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词汇 artificial life
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artificial lift───人工升举

artificial lives───人工生命;人造生命

artificial light───人造光

artificial aid───人工辅助

artificial aids───副扶助

artificial eye───假眼

artificial gene───人工基因




In the wild in breeding, and in artificial life, we see the emergence of variation.───在野生环境、人工饲养环境以及人工生命环境里, 我们都看到了变异的显现.

Therefore the field of artificial life is broad and eclectic in considering all avenues to complexity.───因此,就所有复杂途径而言,人工生命领域是广阔而折中的.

It may come as a shock, then, that mere mortals have now made artificial life.───这也许会让人们为之震惊,然而,人类现在确实可以创造出生命。

But organic and artificial life share a set of characteristics that we begun to discern.───不过,有机的和人工的生命共享一套我们刚刚学会辨别的特性.

Artificial life acknowledges new lifes and a new definition of life.───人工生命承认新生命形式的存在及对生命的新定义.

On the face of it, then, artificial life looks like a wonderful thing.───从表面上看,人造生命似乎是一个杰作。

The financial system suffered cardiac arrest and had to be put on artificial life support.───金融体系心跳骤停,不得不进行人工急救。

Yet artificial life suffers from the same malaise that afflicts its cousin, artificial intelligence.───然而,人工生命跟它的表亲人工智能有着同样的弊病.

Mickey Mouse is one of the ancestors of artificial life.───米老鼠是诸多人工生命前辈中的一个.

But Chris Langton doesn't find the prospect of artificial life creating its own civilization so goofy.───但是,克里斯?朗顿并不觉得对创造自己文明的人工生命的期望是愚蠢的.

I stopped by Pixar to see what kind of artificial life they hatching.───我顺便拜访了皮克斯(Pixar)公司,想看看他们到底在孵育什么样的人工生命.

Having infiltrated computers, artificial life will henceforth never retreat from being in some computer, somewhere.───同样, 人造生命一经渗入计算机,就永远留在计算机的某处,永远不会消失.

Artificial life algorithm is a new optimization technology, with the original idea coming from Darwin's evolutionism.───人工生命算法是一种新兴的优化技术, 其思想来源于达尔文进化论.

We could say that computer viruses are the first examples of emergent artificial life.───我们可以说计算机病毒是自然发生(emergent) 的人工生命(artificiallife)的第一例.

After all, computer viruses are forms of artificial life.───毕竟, 计算机病毒是人造形式的生命.


More recently, however, the field of artificial life has concentrated on producing lifelike behaviours.

In this thesis two fields related to artificial life are studied, one is pattern formation, another is vision model of virtual creatures.

Digital artificial life research is based on the original work of Stanislaw Ulam and John von Neumann at Los Alamos Laboratory during the 1940s.

Pattie Maes, an artificial life researcher at the MIT Media Lab, abhors goggle - and - gloves virtual reality.

The people on the ship have to create an artificial life form because their computer has failed.

Artificial life algorithm is a new optimization technology, with the original idea coming from Darwin's evolutionism.

When they become smarter, of course, artificial life constructs will have to go out to work.

Introduce the use of artificial life for image processing. The method associates each pixel in an image with a life such as an ant or a cell and it evolves according to a system of rules.

Therefore the field of artificial life is broad and eclectic in considering all avenues to complexity.

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  • artificiality synonym
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  • artificially defined
  • artificially definition
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  • artificiality psychology




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