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词汇 father
释义 fatherUK:*'father', 'Father': /ˈfɑːðə/US:/ˈfɑðɚ/ ,(fä′ᵺər)UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 father n (male parent)父亲;爸爸My father is fifty years old today.我爸爸今天满50岁。 Father n (male parent)父亲备注: As a name, or in direct address.Father was a strict man.父亲生前是很严厉的。 Father n figurative (priest, clergy)神父Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.原谅我,神父,我有罪。 father n figurative (founder)创始人;奠基者The fathers of the American Constitution were wary of government.美国宪法的创始人对于政府制度存有戒心。 其他翻译 father n figurative (ancestor)祖先;先人Our fathers came to this country many centuries ago. father, Father n very dated (old man)老头;老大爷Old father James is coming to visit. father n figurative (leading man)元老The city fathers decided to build a new town hall. father n figurative (precursor) (比喻)创始人,鼻祖Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. Father n (theology: God) (宗教)上帝, 天父Let me suffer no more, Father! the Father n (Trinity: God) (基督教)圣父The Trinity refers to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. father [sb] vtr (beget)成为…的父亲;做...的父亲He fathered seven children. father [sth] vtr (author, originate)创立;创始He fathered the new law on education. father [sb] vtr dated (act as a father)如同父亲般对待The orphanage director fathers the children in his care.这位孤儿院的院长如父亲般照顾着孩子们。 复合形式: Father Christmas n UK (Santa Claus)圣诞老人Father Christmas had filled the children's stockings with presents. father figure (fatherly man) (像父亲一样的人)父亲形象 father-in-law n (spouse's father)岳父;公公My father-in-law treats me like his own daughter.我的岳父对待我就像他的亲身女儿一样。 Father's Day n (annual celebration day for fathers)父亲节This year, Father's Day falls on Sunday 21st June. I always make sure to call my dad on Father's Day. foster father n (father by temporary adoption) (无正式的法律收养关系)非亲抚养养父 Founding Father n usually plural (man who established US constitution) (美国)开国元勋,合众国之父Our Founding Fathers would be turning in their graves if they knew the sorry state our country is in now. the Holy Father n (Roman Catholicism: the Pope) (罗马天主教)教皇Hundreds of people showed up in hopes of seeing the Holy Father in person. like father, like son expr (he behaves like his father)有其父必有其子 only-begotten Son of the Father n Bible (Christianity: Jesus Christ) (指耶稣基督)圣父的唯一儿子 stepfather, step-father n (parent's husband)继父;后爸;后爹My stepfather has no biological children.我的继父没有亲生的孩子。




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