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词汇 hustle
释义 hustleUK:*/ˈhʌsəl/US:/ˈhʌsəl/ ,(hus′əl)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 hustle n (activity, bustle)繁忙;热闹;喧嚣The hustle in the city was disorienting for Jim, who had just arrived from his farm.There's always a lot of hustle in the office when we have a deadline coming up.对于从自家农场而来,刚进城的吉姆来说,城市的热闹喧嚣着实让人晕头转向。// 每次临到工作截止日期时,办公室里就会一片繁忙。 hustle n US, informal (confidence trick, fraud)欺诈行为,诈骗;骗局The corporate boss was arrested for organizing a huge insurance hustle.公司老板因组织巨额保险诈骗而被捕。 hustle vi (act quickly)赶紧,奔忙;快速前进Dan was late for work so he had to hustle to avoid getting in trouble.If we hustle, we should be able to get the work done before the deadline.丹上班迟到了,所以不得不奔忙起来,以免老板找自己麻烦。// 如果快一点,应该能赶在死线之前完成工作。 hustle [sb] vtr (jostle [sb])推搡;推挤Sarah was hustled by passengers trying to get onto the subway as she tried to get off.萨拉下地铁时,遭到正要上车的乘客们的推搡。 hustle [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (coerce, urge [sb] to do)哄骗...做某事The strange man on the corner was trying to hustle passers-by into buying cocaine.拐角处的陌生男子正试图哄骗路人购买可卡因。 hustle [sth] vtr informal (sell [sth])兜售;售卖Jon hustled life insurance for a living after he lost his job working as a real estate agent.乔恩在丢掉作为房产中介的工作后,靠兜售人寿保险为生。 其他翻译 hustle vi US, informal (be a prostitute) (妓女)拉客,卖淫When she lost her job, Brittany started hustling on the corner.当布列塔尼丢了工作后,她便开始在街角拉客卖淫。 hustle vtr (quickly move [sb/sth])迅速带离;快速带走Security hustled the politician out of the room after the assassination attempt.暗杀未遂后,安保人员迅速将政客带离了房间。 复合形式: hustle and bustle n (activity)喧嚣;喧闹;熙熙攘攘I prefer the hustle and bustle of a big city to the quiet of the countryside. side hustle n informal (second job)副业;第二职业




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