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词汇 fault
释义 faultUK:*/ˈfɔːlt/US:/fɔlt/ ,(fôlt)UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 fault n (responsibility, blame)责任;过失;过错The accident was my fault, as I wasn't looking where I was going.事故的责任在我,当时我没有看路。usage: ‘to blame’If someone is to blame for something bad that has happened, they caused it.I knew I was partly to blame for the failure of the project.The study found that schools are not to blame for the laziness of their pupils. fault n (defect in [sth])缺陷;毛病;故障There is a fault in this machine; it keeps switching off.这台机器有点毛病;总是不断关机。 fault n (flaw in [sb]'s character)缺点;不足One of Brian's faults is that he is oversensitive to criticism.布莱恩的缺点之一就是对于批评太过敏感了。 fault n (tennis, sports) (网球)发球失误,犯规The server had two foot-faults against him.这名网球员发球有两次脚误踩线,十分不利。 fault n (geology: crack in the earth) (地质)断层There is a fault close by that causes the earthquakes.附近有一个断层,这是造成地震的原因。 其他翻译 fault vi (make a mistake)弄错The horse faulted in its gallop.马在疾驰中犯了一个错。 fault [sb/sth] vtr (criticize [sb], [sth])批评,责备,指责;挑剔I couldn't fault his performance in any way.他的表现无可指摘。 复合形式: at fault adj (responsible, to blame)有责任;有过失;出差错 double fault n (tennis: two bad serves) (网球)双发失误 double-fault vi (tennis: serve a double fault) (网球)双发失误 fault line n (geology: crack in the earth) (地理)断层线,断裂线,裂纹线Built on a fault line, the city of Ephesus was destroyed by earthquakes. fault-tolerant, fault tolerant adj (computing: providing backup) (计算机)容错的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. faultfinder, fault-finder n (critical person)挑毛病的人;挑剔的人;找茬的人Faultfinders have complained that the film is full of historical inaccuracies. faultfinding (US), fault-finding (UK) n (criticism, nitpicking)挑毛病;挑剔;找茬 faultfinding (US), fault-finding (UK) adj (critical)爱挑毛病的;吹毛求疵的;爱找茬的 find fault v expr (criticize)挑剔;找茬 find fault with [sb/sth] v expr (criticize [sb/sth])找...的茬;埋怨 no-fault adj (claim, etc.: without blame)无过失的 no-fault insurance, also US: no-fault auto insurance n (cover regardless of blame)不追究责任的保险备注: 指无论损失责任方在谁,都由保险公司承担责任,目的是避免驾驶员等被起诉You can take out no-fault insurance where insurers pay the cost of all minor injuries resulting from an accident.你可以购买不追究责任保险,如果发生事故,承保方会负责赔付所有轻伤的支出。 to a fault adv (almost excessively)过分地




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