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词汇 ham
释义 hamUK:*/ˈhæm/US:/hæm/ ,(ham)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 ham n (leg meat of a pig)火腿Sheila gave Kelsey a whole ham because she wanted her to eat more meat.因为希望凯尔西多吃些肉,席拉给了她一整根火腿。 ham n as adj (containing ham)带火腿的;含火腿的Tim makes the best ham sandwich you've ever had.蒂姆做的火腿三明治会是你吃过的最好吃的。 其他翻译 ham n informal (person: joker)开玩笑者;滑稽的人Dave is a bit of a ham, he doesn't take anything seriously.戴夫是个有点喜欢开玩笑的人,他从不认真对待任何事情。 ham n informal (performer who overacts)表演过分夸张的演员;表演过火的演员This actor is a ham, he's not very convincing.这个演员演技浮夸,表演不太有说服力。 ham, radio ham n informal (amateur radio user)无线电业余使用者The radio ham fiddled with the knobs to get the right frequency.业余无线电使用者摆弄着各个旋钮,想要获得正确的调频。 ham, ham it up vi informal (overact)表演过火;夸张过头Fred decided to ham his act up a bit when the audience didn't react.当观众没什么反应时,弗雷德决定表演地夸张一点。 动词短语 ham [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (be ridiculous, draw attention)夸张地表演;过火地表现 复合形式: cured ham n (smoked pork meat)腌制火腿The cured ham has been hanging for three weeks in the cupboard. ham bone n (bone in pork thigh)猪腿骨They say you can make a delicious broth with a ham bone, but I have never tried. ham hock n (pig meat: leg cut)猪腿肉 ham it up vi informal (overact, perform in an exaggerated way) (非正式用语)演得过火The kid was really hamming it up, and the crowd loved it. ham sandwich n (bread with ham)火腿三明治Pete was eating a ham sandwich. ham steak n (thick slice of ham)火腿牛排When she goes out for breakfast, she always orders ham steak rather than bacon. ham-fisted, ham-handed adj (clumsy, unskilled)笨手笨脚的 knuckle of ham n (pork joint)猪肘;猪蹄A knuckle of ham is best cooked slowly to keep the meat tender. Parma ham n (cured meat)帕尔玛火腿




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