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词汇 glance
释义 glanceUK:*/ˈglɑːns/US:/glæns/ ,(glans, gläns)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 glance n (glimpse)瞥视;扫视He had a glance at the newspaper headline.他扫视了一下报纸上的大标题。 glance vi (look)扫视;瞥见She couldn't help glancing towards the clock every five minutes.她忍不住每隔五分钟就瞥一眼钟。 glance at [sth/sb] vi + prep (look quickly at)朝…投去一瞥;望…一眼Mark kept glancing at the door to see if his date had arrived. We glanced at each other discreetly.马克一直在瞟门口的位置,想知道约会对象到没有。我们悄悄地瞥了彼此一眼。 glance up vi + adv (look briefly upwards)朝上看一眼;往上瞥一眼The soccer player glanced up before crossing the ball into the penalty area.这名足球运动员在将球传到禁区前眼睛往上瞥了一下。 glance down vi + adv (look briefly downwards)朝下看一眼;往下瞥一眼Sarah glanced down at the contents of her plate.萨拉往下瞥了一眼自己盘子里的东西。 glance off [sth] vi + prep (be deflected by)略过;擦过The shot glanced off a defender and went into the goal.这一射门,球与防守队员擦身而过,球进了。 glance back vi + adv (look briefly behind)往后看一眼;向后看一眼As she walked away, she glanced back to see if he was still there.当她离开时,往后看了一眼,想知道他是否还站在那儿。 其他翻译 glance n (deflection)偏斜的一击;偏斜The glance resulted in a score for the opponents.这个擦击球导致对手得一分。 glance n archaic (gleam)亮光;闪光There was a glance of light from her diamond ring. glance vi (flash)闪烁;闪耀She waved her ring so the light would glance off it.她挥动戒指,让光线在戒指上闪烁。 glance [sth] vtr (deflect)使偏向;使转向He glanced the ball to the boundary.他打出一记擦击球,球飞向边界。 复合形式: at a glance adv (with one quick look)一瞥,一眼,晃眼一看,匆匆一看 at a glance adv figurative (quickly, rapidly)迅速地,匆匆地,快地 at first glance expr (initially)一开始;乍看之下It was a good plan at first glance, but later we realized it was a dud. cast a glance over [sth] v expr (survey quickly)瞟了一眼;匆匆地看了一下;随便看了看Just before her guests arrived, she cast a glance over the table to be sure everything was in place. glance away vi + adv (look away quickly)一瞥;扫一眼 glance over vi + adv (look quickly)浏览;粗略地看I barely dared to look at Megan, but when I did glance over, she was smiling. glance over [sth] vi + prep (examine quickly)浏览;瞥了一眼... shoot a glance at [sb], dart a glance at [sb], cast a glance at [sb] v expr (look quickly at)瞟了某人一眼 shoot [sb] a glance, cast [sb] a glance v expr (look quickly at)瞟了某人一眼 steal a glance at [sth/sb] v expr (look quickly, furtively at)偷偷地瞥…一眼;偷看…一眼She stole a glance at him when she thought he wasn't looking.




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