via internet)网上银行Online banking certainly makes bill paying much faster and cheaper than before. I don't receive paper statements any more now I've got internet banking surf the Internet (US), surf the internet (UK) v expr (browse the world wide web)上网;网上浏览




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