

词汇 good eggs
释义 good eggs
good eggs发音



good egg───讨人喜欢的人,有趣味的人

goose eggs───零分;青肿块;鹅蛋

goody bags───(制造商为了推销而免费)的礼品袋;促销袋

bad eggs───坏蛋;不可信任的人

good Joes───祝你好运

good guy───好家伙(电影鬼娃新娘中的玩偶)

good guys───好家伙;好孩子

good jobs───好运;幸运的事情;干的不错

good news───好消息;福音;喜讯;福音


Bad elements hold sway, while good people are pushed around.; The bad eggs wielded power, while the good people were oppressed.───坏人当道, 好人受气

A good old English breakfast is that you have a load of cereal and then bacon, eggs, tomatoes.───一顿好的传统英式早餐包括一条燕麦面包、培根、鸡蛋、西红柿。

These were all labeled as good eggs.───这些都被标为新鲜的鸡蛋。

We take them out in order to prevent any bad things happing to the good eggs.───我们剔除它们是为了防止任何坏的情况在好的卵上发生。

Eg. Go and get me some good eggs.───去给我买些新鲜鸡蛋来。

Research on the Deviation Control Method of the Number of Good Eggs of Bombyx Silkworm Eggs'Samples───桑蚕种样本良卵数偏差控制方法研究

Deviation Control Method to Samples of Number of Eggs in Percentage of Good Eggs of Silkworm, Bombyx mori───桑蚕种良卵率调查中样本间卵粒数的偏差控制方法

Studies on the Investigating Method of Percentage of Good Eggs for Hibernating Egg of Silkworm, Bombyx mori───家蚕越年种良卵率调查方法研究


No good eggs with this drouth.

  • good you know
  • good wheat
  • good prices
  • good exercise
  • good end
  • good thanks
  • good honey
  • good goods
  • good foot
  • goods and services
  • good living
  • good example of sharing
  • good looking cars
  • good guess
  • good side
  • good question
  • good moon
  • goodbye li ping
  • good lord
  • good ningt
  • good humor




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