ground on───基于
ground dove───地鸽
ground pine───石松
ground ice───[水文]底冰
ground in───训练…;打好…的基础
ground out───碾出;咬着牙齿说,苦心用功地做出;滚地球出局
ground owl───地猫头鹰
The guys comprehend the art of cooking on every floor, including the ground one.───我的双脚不停踏地又飞快弹起,双耳里充斥着脉搏跳动的稳定韵律。
My feet hit the ground one after another, a steady percussion rhyming with the blood pulsing in my ears.───墙地一体的白色大理石、通顶而立的罗马柱,完美呈现出海景大堂简约、高雅、大气的装修风格。
The method for deploying these spears is to have them stick out of the ground one foot five inches.───设置鋋矛的方法,是使它高出地面一尺五寸。
Yang Ai Su scarcely believes the ground looking at the piece of stone that the chest bulges, ground one falls flop.───杨爱苏几乎不相信似地看着胸口凸出的石块,啊地一声倒下。
"COLD-diggerty! " gasped Mole, as he burrowed out of the ground one afternoon.───一天下午,当鼹鼠从地下挖洞上地面来时,“真冷-挖洞!”
I met him on the sports ground one afternoon.───有天下午我在体育场碰到他。
"There were bodies on the ground, one of them had no stomach, " said a local man.───一位当地人说:“地上横陈着尸体,其中一具腹部被炸没了。”
"With our feet on the ground, one step after another, the Italians and Italy are going in the right direction, " Mr Tremonti has said.───“我们脚踏实步,一步一个脚印,意大利人和意大利正走在一个正确的方向上。”特雷蒙蒂先生说。
The reverse torsion fatigue limit after shot peening and prestrain is higher 20-30% than that of ground one.
- ground one
- groundless fear
- ground truth
- ground porANNLA
- ground cat
- ground with
- ground crew
- ground move
- ground level
- groundless meaning
- ground force
- ground meat
- grounding sheets
- ground beetle
- ground speed
- ground plate
- ground coffee
- grounding meditation
- ground oneself
- groundless def
- groundless gfci