pumy stone───浮石
army cutworm───行军切叶虫
army surplus───军队盈余
going strong───强健的;良好的
armed struggle───武装斗争
come on strong───给人以强烈印象
course they should leave when the Iraqi army is strong enough to take over; of course they should leave if Iraq's government, for whatever reason, asks them to do so.───当然,如果伊军强大到足够接管国家,美军应该离开;如果伊拉克政府无论如何也要赶他们走,美军也应该离开。
The government had previously been opposed to the demobilization of its 100,000 strong army.───该政府以前曾反对将其10万人的强大部队遣散。
The army strong with one enemy ten!───众强以一敌十!
Try to sacrifice the mini subs with the least amount of health to keep your army strong and minimize your losses from the attack.───努力牺牲那些血量尽量少的迷你潜艇来保证你的部队的战斗力同时使你的损失降到最小。
I saw an army strong and mighty,───我看见一支强大的军队
and then there's army strong───然后,有强大的军队
- army ant
- army strong
- army green
- army base
- army ees
- army games
- army day
- army ako