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词汇 headed
释义 headedUK:*/ˈhɛdɪd/US:(hed′id) See also: head主要翻译 headed adj (notepaper: personalized) (信纸)有抬头的,有信头的On the bedside table of the hotel room was a pad of headed notepaper. headed, -headed adj (having a head type or number)有…头的;头是…的备注: Used in combination备注: 中文无相应后缀用法In Greek mythology, Cerberus was a three-headed dog. headed, -headed adj as suffix (having a certain mentality)精神…的;头脑…的备注: Used in combination: e.g., cool-headed备注: 中文无相应后缀用法 headed, -headed adj as suffix (object: having a type of tip) (物体)是…头的备注: Used in combination: e.g., flat-headed备注: 中文无相应后缀用法 headed, -headed adj as suffix (group: having a type of leader) (群体)由…带领的备注: Used in combination: e.g., female-headed备注: 中文无相应后缀用法 其他翻译 headed adj (article: having a heading) (文章)带标题的The editor wants to put a headed story at the top of page 5. headed adj (plant: that forms a head) (植物)发芽的;生长的The headed cabbages have done well this year, but the headed lettuces have been less successful. headed adj (provided with a head)有头的;带头的The man was holding a headed cane. 复合形式:headed | head bald-headed adj (having no hair)秃头的 be headed for [sth] (US), be heading for [sth] (UK) v expr (be going towards [sth])前往,朝…出发The tour group is currently headed for Central Park, located in the center of Manhattan. be headed for [sth] (US), be heading for [sth] (UK) v expr figurative (have [sth] as likely consequence)很可能招致,很可能面临They are heading for disaster; the company has run out of cash and they have no assets to sell. big headed, big-headed adj figurative, informal (conceited)自负的;自命不凡的备注: hyphen used when term is before a nounThe excessive praise for his last project has made him big headed.他上一个项目获得的过分赞扬使他变得自负。 bigheaded, big-headed adj figurative, pejorative, informal (conceited) (非正式用语)自大的,自负的Alfie is so bigheaded, he thinks all the girls in his class must fancy him. bullheaded, bull-headed adj figurative, pejorative, slang (stubborn)倔牛似的,固执的,死心眼的 clearheaded, also UK: clear-headed adj mainly US (lucid)头脑清醒的 cool-headed adj (calm, rational)沉着的;冷静的Even under pressure she always managed a cool-headed reply.即便面对压力,她也总是能镇定反应。 empty-headed adj (unintelligent, silly)愚笨的 hard-headed, hardheaded adj (stubborn, unwilling to take advice)固执的;顽固的He is so hard-headed he refused to turn back even when it was obvious we were on the wrong road. hard-headed, hardheaded adj (unsentimental, pragmatic)不感情用事的,不受感情左右的;非常理智的Some people find them unsentimental, but my hard-headed methods have always been effective. headed for adj (destined for, going to)向…走去;前往 hotheaded, hot-headed, hot-tempered adj (easily angered)易激动的;性急的My hotheaded boss loses his temper over the slightest mistake.我那位易激动的老板会因很小的错误就发怒。 level headed, level-headed adj (sensible, reasonable)头脑冷静的;头脑清醒的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounI'm surprised he panicked - he's normally such a level-headed person. lightheaded (US), light-headed (UK) adj (dizzy, faint)头昏眼花的;头晕目眩的;眩晕的I'm feeling lightheaded; could we rest for a moment? muddleheaded (US), muddle-headed (UK) adj informal (confused, scatterbrained)糊涂的,混乱的,丢三落四的 pigheaded, pig-headed adj figurative, pejorative, slang (stubborn) (俚语)愚蠢的,愚顽的,顽固的I'm afraid my husband can be incredibly pig-headed at times. red-headed adj (having auburn or ginger hair)红发的Red-headed people usually have fair skin that sunburns easily.What's the name of that red-headed actress who was in the film we watched last night? shaven-headed adj (with head hair shaved off)剃光头的 thickheaded, thick-headed adj informal, figurative, pejorative (stupid, unintelligent) (非正式用语,比喻,轻蔑语)头脑简单的,愚钝的,笨的 tow-headed adj (with light blond hair)金色头发的;淡黄色头发的 white-headed adj (person: with white hair)白发的 wrongheaded (US), wrong-headed (UK) adj (person: misguided) (人)判断错误的,坚持错误想法的 wrongheaded (US), wrong-headed (UK) adj (policy, idea: ill conceived) (政策、意见、想法等)错误的,不对的




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