glottal stops───声门闭锁音
global scope───全局范围
bottle top───瓶盖
cotton top───棉质上衣
flag stop───招呼站
gamba stop───腿部止动器
Sometimes' t's aren't pronounced at all, especially in words with two 't's grouped together (this is known as the glottal stop, and is common in American English pronunciation).───在一些地方会发成h - yuman be - in。有时字母t根本就不发音,尤其是两个T在一起的时候(这叫作塞音停顿,在美国英语里面很普遍)。
Qaddafi, " as does the New York Times, because the letter Q is typically used to render the glottal stop that is so common in Arabic and that begins Qaddafi's name.───纽约时报》把卡扎菲的名字拼成Qaddafi,因为阿拉伯语中常见的声门塞音通常可以翻译成Q,而卡扎菲的姓名开头就是这个音。
The rhyme inventory only has one nasal coda and one glottal stop coda.───韵母系统里只有一个鼻尾,一个喉塞尾。
Glottal stop did not exist according to the structure of original phonology in Japanese.───根据日语原始的音韵结构,最先没有促音。
The phonological characteristics and correction of glottal stop after cleft palate surgery───腭裂患者声门爆破音临床特点及其矫治
Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop───拉丁文字母竖翻喉塞音符
Latin Letter Glottal Stop With Stroke───拉丁文字母喉塞音符随以划