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词汇 escape
释义 escapeUK:*/ɪˈskeɪp/US:/ɪˈskeɪp/ ,(i skāp′)UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 escape vi (get away)逃跑,逃开,逃走,逃出; (宇宙飞船等)逃逸,脱离The prisoners have escaped.囚犯们逃跑了。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 宇宙飞船脱离了地球引力的束缚,向太空飞去。 escape from [sth/sb] vi + prep (flee, run away from)从…处逃离;从…处逃跑The prisoner escaped from his jailers.囚犯从狱卒眼皮子底下逃走了。 escape from [sth/sb] vi + prep (avoid, evade)逃避;回避He goes out to work on the car to escape from his mother-in-law.他到外面去修车以此回避见他的丈母娘。 escape [sth/sb] vtr (get away from)逃离;逃避The refugees crossed the border to escape the war.难民穿越边界以逃避战争。 escape [sth] vtr (elude)躲开;逃避;躲避The boy escaped punishment by blaming his friend.那男孩把责任推到朋友身上,逃避了惩罚。 escape n (breakout)逃脱;逃跑The prisoners' escape shocked everyone.囚犯逃跑震惊了每个人。 其他翻译 escape n (evasion)逃避;躲避Reading was an escape from his parents' arguing.阅读是他对父母争吵的逃避。 escape n (means of escape)逃跑方法;逃脱方法There was an escape beneath the window in case of fire.一旦发生火灾,窗户下有逃生通道。 escape n (leakage) (气体、液体等)泄露There was an escape of gas in the basement.地下室有气体泄漏。 escape vi (avoid capture)逃脱The criminal escaped just before the police arrived.犯罪分子在警察即将到达前逃脱。 escape vi (leak) (气体、液体等)泄漏,逸出The fumes escaped into the atmosphere.浓烟逸入空气中。 escape vi (memory: fade)淡忘;淡去The memory of her face has escaped with the passage of time.随着时间流逝,记忆中她的面容也逐渐淡去。 escape [sb] vtr (forget)被…忘记;让…想不起来I know the face, but his name escapes me.我认识他的面孔,但记不得他的名字了。 escape [sth/sb] vtr (inadvertently slip)不慎发出, 不慎说出;逸出;脱(口)而出A swear word escaped her lips. 复合形式: escape artist n (escapologist)逃脱术大师;脱身术表演者Harry Houdini was a famous escape artist.哈利·胡迪尼是知名的逃脱术大师。 escape artist n informal (prisoner who frequently escapes) (非正式用语)屡次越狱的犯人 escape clause n (releases [sb] from a contract)例外条款There's an escape clause which allows us to terminate the contract if necessary. escape hatch n (door to an emergency exit) (飞机,船舱的)逃生门,救生口,紧急出口Submarines usually have only one escape hatch; it is also the way in. escape mechanism n figurative (way of avoiding reality) (心理)逃避机制Getting high with his friends was an escape mechanism. escape room n (puzzle-solving activity)密室逃脱 escape route n figurative (way out: of situation) (比喻)逃避路线,逃走路线 escape route n (exit route: in emergency) (本义)疏散通道,逃生路线 escape velocity n (speed: escapes gravity)逃逸速度;第二宇宙速度 fire escape n (emergency stairway)火灾安全出口;太平梯;太平梯In the event of fire, please use the fire escape to descend to the ground floor. have a narrow escape v expr (experience a brush with danger)险险逃脱;幸免于难Mary had a narrow escape when a car nearly hit her. lucky escape n (near miss)侥幸逃脱 way of escape n (exit route)逃离路线;逃生路线The flight attendant indicated the lighted ways of escape on the airplane. way of escape n figurative (means of evading [sth])规避方法I didn't want to attend the conference, but there was no way of escape.




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