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词汇 filthy
释义 filthyUK:*/ˈfɪlθi/US:/ˈfɪlθi/ ,(fil′thē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 filthy adj (very dirty)肮脏的The pig was filthy after rolling around in the mud and manure.在粪肥和泥巴里打滚儿之后,这只猪浑身肮脏不堪。 filthy adj figurative (words)下流的,淫猥的;污言秽语Nate's mom threatened to wash his mouth with soap when she caught him using filthy language.因为他说脏话,纳特的母亲威胁要用肥皂洗他的嘴巴。 filthy adj figurative (unfair, cruel)卑鄙的;无耻的Sarah played a lot of filthy tricks on her younger siblings when she was a teenager.萨拉十几岁的时候对弟弟妹妹们耍了许多卑鄙的把戏。 其他翻译 filthy adj figurative, slang (superb, effective) (俚语)非常有效的,特棒的Brian bought a filthy new hat; all of his friends were jealous.布莱恩买了一顶很酷的新帽子,朋友们全都很羡慕。 复合形式: filthy lucre (money)不义之财;臭钱;烂钱 filthy rich adj figurative, slang (extremely wealthy) (俚语)非常富有,很有钱,富得流油You have to be filthy rich to own a house in that neighborhood.




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