ground force───陆军;地面部队
ground doves───地鸽
ground fishes───底栖鱼;底栖鱼类
ground fogs───地面雾;低雾
ground ices───[水文]底冰
ground wires───[电]地线;避雷地线
ground zeroes───“爆心投影点”组织;着地点
ground effects───地面效应
ground sluices───地层砂金洗选槽
An even more delicate question, raised by the rebels' poor military performance, is whether there would be any circumstance in which coalition (though not American) ground forces might go in.───一个更棘手的问题,肇因于反抗军毫无作战能力,就是无论发生任何状况,联军(但不包括美军)地面部队都可以直接进入干预。
UN, says one EU senior source: if it asks for boots on the ground then the deployment of ground forces must be, by definition, legal.───一位欧盟的高级人员的话说,“联合国,如果它要求地面部队涉入,那么地面部队的部署一定就会被定义为合法的。”
Luftwaffe ground forces are light combat troops also capable of constructing simple defenses and AA weapons.───空军地勤部队是具有制造简单防御工事和防空武器能力的轻步兵.
Digital Raven systems will directly benefit ground forces by helping them operate more effectively and safely, wherever and whenever they need them.───数字乌鸦系统将通过帮助地面部队更有效、更安全地操作,帮助他们无论何时何地更有效、更安全作战。
The banshees and attack the colossi the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry.───隐匿的女妖轰炸机消灭了巨像,并配合地面部队消灭了神族地面部队.
Fail and they'd be stuck here fighting Sentinels and Covenant ground forces until hell froze.───如果失败了···他们将不得不跟哨兵和圣约人的地面部队战斗,直到地狱毁灭.
Marshal Montgomery commanded the ground forces in the invasion of Normandy.───蒙哥马利元帅在诺曼第入侵中指挥地面部队.
The four tactical armies , into which the ground forces were divided, varied in numerical strength.───当时地面部队区分为实力不同的四个战术军团.
The precision firepower must be combined with ground forces.───精确打击火力必须与地面部队相结合.
The aviation units can provide fire support for the ground forces.───陆航部队能够向地面部队提供火力支援.
The banshees and attack the colossi as the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry.───隐匿的女妖轰炸机消灭了巨像,并配合地面部队消灭了异能者地面部队.
The Joint STARS is a flying radar station designed to locate and target enemy ground forces.───该飞机是个旨在测定和瞄准敌人地面部队的飞行雷达站.
- ground one
- groundless fear
- ground truth
- ground porANNLA
- ground cat
- ground with
- ground crew
- ground move
- ground level
- groundless meaning
- ground force
- ground meat
- grounding sheets
- ground beetle
- ground speed
- ground plate
- ground coffee
- grounding meditation
- ground oneself
- groundless def
- groundless gfci