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词汇 fact
释义 factUK:*/ˈfækt/US:/fækt/ ,(fakt)UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 fact n (truth)事实;现实It is a fact that dolphins are mammals.事实就是海豚是哺乳动物。usage: ‘fact’A fact is an item of knowledge or information that is true. It may help you to know the full facts of the case.The report is several pages long and full of facts and figures.Be carefulDon't talk about ‘true facts’ or say, for example, ‘These facts are true’. fact n (reality)真实,真实情况;现实,实际情况This political thriller is more fact than fiction.这部政治惊险片真实多于虚构。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我们的话确实让他伤心了,我们不能再逃避这一事实。 facts npl (data, information)详细情况,事实情况We shouldn't make a judgement before we have the facts. The facts set forth herein are personally known to me.搞清楚事实前我们不应擅作判断。这里列出的事实是本人所知晓的。 其他翻译 fact n (science: observed truth) (科学)客观事实,客观现象Observe the chemical process and write down the facts.观察该化学过程并记录你观察到的客观事实。 fact n (alleged truth)可证实的事实His facts are not the same as mine.他所宣称的真相和我所了解的不一样。 复合形式: accepted fact n ([sth] commonly believed to be true)公认事实;被广泛接受的事实It's an accepted fact that cigarettes cause severe health problems. after the fact expr (afterwards)事后He had no knowledge of the robbery until after the fact. after the fact expr (added after concluded)事后的Conditions added to a contract after the fact are invalid unless both parties agree to them. as a matter of fact expr (in fact, on the contrary)事实上;实际上I'm not ignoring your brother; as a matter of fact, I invited him for dinner tonight.我不是在无视你弟弟,事实上,我还邀请他来吃今晚的晚餐。 attorney-in-fact n US (lawyer acting on behalf of [sb])委任代理人 before the fact adv (beforehand) (法律)作案前By acting before the fact, a company can save time and money by anticipating problems. despite the fact that conj (even though)尽管Despite the fact that he had revised really hard, Billy could not answer a single question on the exam paper.尽管他真的很努力地复习,但比利仍无法解出试卷上任何一道题。 empirical fact n ([sth] known from direct experience)经验性事实 established fact n ([sth] proven)已证明的事实;已确认的事实It is an established fact that children do better academically in single-sex schools. fact family n (set of number bonds) (数学)加减数和;加减运算组 fact of life n ([sth] unavoidably true)生活现实,无法改变的事实 the fact of the matter n (the truth)实际情况;事实真相 fact sheet n (information page)情况报道;情况说明书The fact sheet explains the pertinent details of the car. fact-checker n (researcher: verifies information)信息核查员 fact-checker n (service: verifies information)事实查核 fact-checking n (verifying information reported)事实核查;真相核查 fun fact n often pl (amusing piece of trivia)趣事;趣闻 hard fact n ([sth] harsh but true)严酷的现实The hard fact was that I had failed, and nothing could change that. in actual fact adv (in reality)事实上;实际上In actual fact, she never even graduated. in fact adv (in reality, actually)事实上;实际上He claims to be highly educated when, in fact, he left school when he was 16.他声称自己受过高等教育,但实际上他16岁就已辍学。 in fact adv (furthermore, so much so that)此外,而且;甚至,以致于These vegetarian burgers are as tasty as meat ones; in fact, they're even better.这些素食汉堡和肉汉堡一样美味,甚至更好吃。 in point of fact expr (actually)事实上,实际上 in view of the fact that expr (given that)考虑到…的事实In view of the fact that it's raining hard, we are going to cancel the game. indisputable fact n ([sth] that cannot be denied or disproved)无可辩驳的事实It is an indisputable fact that the sun rises in the east. inescapable fact n ([sth] that cannot be contradicted)无法逃避的现实It is an inescapable fact that the world is facing catastrophically dangerous climate change. know for a fact, know for a fact that, know [sth] for a fact v expr (with certainty)知道,确定I know for a fact that she made over $1 million last year. matter of fact n (actual fact)无可否认的事实备注: Hyphens are used when the term is an adjectiveWe're not dealing with matters of fact here, only wild opinions. matter-of-fact adj (practical, straightforward)实事求是的;实际的James spoke about what he had seen in a matter-of-fact manner. relevant fact n (pertinent information)相关事实The criminal's race is not a relevant fact in the case against him. significant fact n (important piece of information)重要情况 the fact remains that adv (nevertheless)事实是,然而 undeniable fact n ([sth] incontrovertible)不可否认的事实It is an undeniable fact that we will all die one day. well-known fact n ([sth] of which many people are aware)众所周知的事实It is a well-known fact that smoking causes cancer.




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