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词汇 grouped together
释义 grouped together
grouped together发音



glue together───胶合

goes together───相配;恋爱;互相协调

gone together───相配;恋爱;互相协调

gotten together───聚会;聚集;收集;积累

knocked together───草草做成;相撞

lumped together───合在一起

scraped together───东拼西凑

banded together───结合起来,团结起来

bunched together───聚在一起


We all grouped together around the bride for a family photograph.───我们都簇拥在新娘四周拍了一张全家福。

The books are grouped together by subject.───这些书按科目分类。

The colleges grouped together to offer a wider range of courses.───这些学院联合在一起,以扩大开设课程的范围。

The ROW data type can be equated to a table definition: It defines multiple columns that are grouped together into a tuple.───ROW数据类型可以等同于一个表定义:它定义可以组成一个元组的多个列。

Also notice the use of group selectors, where two or more selectors are grouped together to have the same style declarations.───还要注意组选择符,也就是两个或更多的选择符组合在一起,使用相同的样式声明。

Incidentally notes are grouped together with the help of an upward motion of the arm, just as in ordinary legato playing.───顺便说一下,音符是借助于手臂向上运动的力而集中在一起的,跟普通的连奏一样。

The last part of this section concentrates on event distribution and illustrates how events can be logically grouped together.───本章节的最后部分重在事件分配并说明如何能合乎逻辑地将事件组合起来。

That was the signal and they all grouped together to carry the boy on their backs as if they were snails .───那是他们的信号,大家一齐把男孩背在了背上,就好像他们是些蜗牛。

A handler can be grouped together into chains and the order of these handlers can be configured using a flexible deployment descriptor.───处理程序可被组合在一起成为链,而且可以使用一个灵活的部署描述符来配置这些处理程序的顺序。


Can they be grouped together under titles?

Non-fiction books are grouped together by subject.

The paintings have been grouped together according to the style of different periods of the artist's life.

We all grouped together round the bride for a family photograph.

The books are grouped together by subject.

The family was grouped together for the photograph.

Different flowers can be grouped together to make a colourful display.

The family grouped together for the photograph.

The colleges grouped together to offer a wider range of courses.

  • grouped frequency distribution table
  • grouped by country
  • grouped frequency
  • grouped together
  • grouped expression




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