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词汇 hook
释义 hookUK:*/ˈhʊk/US:/hʊk/ ,(hŏŏk)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 hook n (for hanging [sth] on wall)钩;吊钩Mike hung his coat on the hook as he stepped into the house.麦克踏进屋子时,他将外套挂在吊钩上。 hook [sth] in vtr + adv US (attach, link up)戴上;连接上Mara opened up her laptop and hooked in her earphones.马拉打开笔记本电脑,带上耳机。 hook n (for fishing)鱼钩Fred had a huge fish on his hook as soon as he threw the line in.弗雷德刚把鱼线甩进水中,就有条超大的鱼咬钩了。 hook [sth] vtr (fishing: catch)用钩钓鱼Tina hooked a few fish this morning.今天早上,蒂娜钓了几条鱼。 其他翻译 hook [sb] into [sth] vtr + prep US, figurative, informal (persuade)吸引某人涉足;说服某人做某事I didn't intend to go out drinking but my buddies hooked me into it.我并不打算去喝酒的,不过我的兄弟们说服了我。 hook [sb] into doing [sth] vtr + prep US, figurative, informal (persuade to do)使计让...做...;设法让...做...Max hooked his friend into driving him to the airport.马克思设法让他的朋友开车送他去机场。 hook n (ball movement)曲线球The player used a hook to get around the defender.球员一记曲线球绕过防守队员。 hook n (hit with fist)钩拳Hank has a strong right hook, you'll want to avoid that.汉克右勾拳很厉害,你最好避开。 hook n (on letter "J") (字母弯曲之处)弯钩The letter had a hook at the end.这个字母最下方有个弯钩。 hook n figurative ([sth] to create interest)引诱;创造吸引力的手段;引子The salesman had a good hook, but couldn't close any deals.The hook needs to be in the first paragraph of your article.那个销售人员吸引人很有一套,但却签不了单。 hook n (tool used in crochet)编织针;钩针Crochet lace is made with a very small hook.镂空钩织蕾丝是用非常细的钩针来编织的。 hook n (musical phrase) (歌曲)副歌 hook vi (road: move in a hook) (拐弯)拐The road hooks around the hill and then hits an intersection.道路绕着小山拐了一个弯,然后来到一个十字路口。 hook vtr (ball movement: curve)投曲线球;踢弧线球The player hooked the ball around the goalie into the goal.球员一记曲线球绕过守门员进了球门。 hook vtr (steal)偷窃;偷盗The burglar hooked some of the jewelry before the police arrived.在警察赶到前,盗贼偷走了部分珠宝首饰。 hook [sb] vtr figurative, informal (secure as romantic partner)勾搭;吊 hook in [sb], hook [sb] in vtr + prep (attach to harness, etc.)给…套上保险带The climbing instructor hooked me in and I started up the cliff.攀岩教练给我套上保险带,然后我开始攀岩。 hook on [sth], hook [sth] on vtr + prep (put a hook into [sth])用钩钩住 动词短语 hook into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (computing: connect to) (计算机科学)连接I'm trying to hook into the local area network. hook into [sth] vtr phrasal insep US, informal, figurative (access)接入If we could find a way to hook into the club's records, we could find out who was responsible.如果我们有办法查看俱乐部的记录,我们就能找出是谁干的。 hook [sth/sb] up, hook [sb/sth] up vtr phrasal sep (connect, attach)连接;接通The nurse hooked the patient up to a machine to monitor his heart rate.护士将病人与一台机器上连接来监测他的心率。 hook [sth/sb] up to [sth], hook [sb/sth] up to [sth] vtr phrasal sep (connect, attach)将…连接到I had to hire an expert to hook up my computer to the office network.我需要请一位专家将我的电脑连上办公室的网络。 hook up vi phrasal figurative, slang (form a connection)结识;相识My wife and I first hooked up when we were in high school.我和妻子在高中时第一次相识。 hook up vi phrasal figurative, slang (engage in sexual activity)勾搭上,勾搭上床I wouldn't say Charlie and I are dating, but we have hooked up a few times.我并不认为查尔斯与我正在交往,我们只是发生几次关系。 hook up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (become friends)跟…结交 hook up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (make contact)联系上;与...取得联系 hook up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (engage in sexual activity with)与...过夜;与...发生性关系 hook [sb] up with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (put [sb] in touch with a person or group)让...与...建立联系;让...与...交流 复合形式: boathook, boat hook, boat-hook n (pole with a hook)撑篙,钩杆 buttonhook n (metal tool for fastening buttons)钮扣钩,钮钩 by hook or by crook adv figurative (by any means necessary)不择手段 crochet hook n (tool used in crochet)钩针Aluminum crochet hooks are sturdier than bamboo ones. fall for [sth] hook, line and sinker v expr figurative, informal (be duped)彻底上当;完全受骗;被骗得团团转She's so gullible, she fell for his story hook, line, and sinker. fish hook n (device: for catching fish)鱼钩I always enjoyed fishing, but I hated having to stick the live bait on the fish hook.我一直很喜欢钓鱼,但我却讨厌在鱼钩上挂活鱼饵。 fishhook, fish-hook n (metal hook for catching fish)鱼钩;钓鱼钩 grappling hook, grappling iron, grapnel n (nautical: small anchor) (航海)多爪小锚 hook and eye n (two-piece fastening)风纪扣;钩眼扣 hook-and-eye n as adj (relating to a hook and eye)风纪扣的;钩眼扣的 hook-nosed adj (with curved nose)长鹰钩鼻的 hook, line and sinker expr figurative, informal (completely)完全地;毫无保留地"Did your mother fall for your excuse?" "Yes! Hook, line and sinker!" hookup, also UK: hook-up n informal, figurative (casual sexual encounter)随意性行为Hookups are common among college students.随意的性行为在大学生中很常见。 hookup, also UK: hook-up n (connection, link)连接The cable man installed a new hookup in my bedroom so I can watch TV while I'm in bed.有线电视安装员在我的卧室装了一个新的连接装置,这样我就能躺在床上看电视了。 hookup, also UK: hook-up n informal, figurative (alliance)联盟A cross-party hookup seems the best way to resolve this problem. let [sb] off the hook v expr figurative, informal (free from punishment)放过某人I'm surprised he let you off the hook that easily, given the trouble you've caused. off the hook adj figurative, informal (freed from blame)没事的;不会被责怪的William isn't off the hook until he can prove it was his brother who stole the money.直到威廉证明他的兄弟偷了钱,他才逃过责备。 off the hook adj figurative, informal (freed from punishment)逃过惩罚;逃脱惩罚You're not off the hook yet.你并没有逃脱惩罚。 off the hook adj (telephone: unable to receive calls)断开的I've been trying to get hold of Audrey all day, but I keep getting the engaged tone. She can't have been on the phone this long; it must be off the hook.我一整天都在找奥德丽,但一直忙音。她不可能打那么久电话,她一定是断线了。 on the hook expr figurative (caught, ensnared)落入圈套;中计The saleswoman knew the customer was on the hook as soon as she told him about the discount.Robert is a real smooth-talker and he's certainly got Angela on the hook. tow hook n (curved device used to pull a vehicle)拖钩Bob attached the tow hook to the front end of his car to pull it onto the tow truck.




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