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词汇 do
释义 doUK:* strong: /duː/ /dəʊ/, weak: /dʊ/ /də/US:/du; unstressed dʊ, də/US:(do̅o̅; unstressed dŏŏ, də; Mus. dō)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 do [sth] vtr (fill your time with) (具体工作)干, 做What are you doing this afternoon? When Peter retired, he didn't know what to do all day.你今天下午打算做点儿什么?彼得退休后不知道整天该干点什么。 do [sth] vtr (create, make)创作;制作As an artist, he did fabulous things with scrap metal. What a lovely painting; did you do it?他是一位艺术家,能用废铁做出非常杰出的艺术品。这幅画真漂亮,是你创作的吗? do [sth] vtr (carry out, attend to: task, job)做;干;进行某事I'll do the dishes, since you cooked.既然你做了饭,那就我来洗碗。 do [sth] vtr (work as [sth] for a living)从事What do you do for a living? George's mother is a bus driver; I don't know what his father does.你做哪一行为生?乔的母亲是一位公交车司机,至于他父亲是做什么的,我不了解。 do vi informal (fare, manage)进展;进行How are you doing on that project? It looks as though you're doing well with your homework.你那个项目进展得怎样?看来你的家庭作业进展不错啊。 do vi informal (progress) (非正式用语)进行, 进展How are your kids doing in school? I didn't do well at school.你孩子们的学业怎么样?我上学那会儿成绩不好。 do v aux (used to form question)[用以构成疑问句]Do you have a pen? Do you know where the dog is?你有笔吗?你知道狗去哪了吗? do v aux (used to form negative)[用以构成否定句]I do not know.我不知道。 do v aux (used for emphasis) (表强调)确实, 的确, 真的I do love you, honestly!我真的爱你! do v aux (used in positive commands)一定;务必Do come over for a visit!一定要来做客哦! 其他翻译 do n informal (event)事件;大事Jane bought a red dress for the big do.简为了这次盛大的活动买了一条红裙子。 do, doh n (first note of musical scale) (音乐)[第一个音符do]The teacher sang 'do, re, mi' and then the children joined her.老师唱“哆来咪”,孩子们也加入进来。 do n abbreviation, informal (hairdo)发型;发式Sarah's work colleagues all admired her new do.莎拉的同事全都喜欢她的新发型。 do vi informal (be satisfactory)满足…的需要;对…足够Will this do for you, or should I work on it some more?这个能满足你的需要吗?要不然我再加工一下? do vi (behave)行事;行为Do as I say, not as I do.照我说的去做,别照我做的去做。 do vi informal (be in a stated condition) (非正式用语)身体处于某种健康状况Is she doing any better than yesterday?她比昨天好点了吗? do vi (suffice)足够;够了Will decaf do, or should I go out and get some real coffee?脱咖啡因咖啡行吗,还是说我该出去买点真正的咖啡? do vi (used in place of an earlier verb) (为避免重复)[代替其他动词]We see things as you do. do [sth] vtr informal (produce) (非正式用语)生产, 制作The dressmaker could do six dresses in a day. do [sth] vtr (cause an effect)造成;导致Drugs can do a lot of harm.毒品可能造成很大的伤害。 do [sth] vtr informal (study) (非正式用语)学习, 研究攻读We haven't done trigonometry yet. do [sth] vtr informal (prepare)准备;筹备I'll do the drinks; you just keep everyone entertained.我来准备饮品,你去招待大家就行。 do [sth] vtr (make effort)努力It doesn't matter if you pass the exam or not; just do your best.能不能考及格不重要,你只要尽力就行了。 do [sth] vtr (theatre: present, perform) (剧院)表演;演出We're doing Hamlet next. That comedian does a great stand-up routine.我们下一场演出是哈姆雷特。那位喜剧演员的即兴表演很不错。 do [sth] vtr informal (cook) 没有提供翻译 ;做;烹饪I'm going to do a roast this weekend. do [sth] vtr (have custom of) (非正式用语)剪(头发),做(发型)We don't do that sort of thing here. do [sth] vtr informal (appearance: prepare) (非正式用语)给…美甲Sally spends an hour every day doing her makeup, hair, and nails. do [sth] vtr informal (write) (非正式用语)写作His next idea is to do a book on the history of Wimbledon. do [sth] vtr (traverse, cover) 没有提供翻译 We did five hundred miles in two days. do [sth] vtr informal (decorate) 没有提供翻译 ;装点They did the baby's bedroom in yellow, just in case. do [sth] vtr informal (travel at a given speed) (非正式用语)按照…速度旅行They were doing thirty miles an hour when the other car struck them. do [sth] vtr informal (travel, sightsee) (非正式用语)观光, 旅行, 游览We're going to do the Riviera this summer. do [sth] vtr (act, take action)行动起来Don't just sit there, do something!别光坐那儿,行动起来! do [sth] vtr informal (drugs: take)吸(毒);服食(毒品)You're acting really strangely; have you been doing drugs?你的举动真的有点怪,是一直在吸毒吗? do [sb] vtr UK, informal, often passive (prosecute) (非正式用语)起诉;控告The police don't have enough evidence, so they aren't going to do Lisa for that burglary after all.I heard Mathew's been done for speeding again. do [sth] to [sth] vtr + prep (cause effect on)在…上引起了;对…造成了That rugby game has done a lot of damage to the grass.橄榄球比赛给草坪带来了严重破坏。 动词短语 call on [sb] to do [sth], call upon [sb] to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (request that [sb] do [sth])要求某人做某事The union called on the workers to support a strike.工会号召工人支持罢工。;count on [sb] to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (trust, rely on)指望某人做某事;相信You can count on her to be on time.你可以相信她会准时到场。 do away with [sth] vtr phrasal insep slang (eliminate, get rid of) (俚语)摆脱;消除,排除,废除To improve the overall quality of our milk, we wanted to do away with the use of antibiotics on our cows.为了提升牛奶的总体质量,我们想废除在奶牛身上使用抗生素的做法。do away with [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (kill, murder) (俚语)杀掉,干掉,除掉He was a liability to our gang, and we knew sooner or later we would have to do away with him.他是我们帮派的隐患,我们知道,迟早都要除掉他的。do [sb] down vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (criticize)批评…;指责…do for [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (kill, destroy)除掉...;毁掉 [sb] in vtr phrasal sep slang (person: kill) (俚语)杀害Trotsky's assassin did him in with an ice [sb] in vtr phrasal sep slang (make tired) (俚语)累垮;令...疲劳This heat will do me [sth] in vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (injure)在...时伤到了;在...中...受伤I did my ankle in playing [sth] out vtr phrasal sep informal (decorate)装饰…do [sth] out in [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (decorate)以...装饰 [sth] over vtr phrasal sep (redo, do again)重做The report was a mess, and the boss made me do it over.报告一塌糊涂,老板命令我重做。do [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (redecorate) (非正式用语)修缮, 修饰Mike is doing up the house in order to sell it.为了卖掉房子,迈克正在进行修缮。do [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (zipper, buttons: fasten) (非正式用语)扣上, 系紧Do up your buttons; it's freezing outside.把扣子扣上,外面特别冷。do [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (garment: fasten) (衣服)扣好,系好Come on honey, let grandma do up your coat.快点,亲爱的,让奶奶帮你扣好大衣。do without vi phrasal (abstain)没有…也行;不用;没有...也凑合着过We've run out of milk; you'll have to do without until I can get to the shops.我们的牛奶喝完了。在我去商店之前,你只能暂时凑合一下了。do without [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (endure not having)没有…将就;离开...过活James can't do without his morning coffee, so he has bought himself an espresso machine.詹姆斯无法做到早上不喝咖啡,所以他给自己买了一台浓缩咖啡机。gear up to do [sth] vi phrasal figurative, informal (increase work rate)提高效率以做某事This business needs to gear up to beat our competitors.这项业务需要提高效率以打败我们的竞争对手。;prepare to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (get ready to)准备;为…做准备Prepare to die, scum!resolve to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be determined to)下决心They are resolved to vote him out of office.For this New Year, I resolve to lose ten pounds.set out to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (intend)想要做;打算要做I didn't set out to hurt you; I'm sorry if what I said was upsetting.我不想伤害你。如果我说的让你难过,我对此表示歉意。;set out to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (undertake)着手做;动手做He set out to mend the fences, but ran out of wire before he was halfway done.stoop to, stoop to (do) [sth] vtr phrasal insep (debase yourself, condescend)自贬身份;屈尊降贵I wouldn't stoop to respond to a question from them.want to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (have a desire to)想要做某事If you want to come, get in the car!如果你想来,就上车! 复合形式: able to do [sth] expr (capable of doing)能做到,能够做到The only people able to afford to buy a house in this area are millionaires.只有百万富翁才能买得起这一片的房子。usage: ‘able’If someone is able to do something, they can do it either because of their knowledge or skill, or because it is possible. He wondered if he would be able to climb over the fence.They were able to use their profits for new investments.If you use a past tense, you mean that someone has actually done something. We were able to reduce costs.➜ See can - could - be able to be able to do [sth] v expr (can, have the ability to do)能,能够Claire wasn't able to reach the jar on the top shelf.克莱尔够不到最上层的罐子。 be about to do [sth] v expr (on the point of doing)正要做…的时候,正准备做…时I was just about to step into the bath when the doorbell rang.我正要进入浴室时,门铃响了。 ache to do [sth] v expr (yearn, long to do)渴望做(某事);想做(某事)When it's this cold, I ache to go to the Bahamas.冷成这样的时候,我就很想去巴哈马群岛。 actuate [sb], actuate [sb] to do [sth] vtr (motivate [sb] to do [sth])激励...做... adjure [sb] to do [sth] vtr (appeal or command: [sb] to do [sth])命令...做某事;要求...做某事 admonish [sb] to do [sth] v expr (warn [sb] about doing [sth])警告;告诫The judge admonished the witness to tell the truth. advise [sb] to do [sth] v expr (counsel [sb] to do)建议某人做某事I advised him to eat before the flight.我建议他在上飞机前吃点东西。 afford to do [sth] v expr (have enough money)承担得起…的费用;买得起Now that I'm unemployed I can't afford to go on holiday.我失业了,承担不起度假的费用了。 afford to do [sth] v expr figurative (be able to do)有余力做…备注: "Afford" in this sense usually follows a derivative of "can."The army cannot afford to fight on two fronts at once.部队无力同时两线作战。 afford to do [sth] v expr figurative (risk)担负得起做某事带来的风险,经受得住做某事带来的后果备注: "Afford" in this sense usually follows a derivative of "can" or "be able to."He can't afford to let her speak badly of him.他担负不起任由她说自己坏话的后果。 afraid to do [sth] adj (hesitant)不敢做某事的;害怕做某事的I'm afraid to jump from the bridge into the river.我不敢从这座桥上往水里跳。 agree to do [sth] v expr (consent)同意做…;对做…表示同意Olivia's parents agreed to let her go to the party. aim to do [sth] v expr figurative (intend, aspire)意图做,打算做,想要做When I play, I aim to win.我玩就是想要赢。 all you can do n (your only recourse)你唯一能做的When something bad happens, all you can do is make the best of it. all you can do n (everything you are capable of)你能做的一切All you can do is whine; you never fix your problems. allow [sb], allow [sb] to do [sth] vtr (let: [sb])同意;允许;许可Will your parents allow you to go to the dance?你爸妈让你去舞会吗?usage: ‘allow’ and ‘permit’Allow and permit are followed by an object and a to-infinitive clause.He allowed me to take the course.They do not permit students to use calculators in exams.You can say that people are not allowed to do something or are not permitted to do something.Visitors are not allowed to take photographs in the museum.Children are not permitted to use the swimming pool.You can also say that something is not allowed or that it is not permitted.Running was not allowed in the school.Picnics are not permitted in the park. allow [sth], allow [sth] to do [sth] vtr (enable by neglect) (因疏忽)任凭;听任By not applying the handbrake, he allowed the car to roll down the hill. allow [sb/sth] to do [sth] v expr (make possible to do)使…能够做The new tramline will allow residents of this neighbourhood to reach the city centre in just ten minutes.新铺设的电车轨道将使这个社区的住户能够在十分钟内到达市中心。 allow me to do [sth] interj (offer)允许我Miss, allow me to open the door. anticipate [sth] to do [sth] v expr (expect)预期;预料;预计The doctor anticipated the results of the blood work to arrive on Tuesday, but they were delayed.医生预计血液检查的结果将在周二拿到,但最后却推迟了。 be anxious to do [sth] v expr (be eager)渴望做某事,急迫地想做某事The avid fans were anxious to meet their favorite author.狂热的粉丝们急迫地想见到他们最喜欢的作家。 appeal to [sb] to do [sth] v expr (ask)呼吁某人做某事;请求某人做某事The Senator appealed to his fellow legislators to vote for more aid to the poor.参议员呼吁其他议员投票,同意为穷人提供更多帮助。 appear to do [sth] v expr (seem to do)看起来像;似乎Jenny appears to know what she's doing.珍妮似乎知道她在做什么。 arrange to do [sth] v expr (schedule)安排做某事,计划做某事I haven't seen you in a very long time. We should arrange to do something.我已经很久没有见到你了。我们应该安排一下。 arrange for [sb] to do [sth] v expr (make preparations)安排某人做某事They arranged for a babysitter to take care of the children.他们安排了一位保姆来照顾孩子。usage: ‘arrange’Don't use a that-clause after manage. Don't say, for example, that you ‘manage that something is done’. Say that you arrange for something to be done.He had arranged for me to be met at the airport.Don't say that you ‘manage that someone does something’. Say that you arrange for someone to do something.I had arranged for a photographer to take pictures of the team. be arsed to do [sth] v expr UK, vulgar, slang (willing to make effort)愿意做…;乐意做…备注: Used in the negative, in questions, or when there is doubt.The story's quite good so far, but I don't think I can be arsed to read the whole thing. ask [sb] to do [sth] v expr (request that [sb] do [sth])请求某人做某事My sister asked me to pass the salt.我妹妹请我把盐递过去。 aspire to do [sth] v expr (aim to do [sth])热望;渴望I aspire to master at least one foreign language.我渴望掌握至少一门外语。 assent to do [sth] v expr (consent, agree to do [sth])同意;赞成She said that she had never assented to marry the man.她说她从来没有答应嫁给那个男人。 assign [sb] to do [sth] v expr (charge with a task)分配;指派;选派(某人做某事)They assigned Cheri to bake cookies for the luncheon.他们指派谢利为午宴烤饼干。 at liberty to do [sth] adj (unconstrained)不受限制的;不受支配的;自由的The police were not at liberty to discuss details of the case with the press. attempt [sth], attempt to do [sth] vtr (try)试着;尝试;努力I will attempt to talk to him on Monday.我会在周一试着跟他谈谈。usage: ‘attempt’ used as a verbIf you attempt to do something, you try to do it. Attempt is a more formal word than try.Some of the crowd attempted to break through the police lines.Rescue workers attempted to cut him from the crashed vehicle.Be carefulYou don't say ‘The crowd attempted and break through or `The crowd attempted breaking through’. authorize [sb] to do [sth], also UK: authorise [sb] to do [sth] v expr (permit officially to do)授权…做…Marla authorized her assistant to file the papers with the city. bachelor party (US), stag night, stag party, stag do (UK), buck's party (AU) n (party for a husband-to-be)男子婚前告别单身聚会Bachelor parties tend to be wild and crazy.We're going to a nightclub for Simon's stag do. bachelorette party (US), hen night, hen party, hen do (UK) n (party for a wife-to-be)女子婚前告别单身聚会 badger [sb] into doing [sth], badger [sb] to do [sth] v expr (pester to do [sth])缠着...做...;纠缠...做...My children badgered me into taking them to the playground.孩子们缠着要我带他们去游乐场。 be allowed to do [sth] v expr (have permission to)被允许;可以If you do not have your passport, you will not be allowed to enter the country. Once they had finished their exams, the students were allowed to leave.如果你没有带护照,你将无法进入该国。学生完成考试后可离去。 be led to do [sth] v expr (be prompted)引向We were led to believe that the chemical was not dangerous, but it turned out to be highly toxic. be of a mind to do [sth] v expr (be disposed to do [sth])有做某事的想法;有意做某事 be out to do [sth] v expr informal (aim, be determined to)设法做某事;试图做某事The candidate is out to make her opponent look weak and unreliable. be set to do [sth] v expr (be ready to: do [sth])准备好做We were all set to leave, but Ann made us wait while she looked for her cell phone. be to do [sth] v expr (be supposed to do [sth])应该Students, you're to arrive at 8:00 so that we can take a group photo.同学们,你们应该8:00集合照集体照。 be willing to do [sth] vtr (agree freely to)自愿去…;愿意…I'm willing to finish the report myself, but you'll have to give me more time.我愿意自主完成那份报告,不过你得多给我些时间。 be wont to do, be wont to do [sth] v expr formal (be in the habit of doing)习惯于做某事 beckon [sb] to do [sth] v expr (call, summon to do)示意;召唤The king beckoned his servant to bring him a drink.国王召唤他的仆人去为他拿喝的。 beg [sb] to do [sth] v expr (plead with [sb] to do [sth])恳求某人做某事She begged her parents to buy her the toy.她求父母给她买那个玩具。 begin to do [sth] vi + prep (start: to do)开始做The water began to boil in the pan.锅里的水沸了。 behoove [sb] to do [sth] (US), behove [sb] to do [sth] (UK) v expr (be right or necessary)对…有必要做;理应做…It behooves me to acknowledge the debt I owe to my precedessor in this role. bend over backward to do [sth] (US), bend over backwards to do [sth] (UK) v expr figurative (make every effort)尽力做某事Linda bent over backwards to please her boss. beseech [sb] to do [sth] v expr literary (beg with [sb] to do) (文学)向...祈求The thief beseeched the king to spare him execution. best able to do [sth] expr (most capable of)在…方面最出色;在…方面最能干The promotion should go to the one best able to handle the responsibility. bid for [sth], bid to do [sth] vi + prep (offer services)为…喊价;为…出价;为…竞标Three construction companies are bidding for the prestigious contract.三家建筑公司都在为名声显赫的合约竞标。 bid [sb] (to) do [sth] vtr formal, dated (direct, command)要求;命令When your mother bids you tidy your room, do so. born to [sth], born to do [sth] adj (having natural talent for [sth])生来注定,天生要She was born to sing. bother to do [sth] v expr (make an effort)费心;费力;麻烦He didn't bother to answer the email.他甚至懒得费心去回复那封电子邮件。 bothered to do [sth] adj informal (willing to make effort)愿意努力做;愿意费心做I'm trying to decide whether I can be bothered to get up today.我在考虑要有没有必要努力起床。 bound to do [sth] adj figurative (more than likely to do [sth])肯定会;必然会You left your wallet on the table; someone was bound to steal it.你把钱包落在了桌上,肯定有人会去偷它。 bound to do [sth] prep informal (likely or certain to)一定会,肯定会That boy is so reckless, he's bound to end up in jail.The vase that was balanced on the edge of the table fell off, which was bound to happen.那个男孩行事太过鲁莽,最后一定会进监狱的。// 不出意料,摆在桌子边缘摇摇欲坠的花瓶摔到地上了。 break your neck to do [sth] v expr figurative (make effort)想尽一切办法We broke our necks to get our candidate elected. bring [sb] to do [sth] v expr (persuade [sb])促使;说服;引导Her speech brought us to accept her point of view. bring yourself to do [sth] v expr (force yourself to do [sth])强迫自己做某事备注: Usually used in the negativeI can't bring myself to see a film that's that violent. but what can you do? expr informal (expressing resignation)但又能怎样?;但又如何?The workers may object, but what can you do; the project has to be done on time. do [sth] by the numbers v expr figurative (do [sth] conventionally, by the rules)按照规定程序;按常规的 calculated to do [sth] prep (intended)旨在;目的是;打算 Can do! interj informal (certainly) (非正式用语)办得到;没问题“Could you move those chairs and tables for me, please?” - “Can do!” can stand doing [sth], also US: can stand to do [sth] v expr (be able to tolerate)能忍耐;能忍受备注: Often used in negative sentences.If you can stand to wait another 10 minutes, I'll walk you home.I can't stand seeing you so unhappy.如果你能再忍上十分钟,我就走路送你回家。// 看到你如此难过,我无法忍受。 can-do attitude n (positive attitude)乐观进取的态度;肯干的态度 can-do spirit n (enthusiasm)积极进取的精神 can't be arsed to do [sth] v expr UK, vulgar, slang (unwilling to make effort)懒得做某事I've lost the remote control and I can't be arsed to get up and change the channel. can't be bothered to do [sth] adj informal (unwilling to make effort)嫌麻烦而不愿意做 cannot help but do [sth], can't help but do [sth] v expr (find unavoidable)不得不;忍不住;情不自禁I cannot help but notice the enormous coffee stain on the front of your white blouse. care to do [sth] v expr (be inclined)想;倾向于I don't really care to play golf today.我今天真的不想打高尔夫。 careful to do [sth], careful about doing [sth] adj (making sure to do [sth])小心做…的;对…很谨慎He is careful about locking the doors before he goes out.出门前,他小心地锁好了门。 cause [sb/sth] to do [sth] vtr (prompt)致使某人做某事The cat ran out into the road, causing Ellen to swerve and crash the car.那只猫闯入机动车道,导致艾伦急转弯撞坏了自己的车。 caution [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep (warn)警告;劝…小心The teacher cautioned her students not to talk to strangers.老师警告学生不要跟陌生人说话。 cease to do [sth] vi + prep (stop)停止做某事 certain to do [sth] expr (bound, sure to do)一定会Lisa is certain to pass her exams. She's been studying so hard.丽萨一直以来都认真学习,她一定会通过考试的。 certified to do [sth] expr (person: qualified) (人)有资质做某事的;经过认证可以做某事的Maddy is certified to teach English. challenge [sb] to do [sth] vtr (demand)要求某人做某事I challenge you to tell the truth!我要求你说实话! be champing at the bit to do [sth], be chafing at the bit to do [sth], also US: chomp v expr figurative (person: be impatient)迫不及待地要做..., 急不可耐地要做...I'm champing at the bit to go on my vacation. charge [sb] to do [sth] v expr (order)命令I charge you to look after the house properly while I am away. choose to do [sth] v expr (decide, prefer)决定He chose to become an architect.他决定当一名建筑师。 claim to do [sth] v expr (achievement: assert)宣称;声称This paint brand claims to cover a larger area than that rival brand.这个油漆品牌宣称自己产品的涂覆面积比竞争对手的产品大。 club together to do [sth] v expr (share cost)凑钱;共担费用The students clubbed together to buy a present for their teacher. coach [sb] to do [sth] v expr (sports: teach [sb]) (体育运动)训练某人做某事,指导某人做某事Bill coached the boys to pass the ball better.比尔指导男孩们如何更好地传球。 coach [sb] to do [sth] v expr (teach, assist)教…做;指导…做The father coached the mother to breathe as she delivered the baby.准爸在准妈分娩时指导她呼吸。 coax [sb] to do [sth] v expr (persuade, entice to do)劝说某人做某事,劝服某人做某事;劝诱某人做某事,哄劝某人做某事They coaxed me to join them for the weekend.他们哄劝我和他们一起共度周末。 combine to do [sth] v expr (unite to have an effect)协力;通力Poverty and physical disability combined to make life challenging for Wendy.贫穷与残疾协力让温蒂的生活充满挑战。 come back to do [sth] v expr (return in order to do [sth])回来Ava left home at 18, but came back ten years later to care for her mother.艾娃18岁离家,但在十年后她回来照顾她的母亲。 Come here often?, Do you come here often? expr informal (chat-up line)你常来这里吗?;常来吗? command [sb] to do [sth] v expr (order to do)命令某人做某事;指示某人做某事The general commanded the troops to attack.将军命令部队采取进攻。 committed to do [sth] adj (obliged)承诺做…;保证做…Rita was committed to speak at the conference that morning.瑞塔承诺那天早晨要在会议上发言。 compel [sb], compel [sb] to do [sth] vtr (force: [sb])强迫某人做某事The threat of being fired compelled Tricia to tell the truth about what she saw.由于害怕被开除,特丽莎不得不说出了目击的真相。 be compelled to do [sth] v expr (be forced, obliged)被迫做某事;不得不做某事 feel compelled to do [sth] v expr (feel obliged)有义务做某事;有责任做某事 condescend to do [sth] v expr (do [sth] demeaning)屈尊做某事;俯就做某事I would never condescend to plagiarize from other sources. condition [sb], condition [sb] to do [sth] vtr (brainwash, affect behaviour)使适应;使有准备;使习惯于Politicians are conditioning the people to accept the policy.政客们在让人们做好心理准备,好接受这一政策。 connive to do [sth] v expr (conspire, plot to do [sth])密谋;蓄谋The executives connived to overthrow the CEO of the company.;consent to do [sth] v expr (agree to do [sth])同意做...;赞成做...Ross consented to take a lie detector test.罗斯同意接收测谎仪测试。 conspire to do [sth] v expr (plot together)共谋;合谋;密谋The three conspired to steal the famous painting.conspire to do [sth] v expr figurative (events: coincide)共同导致Events have conspired to keep us apart these past few months.constrain [sb] to do [sth] v expr (force, restrict [sb])迫使(某人)做(某事);约束(某人)被迫做(某事)I would love to work abroad, but my family responsibilities constrain me to stay in this country.我希望能在境外工作,但我的家庭责任迫使我不得不留在这个国家里。constrained to do [sth] adj (forced to do [sth])被强迫做某事;被强制做某事Ann felt constrained to come to the party even though she didn't want to.content to do [sth], content with doing [sth] adj (satisfied)满足于…的,对做…感到心满意足的She was content to hear about his promotion.听说他升了职,她很满足。continue to do [sth], continue doing [sth] v expr (carry on)继续做After retirement, Jane continued to work as a supply teacher.退休后,简继续在做代课老师。contrive to do [sth] v expr (find a way, arrange to do [sth])设法做到They somehow contrived to arrive hours earlier than we did.convince [sb] to do [sth] vtr (influence to act)说服某人做某事A letter from his mother convinced him to come home after years abroad.could do with [sth] v expr informal (would benefit from)倒不如...The film could do with being an hour shorter.could do with [sth] v expr informal ([sb]: would like)想要I could do with a cup of tea. Would you mind making one?covenant to do [sth] vtr formal (promise: in a contract)签下合约保证做到The Employer covenants to pay the Contractor the stipulated sum.雇主签下合约,保证按规定金额支付承包商。the cue for [sb] to do [sth] n (signal, prompt to action)提示某人做某事的信号When the hostess yawns, that is the cue for her guests to leave.当女主人打哈欠时,那就是提示客人离开的信号。customary to do [sth] expr (normal procedure)按常规该…;惯例是…It is customary to tip 10-15% of the bill at restaurants.餐厅给小费的惯例金额是账单的10-15%。be cut out to do [sth] expr informal, figurative (person: suited)适合做;适合成为;有...的天赋She was never cut out to be a doctor.damn near do [sth] expr slang (almost)差点;几乎Be careful with that cane! You damn near took my eye out!damned if you do, damned if you do and damned if you don't adj figurative (in no-win situation)怎么做都是错dare to do [sth], also UK: dare do [sth] v expr (be brave enough)敢于做;胆敢做Not one of them dared to ride on the ghost train.他们中没有人敢坐幽灵列车。usage: used as an intransitive verbIf you dare to do something, you have the courage to do it. You use dare on its own, or with an infinitive with or without to.I went to see him as often as I dared.It's remarkable that she dared to be so honest. In this meaning, dare is often used in negative sentences and questions. If someone daren't do something, they don't have enough courage to do it.I daren't ring Jeremy again. In American English, the contraction ‘daren’t' is not used. American English uses the full form dare not instead.I dare not leave you here alone.Be carefulYou must use an infinitive without to after daren't and dare not. Don't say, for example, ‘I daren’t to ring Jeremy again'.If you are talking about the past, you say that someone did not dare do something or didn't dare do something. After did not dare and didn't dare you can use an infinitive with or without to.She did not dare leave the path.I didn't dare to speak or move.In formal writing, you can say that someone dares not do something. Dare not is always followed by an infinitive without to.He dared not show that he was afraid.In other kinds of negative sentence, you can use an infinitive with or without to after dare.No one dares disturb him.No other manager dared to compete.In yes/no-questions, you put the base form dare in front of the subject without using an auxiliary verb or modal. After the subject, you use an infinitive without to. Dare she go in?In wh-questions, you use a modal such as would in front of dare. After dare, you use an infinitive with or without to.Who will dare to tell him?What bank would dare offer such terms?dare to do [sth] (US) v expr (be bold enough)无畏于;胆敢于If you dare to dream, anything is possible.只要你无畏于心怀梦想,那么一切皆有可能。dare to do [sth], also UK: dare do [sth] v expr (be impudent enough)有胆量做;敢放肆做I wouldn't dare to enter his office without knocking.不敲门就进他办公室,我还没有胆量这样做。dare [sb] to do [sth] v expr (challenge)挑战某人做某事,刺激某人做某事I dared him to repeat the insult to my face.我让他亲自当面来骂我,看他敢不敢。dare not, dare not do [sth] v expr (lack courage of nerve to do [sth])不敢She dared not ask for a raise for fear she would be yelled at by her boss.decide to (do [sth]) vi + prep (resolve)决定去做;决心去做Lucy decided to do something about her messy hair.露西决定去整整自己一团糟的头发。decline to do [sth] v expr (refuse to do)拒绝做某事I don't know why John has still got a job when he declines to do any work!我不能理解为什么约翰拒绝做任何事,他都还能有工作!defy [sb] to do [sth] vtr (challenge)挑战某人做某事I defy you to tell the difference between these two products.我谅你分不出这两种产品之间的区别。deign to do [sth] v expr (condescend to do [sth])屈尊去做'Thank you for deigning to make an appearance,' said the teacher sarcastically to her student.delegate [sb] to do [sth] vtr (person: appoint)委派某人做某事;任命某人做某事The Swedish government delegated a minister to represent them at the event in London.瑞典政府委派了一名部长代表他们出席在伦敦举办的活动。demand to do [sth] v expr (insist on doing [sth])强烈要求;强要I demand to see the manager!我强烈要求见经理!depend on [sb] to do [sth], depend upon [sb] to do [sth] v expr (rely on [sb] doing [sth])依靠某人做某事;依赖某人做某事I depend on Barbara to drive me to the hospital each week.每周我都要靠芭芭拉开车送我去医院。derring-do n (courage, bravery)英勇行为desirable to do [sth] adj (course of action: recommended)可取的It might be desirable to clear up this mess before you make any more.在制作更多东西前先把这一摊清理干净,也许是可取的做法。desperate to do [sth] adj (person: urgently wishing to do [sth]) (人)极其需要做...的,迫切渴望做...的Gerald is desperate to find a job.杰拉德迫切渴望找到一份工作。destined to do [sth] adj (certain to do)注定This talented young man is destined to make a name for himself in the music business.determine to do [sth] v expr (resolve to do)下定决心...;决意...It was then that Julia determined to swim the English Channel.茱莉亚就是在那时决意游泳横渡英吉利海峡的。determined to do [sth] adj (firmly resolved to)下定决心的;决意做...的Robert is determined to finish his work by Friday.罗伯特下定决心要在周五前完工。dig deep to do [sth] vi + adv figurative (summon strength)奋力;竭力The runner had to dig deep to maintain his [sb] to do [sth] v expr (command)指挥某人做某事;指示某人做某事The man directed his children to clean the directed to do [sth] v expr (be instructed)被指示做某事,被要求做某事,被吩咐做某事I was directed to fill out the form.discipline yourself, discipline yourself to do [sth] vtr + refl (train yourself to do [sth])训练自己做In order to do well in the marathon race, Frank had learned to discipline himself to hold a sustainable pace.disincline [sb] to do [sth] vtr (make less willing)使不情愿;使无意于;使不愿意dispatch [sb] to do [sth], despatch v expr (employee: send to do)指派某人做某事;安排某人做某事Rose dispatched her assistant to deal with the delivery.罗斯安排自己的助手去处理递送事宜。dispose [sb] to do [sth] v expr (make inclined)使某人有做某事的倾向;使某人有意于;使某人愿意做某事;让某人想做某事Elizabeth was normally a peaceful person, but the nonsense she heard at the meeting disposed her to argue.伊丽莎白多数时候是个平和的人,但她在会上听到的谬论让她想要争辩。disposed to do [sth] expr (willing, ready)乐于…的;乐意做…的Jack has never been disposed to help out with school fundraisers.disposition to do [sth] n (inclination)做某事的倾向William has a dangerous disposition to gamble.威廉有危险的赌博倾向。do [sb/sth] a disservice, do a disservice to [sb/sth] v expr (do [sth] unfavorable to [sb/sth])损害;伤害The soldier did his country a disservice by deserting his unit during a double take, also UK: do a double-take v expr (look surprised)再看一眼;再次细看I did a double take when I saw Richard; he looks completely different without a beard!do [sb] a favor, do a favor for [sb] (US), do [sb] a favour, do a favour for [sb] (UK) v expr (do [sth] kind)帮…一个忙Will you do me a favor and post this letter for me?do a good deed v expr (perform a charitable act)做好事;行善事When someone joins the Boy Scouts, one of the requirements is to do a good deed every [sb] a good turn, do a good turn for [sb] v expr (perform a kind act)帮助某人;做对某人有利的事do a job on [sb/sth] v expr (harm or damage)搞砸;弄坏do a job on [sb] v expr (deceive)欺骗;骗取do a number on [sb] v expr US, informal (have a bad effect on [sb])伤害;使...难堪do a runner v expr UK, slang (escape, run away)不给钱就走,匆忙离开We had to do a runner when we realized we had no money to pay at the café.do all the talking v expr informal (be the only one to speak)一个人(不顾他人)夸夸其谈I'll do all the talking when we negotiate the all you can v expr (try hard)尽你所能;尽力而为I did all I could to catch the train, but it was too as you please v expr (do whatever you wish to do)随意;随便;随便After you've finished that task you may do as you battle v expr (fight, struggle)作战We are going to do battle with the board of education on the teacher hiring battle with [sth] v expr (struggle or fight against)与…斗争He did battle with lung cancer for years before better v expr informal (perform to higher standard)做得更好My teacher was disappointed with my grade because she knew that I could do better v expr informal (obtain more)获得更好;找到更好Have you seen her boyfriend? I really think she could do brilliantly vi + adv UK, colloquial (be successful) (口语)干得漂亮;表现出色;成功He had a very slow start but is now doing brilliantly.他起步很慢,但现在非常成功。do business vtr + n (trade)做买卖Africa is often regarded as a challenging continent on which to do business with [sb] v expr (trade or deal with)与…做买卖The US does business with China because each country uses the other's crafts vtr + npl (make things by hand)做手工do credit to [sb], do [sb] credit v expr (present or represent honorably)归功于…;是…的功劳He does credit to his drag vtr + n (performer: cross-dress)变装;穿异性服装do duty as [sth] v expr (substitute for [sth])代班do everything you can v expr (try your hardest)竭尽全力I'm sure the police will catch the burglar; they're doing everything they everything you can to do [sth] v expr (try your hardest to achieve [sth])尽一切努力做某事;竭尽全力做某事Choosing a university is an important decision, so make sure you do everything you can to get it right.上哪所大学是一个重要的选择,所以一定要确保竭尽全力,做出正确的选择。do [sth] for [sb] v expr (do a favor)为某人做某事;帮助某人做某事do [sb] for [sth] vtr + prep UK, slang (catch and punish for: a crime) (通常指犯罪)逮到并惩罚某人做某事do [sth] for a living v expr (work as)做…工作What does he do for a living?do [sth] for yourself v expr (do for your own sake) (不是为了别人)为自己做某事If you're going to study medicine, make sure you're doing it for yourself, not because your parents expect it of [sth] for yourself v expr (have a treat)为自己找点乐子You are always looking out for others, so take a week off to do something for good v expr (perform charitable acts)行善If I were a millionaire, I would use my wealth to do good v expr slang (do well, do [sth] successfully) (俚语)做得成功,干得好You can do good if you just great harm v expr (hurt [sb] greatly)严重地伤害Smoking can do great harm to your great harm v expr (cause serious trouble or damage)严重破坏;严重损坏The hurricane did great harm to the harm vtr + n (hurt [sb])伤害(某人)Chemotherapy sometimes can do more harm than harm vtr + n (cause trouble or damage)造成损坏;造成破坏The surgeon was going to try to remove the tumor without doing more homage to [sb] v expr (pay tribute to)向...致敬The cover band did homage to the Beatles by playing "Yellow Submarine."do homework vtr + n (do after-hours schoolwork)做家庭作业The children have to do homework before they can go out to [sb/sth] justice, do justice to [sb/sth] v expr (present fairly and accurately)真正反映出…,使...得到公平对待Mr. Smith's oil portrait of the Queen really did her justice.Karen's work did justice to her me the favor of doing [sth] (US), do me the favour of doing [sth] (UK) interj (please would you)请帮我做…;请帮我一个…的忙do no harm v expr (avoid hurting anyone)不伤害任何人'Above all, do no harm' is part of the doctor's no harm v expr (avoid causing trouble)不造成任何损害It will do no harm to let her have a glass of no wrong v expr (make no mistakes)不犯任何错He believed that the Red Sox could do no wrong and they would win the no wrong v expr (do nothing improper)不做什么不合适的事He was convinced that his daughter could do no wrong.Do not bend v expr (on envelope) (写在信封上)勿折I wrote 'Do Not Bend' on the envelope that contained photographs.Do not cross v expr (on police cordon)禁止跨越do not disturb v expr written (do not interrupt) (书面语)请勿打扰do-not-disturb adj (sign, notice: not to enter room) (酒店吊牌)勿扰的;请勿打扰的James put a do-not-disturb sign on his hotel door so that he could take a nothing vtr + pron (fail to act)不作为;袖手旁观How can you sit there and do nothing while your son sits in jail?do nothing vtr + pron (have no occupation)没有工作do-nothing adj informal (politics: no action)不作为的do-nothing n informal (person: takes no action)不采取行动的人;光说不做的人;只想不行动的人He has great ideas, but when it's time to act on them he's a number two, do a number two, do number twos, go number two, go number twos v expr infantile (defecate)排便;上大号do or die expr figurative (critical situation)不成功毋宁死;拼命干不畏艰险It's do or die for our team adj figurative (situation: critical)破釜沉舟的;紧要关头的Tomorrow's game is a do-or-die situation for the struggling [sb] out of [sth] v expr informal (deprive, cheat)骗走某人的某物,向某人骗取某物do penance vi (make amends for [sth])赎罪;补偿He's done penance for his mistake and wants to be part of the family porridge vtr + n UK, slang, figurative (serve a prison term) (比喻)吃牢饭;坐牢She's doing porridge for [sth] right vtr + adv informal (do correctly)正确地做After 20 years, he finally learned to do it right.20年后,他终于学会了正确的做法。do right by [sb] v expr (treat fairly)公平对待;好好对待You are going to have to do right by her and marry [sb]'s will v expr (carry out [sb]'s instructions)执行某人的命令do silly things v expr informal (act childishly)做幼稚的事The boys are always doing silly things, like trying to put dolls' clothes on the silly things v expr informal (act foolishly)做愚蠢的事She's done some silly things in her time, but lying to the police? How stupid can you get!Do something! interj (act, be productive)做点儿什么!do the best you can v expr (try your hardest)尽你最大努力Just do the best you can. That's all anybody could ask [sb]'s bidding, do the bidding of [sb] v expr (do as [sb] orders)遵从...的要求;听从…的命令The servants were there to do his the conga, do a conga, dance a conga, dance the conga v expr (dance in a long line)跳康茄舞do the dirty work v expr figurative, slang (perform a disagreeable task) (口语)做苦活,做苦工She no longer had servants to do the dirty work for the dishes, wash the dishes (US), do the washing-up, wash up (UK) v expr informal (wash plates, etc.)洗碗I'll cook for both of us if you promise to do the dishes afterwards. Our dinner guests offered to do the washing-up.如果你保证饭后洗碗,我就为咱们俩做饭。来用晚餐的客人提请洗碗。do [sth] the hard way v expr (make [sth] unnecessarily difficult)吃力不讨好do [sb] the honor of doing [sth] (US), do [sb] the honour of doing [sth] (UK) v expr (do [sth] out of kindness, respect)愿意为某人做某事;有幸为某人做某事do the honors (US), do the honours (UK) v expr (perform a ceremony)尽地主之谊do the honors (US), do the honours (UK) v expr informal, humorous (serve drink or food)带头;领头Time for tea, I think. Shall I do the honors?do the impossible v expr (achieve [sth] not thought achievable)完成不可能完成的任务;迎接巨大的挑战The UN Secretary did the impossible by getting the two sides to sit down for peace the job v expr informal (get the result you want)获得成功;起作用do the nasty v expr slang (have sex)做爱;发生性关系do the right thing v expr (act correctly)做对的事It's not too late for you to start doing the right thing.改邪归正还不晚。do the shopping expr (do the grocery buying for a family, etc.)采购食品杂货;买食品杂货do the trick expr (be sufficient for)达到理想的结果do time vi slang (serve a prison sentence) (俚语)服刑do [sth] to death v expr informal, figurative, often passive (overdo [sth], do [sth] too often)做…得太多;做烦了;做腻了Hollywood has done vampire movies to very little business v expr (have few commercial dealings)做小生意be doing well v expr (thrive)情况不错;状态良好Sarah and Jim are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Grace. Both mother and baby are doing well.萨拉和吉姆很高兴能宣布他们的女儿格蕾丝出生了。母亲和宝宝都状态良好。be doing well v expr (recover)康复得不错A month after her car accident, Mary is doing well.车祸一个月后,玛丽康复得不错。do well vi + adv (be successful)做得好;成功He's doing well in his new job.他在新工作中表现地很好。do well for yourself v expr informal (be successful) (非正式用语)做得好;成功;混得好You've obviously done well for yourself.你显然混得很好啊。do well to do [sth] v expr (be wise)做得对;做得明智You would do well to heed her what is needed v expr (take necessary action)做必要的事;采取必要的行动I know you don't want to put her in a home, but you have got to do what is needed.Do what there is to do. interj (Take the necessary action.)做必要的事;采取必要的行动do what you can v expr (do everything possible)尽你的全力do what you like v expr (do whatever you wish to do)(你)想怎样就怎样;别客气Since you've finished your work, do what you like for the rest of the with what you've got, make do with what you've got v expr (cope, manage)利用你现有的资源做某事do wonders v expr (have a transforming effect)有奇效;极大地改善Healthy diet can do wonders for troubled children.This soap does wonders to remove grass work for charity v expr (volunteer)为慈善事业服务do wrong vtr + n (commit a crime)犯罪do wrong vtr + n (commit a sin)犯下罪孽;造孽do [sb] wrong vtr + n informal (betray, harm) (非正式用语)背叛, 伤害Frankie and Johnny were lovers, but he was doing her wrong with Nellie Bly.Do you copy?, Do you copy me? expr (radio communication)能听见我吗?do your best v expr (try your hardest)尽全力;尽力Just do your best. That's all anybody could your best to do [sth] v expr (try your hardest to do [sth])尽全力做某事Fred did his best to give up smoking, but couldn't keep it your bit v expr informal (contribute)干好分内的事During the war, everyone felt that they had to do their bit for the your duty v expr (fulfil responsibilities)履行你的责任;尽责You should do your duty as a responsible citizen of this your hair v expr informal (style your hair)做头发;打理发型I need the hair dresser to do my hair.Every morning I do my hair so it looks your hair v expr informal (tidy your hair)梳头Just give me three minutes to do my your homework v expr figurative (become informed)做好功课,做好准备do your nut v expr slang (go crazy, be angry)大发雷霆;火冒三丈My mum'll do her nut when she finds out I've dented her car.我妈要是发现我把她的车撞瘪了一块,肯定会大发雷霆的。do your part v expr mainly US (contribute, participate)发挥你的作用Martha did her part to make the event a your shopping v expr (buy groceries)购物do your thing v expr informal (do what you are good at)做某人擅长之事;发挥某人的强项The crowd watched the swimmer doing his thing in the 200-metre breaststroke your thing v expr informal (do what makes you happy)做让自己开心的事Just do your thing and don't worry about what anyone else your utmost v expr (do everything you can)竭尽全力;尽力而为do your utmost to do [sth] v expr (do everything you can to)尽全力做某事do yourself a disservice v expr (disparage yourself)贬低自己,轻贱自己Describing himself as a 'hack' was doing himself a yourself a disservice v expr (hinder yourself)妨害自己;给自己帮倒忙You're doing yourself a disservice with your rude and aggressive comments.你那些粗鲁、得罪人的话只能给自己帮倒忙。do-gooder n pejorative, informal ([sb] with good intentions)社会改良家;行善者Albert complained that do-gooders were always knocking on his door asking for n UK (DIY: home improvement)自己设计装修The problem with do-it-yourself is that people often make mistakes and need to hire a professional adj UK (DIY: done by amateur)自己做的;非请专业人士做的Did you see that patio? - it must have been a do-it-yourself job!你看到那个露台了吗?那肯定是你自己动手做的吧!do-overs npl slang (second chance) (俚语)重新来过的机会, 二次机会When it comes to parachuting, there are no do-overs.在跳伞时是没有二次机会的。do's and dont's npl (set of rules)规则;注意事项Mandy will explain the do's and don'ts of hosting a dinner party.Don't mind if I do interj dated (yes please, with pleasure)好的doomed to [sth], doomed to do [sth] adj + prep (destined, fated)注定要The train passengers were doomed to be stranded in the snow storm.火车上的乘客注定要被困在暴风雪中。dos and don'ts, do's and don'ts npl informal (rules and regulations)注意事项;小提示Here's a useful list of dos and don'ts for keeping tropical fish.down with [sth], down with doing [sth], down to do [sth], down for [sth], down for doing [sth] expr slang (keen to do [sth])支持Sure, I'm down for going hiking this weekend.当然,我支持这个周末去远足。drive [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep figurative (compel, cause)强迫某人做某事The desire to make her parents proud is what drives her to succeed.想让父母为自己感到骄傲的心就是驱使她成功的动力。drive [sb] to do [sth] v expr figurative (motivate)促使某人做某事;驱使某人做某事What drives her to succeed is a desire to make her parents proud.想让父母自豪,这是促使她取得成功的动力。due to do [sth] adj (scheduled to undergo [sth])到期该做…的The car is due to get its oil changed.车该换油了。due to do [sth] adj + prep (expected, supposed to do [sth])预计做;将要做The minister is due to meet with his French counterpart this afternoon to discuss the current economic crisis.大臣预计于今日下午会见法国方面的大臣,一同商讨当前所面临的经济危机。dying to do [sth] v expr figurative, informal (wanting strongly to do)强烈渴望做...;非常想要做...I'm dying to see my family, after spending a year abroad.在国外一年后,我强烈渴望见到家人。eager to do [sth] adj (keen, desirous)渴望做某事,殷切盼望做某事,很想做某事I am eager to show you my new house.我很想给你展示下我的新房子。elect to do [sth] vi + prep formal (choose)选择做某事Party A to the contract elects to commission services from Party B.eligible to do [sth] adj (entitled to receive)有资格做…的;有权利做…的The letter confirmed the family was eligible to receive a government grant to insulate their house.信函确认了这家人有资格接受政府补助金,对其房屋进行保温处理。empower [sb] to do [sth] vtr figurative (give confidence to do)使某人更好地做某事The seminars are intended to empower boys to talk about their mental health.这系列研讨会旨在使男孩子们能更自信地谈论自身心理健康问题。empower [sb] to do [sth] v expr (authorize)赋权给某人做某事The legislation empowers town councils to organize cooperatives.法律赋权给镇委员会组织合作社。enable [sb] to do [sth] v expr (empower, make able to do)使能够做某事;使可能做某事The knife enabled him to cut open the box.刀子使他能够把盒子打开。encourage [sb] to do [sth] v expr (urge, support to do)鼓励…做The teacher encouraged them to discuss the book in class.老师鼓励他们在课堂上讨论那本书的内容。endeavor to do [sth] (US), endeavour to do [sth] (UK) vi + prep (try to)尝试;尽力;努力Do not endeavor to change his mind; you'll regret it.别尝试改变他的想法,不然你会后悔的。engage to do [sth] v expr (commit to do)保证做某事,承诺做某事The government has engaged to assist the organization's aid efforts.政府承诺为该组织的援助工作提供帮助。enjoin [sb] to do [sth] v expr (order, instruct)命令某人做某事;嘱咐某人做某事;吩咐某人做某事The decree enjoined all men over the age of 16 to join the army.entice [sb] to do [sth], entice [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (persuade to do)劝服某人做某事;说服某人做某事Ann tried to entice her boss to close the office early on Fridays.安试图说服自己的老板周五早一点关张。entitle [sb] to do [sth] v expr (give right to do)给...做...的权利;赋予某人做某事的资格This pass entitles you to visit the museum as many times as you like in a week.有了这张通行证,你就能在一周内无限次到访博物馆。be entitled to do [sth] v expr (have the right to do)有权做某事If someone asks you to do something you don't want to do, you are entitled to say no.如果别人叫你做你不想做的事,你有权说“不”。equip [sb] to do [sth] v expr (provide with attributes)使做好准备做某事;使...具备做某事应有的品质My education did not equip me to deal with these hassles.equipped to do [sth] adj (having tools, supplies for [sth])装备的This clinic is not equipped to perform surgery.equipped to do [sth] adj figurative (capable of doing [sth])具备...能力的I am not equipped to deal with this stress!exhort [sb] to do [sth] v expr (urge)劝勉某人做某事;力劝某人做某事The politician exhorted her constituents to speak out about the proposed law.expect to do [sth] vi + prep (believe you will do [sth])认为某人会做某事;预料某人会做某事The England team expect to win their match against Sweden.英格兰队认为他们能够战胜瑞典队。fail to do [sth] vi + prep (not succeed in doing [sth])没有做到,没能做到;做…没有成功They failed to deliver the package in time.他们没能及时将包裹送达。fail to do [sth] vi + prep (omit, neglect)忘记;忽略The directions failed to mention that the road was closed.行车路线里忘了提到道路已关闭。failing to do so, failure to do so n (non-compliance)不这样做的话failure to do [sth] n (neglect, not doing [sth])疏于;缺乏The failure to communicate was responsible for most of the conflict between employees.缺乏交流是员工之间矛盾的主要原因。fall over yourself to do [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be extremely eager)急不可耐做某事;急欲做某事备注: Usually used in continuous tenses.fall to [sb] to do [sth] v expr (task: become [sb]'s to do)…不得不做…;…负责做…far be it from me to do [sth] expr (express reluctance to do [sth])我绝不会;我不要fate [sb] to do [sth] vtr usu passive (destine)注定;命定He was fated to die in the Second World War.他注定在第二次世界大战中身亡。fated to do [sth] expr (doomed to do [sth])命中注定要...的;注定要...的The tour bus was fated to crash along the mountain road.feel free to do [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] freely) (非正式用语)随意做某事;欢迎做某事Please feel free to call if you need any help.Tara told Leo that he should feel free to borrow her car whenever he liked.如您需要任何帮助,请随时打电话给我。//塔拉告诉利奥,只要他愿意,随时可以借她的车。find time to do [sth], find the time to do [sth] vtr + n (activity: fit in)抽空;挤时间(做某事)I am very busy, but I will try to find time to see to do [sth] adj (competent)能胜任;有能力做Amy wants to prove to her boss that she is fit to take on more responsibility.艾米想要向老板证明自己有能力做更多事。fix to do [sth] vtr + prep US regional, informal (prepare to do [sth])处理;解决备注: Usually used in continuous tenses.forbear to do [sth], forbear from doing [sth] v expr formal (abstain from [sth])克制不做…Please forbear from touching anything.forbid [sb] from doing [sth], forbid [sb] to do [sth] v expr (command against)禁止...做...;不准...做...John's parents forbade him to spend any more time with his troublesome friends.约翰的父母禁止他再跟他那些爱惹麻烦的朋友们厮混。forbidden to do [sth] expr (person: prohibited)被禁止做, 不得做You are forbidden to ever come to this library again.你不得再次进入这个图书馆。force [sb] to do [sth] v expr (compel, oblige)强迫某人做某事His father forced him to take out the rubbish.他爸强迫他把垃圾拿出去丢掉。force yourself to do [sth] v expr (make yourself do [sth])迫使自己做某事To make progress you have to force yourself to practice every day.forget to do [sth] vtr (not remember to act)忘记;遗忘I forgot to wash the clothes.我忘记洗衣服了。usage: ‘forget’The past tense of forget is forgot. The -ed participle is forgotten.If you forget something, or forget about something, you stop thinking about it.Alan, having forgotten his fear, became more confident.Tim forgot about his problems for a few hours.If you have forgotten something that you knew, you can no longer remember it. I have forgotten where it is....a Grand Duke whose name I have forgotten.If you forget something such as a key or an umbrella, you do not remember to take it with you when you go somewhere.Sorry to disturb you – I forgot my key.Be carefulDon't use the verb ‘forget’ to say that you have put something somewhere and left it there. Instead you use the verb leave.I left my bag on the to do [sth] expr (at liberty)有做某事的自由;做某事的权利The citizens were not free to criticize the government.公民没有批评政府的自由。free to do [sth] adj (person: available to do [sth]) (人)有时间做,有空做Sandra said that she would be free to help us tomorrow.桑德拉说她明天有时间来帮我们。fumble to do [sth] v expr (rummage)搜寻着去;翻找着去She fumbled to find a pen among all the junk in her handbag.她在手提包里的杂物中翻找一支笔。galvanize [sb] to do [sth], also UK: galvanise [sb] to do [sth] v expr figurative (spur to take action)刺激某人做某事;激励某人做某事Her coworkers' enthusiasm galvanized Nora to finish the project.gather up courage to do [sth], gather up the courage to do [sth], gather the courage to do [sth] v expr (be brave enough to do [sth])鼓起勇气做某事Jane is gathering up the courage to ask her boss for a pay rise.gear up to do [sth] v expr figurative, informal (mentally: get ready)做好心理准备做某事Palmer is gearing up to play in the Denver Broncos' season opener vs. the Indianapolis Colts.帕尔默正在做好心理准备去参加丹佛野马队对战印第安纳波利斯小马队的赛季首场。get [sb] to do [sth] vtr informal (persuade)说服...做某事;劝导...做某事I got him to give me a pay rise.我说服了他给我加工资。have got to do [sth] vtr informal (must) (非正式用语)必须做某事备注: only in present perfectI have got to leave now.get to do [sth] v expr informal (have the opportunity) (与不定式连用)能够, 有机会I get to go to Paris this summer.今年夏天我能去巴黎了。get ready to do [sth] v expr (prepare to do [sth])做好准备做I'm getting ready to run a marathon.我正在做好准备跑马拉松。get to do [sth] v expr informal (have opportunity to do or be)可以;能Now it's the weekend, I finally get to relax!现在是周末了,我终于可以放松了!give [sb] pause to do [sth] v expr (make you stop, think)使某人停下来做某事Samantha's death has given us all pause to reflect on what is important in life.give [sb] permission to do [sth] v expr (allow [sb] to do [sth])同意某人做某事give permission to do [sth] v expr (allow [sb] to do [sth])许可做某事;准予做某事be going to do [sth] v aux (future)将要;打算;准备Jake is going to clean the bathroom later.杰克打算晚些再打扫浴室。go to do [sth] v expr (make a move to do)去做Jake went to brush a stray hair from Leah's cheek, but at that moment she turned away.杰克正要把滑落在利亚脸上的一根头发拂开,但就在那一刻,利亚转过身去。go a long way, go a long way to do [sth] expr (be helpful)对…大有帮助,对…很有帮助The man's generous donation will go a long way to help build homes for needy families.go ahead and do [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] with permission)去做...吧Yes, of course you can have a snack; go ahead and help yourself to whatever you want.是的,你当然可以吃零食了。去吧,你想吃什么就吃什么。go ahead and do [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] without permission) (未经许可)还是做了Sarah's parents said she couldn't go to the party, but she went ahead and did it anyway.I didn't have time to ask my boss if she wanted me to deal with the problem; I just went ahead and did it.莎拉的父母说她不能去参加派对,但她还是去了。//我没有时间问老板是否要我去处理这个问题,于是我就这么做了。go all out to do [sth] v expr informal (make a full effort)竭尽全力,全力以赴;绞尽脑汁,殚精竭虑George went all out to impress his girlfriend.go and do [sth] v expr colloquial (proceed to do)去做...Could you go and get some bread from the shop, please? If you see a crime being committed, you should go and tell a police officer.go and do [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] foolish)做蠢事My stupid brother went and broke his leg the day before the race!我的蠢弟弟居然在赛跑前一天把腿摔坏了!go full monty, be full monty, do a full monty v expr UK, slang (person: be naked) (俚语)全裸The model for the photo shoot went full monty!go on to do [sth] v expr (do subsequently)随后做某事;后来做某事;接着做某事Having acted in movies for thirty years, he went on to direct them.演了30年电影后,他继续从事导演工作。go on to do [sth] v expr (do [sth] next)继续做另一件事;接着做下一件事go to a lot of trouble to do [sth] v expr (make a special effort to)花很多精力做某事;投入许多努力做某事I went to a lot of trouble to prepare a special dinner.goad [sb] to do [sth] v expr (prompt, spur to do)促使The sudden decline in sales goaded the manager to take action.grieve [sb] to do [sth] v expr formal (cause [sb] sorrow)做…使…痛心(悲伤)It grieves me to tell you this terrible news.告诉你这个可怕的坏消息,使我十分痛心。grit your teeth and do [sth] v expr figurative (endure [sth])咬紧牙关忍住(愤怒等)Bill had no choice but to grit his teeth and put up with the situation.grow to do [sth] vi + prep (feel after time)慢慢开始;逐渐开始He grew to appreciate her presence.他慢慢开始欣赏她的存在。happen to do [sth] v expr (chance to)正好做某事, 碰巧做某事Did you happen to see my keys?你有没有碰巧看到我的钥匙?happy to do [sth] expr (willing to do)乐于做某事;乐意做某事If you're hungry, I'm happy to fix you a snack.如果你饿了,我很乐意为你准备一份零食。hard to do [sth] expr (difficult to do)很难;非常艰难This book is hard to hard put to do [sth] v expr (have difficulty doing [sth])难以做某事be hard-pressed to do [sth], be hard pressed to do [sth], also US: be hardpressed to do [sth] v expr (finding [sth] difficult)难以做到某事;很难做某事I would be hard-pressed to tell you the capital of Azerbaijan if you asked me.你要问我阿塞拜疆的首都是哪里,我很难说上来。be hard-pushed to do [sth] v expr (find it difficult to do [sth])境况不佳的,处于困境的hasten to do [sth] v expr (hurry)急忙做,赶紧做,赶忙做Jenna hastened to finish her work.珍娜赶忙完成自己的工作。hate to do [sth] v expr (be unwilling)不愿意做某事,不情愿做某事,不想做某事I hate to have to tell you this, but she's gone.我真不愿意告诉你,但她已经走了。have to do [sth] v expr (must) (助动词)必须, 不得不, 只好I have to finish my homework.我必须完成家庭作业。have a good mind to do [sth] v expr informal (be tempted, inclined to do)想要做某事;倾向于做某事have a lot to do with [sth] v expr (be due to)与…大有干系His success has a lot to do with his father's business connections.have a mind to do [sth] v expr (think about doing)想要做某事I have a mind to tell your parents about what you've been doing.have a right to do [sth], have the right to do [sth] v expr (be entitled to do [sth])有权利做某事have a tendency to do [sth] v expr (do [sth] habitually)倾向于;习惯于;喜欢Be careful of the dog- she has a tendency to steal food from your plate.have better things to do v expr (find [sth] a waste of time)有更好的事情要做I have better things to do than play golf all day.I have better things to do than to argue with you.have [sb] do [sth] v expr (make, lead [sb] do [sth])让某人做某事;带某人做某事He had me take all sorts of tests.have got to do [sth] v expr (must)必须要…I have got to get out of this place.have half a mind to do [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be tempted to do)想要做某事;受...的吸引have means to do [sth], have the means to do [sth] v expr (have resources to)有办法I have the means to make you talk, Mr. Bond!我有办法让你开口,邦德先生!have no chance to do [sth] v expr (not have opportunity)没有做…的机会The swimming pool looked nice, but we had no chance to use it.have no choice but to do [sth] v expr (not have alternative)别无选择只能...We have no choice but to think that you acted irresponsibly.have no plan to do [sth], have no plans to do [sth] v expr (lack intent, organization)毫无计划Bachmann said that she has no plan to launch another presidential campaign.have no plans to do [sth] v expr (not intend)不打算做某事have no right to do [sth] v expr (not be entitled)无权做某事;没有资格做某事You have no right to complain about the situation.have nothing to do v expr (be idle)无所事事;无事可做have other things to do v expr (be busy already)另有要务;有更好的事要做I can't make it to the movies; I have other things to do.have the audacity to do [sth] v expr (be so bold as to)有胆量做…;鲁莽行事;厚颜无耻地…He had the audacity to question his superior's motives.have the gall to do [sth] v expr figurative, slang (be bold enough)厚着脸皮做, 居然有脸做Not only did Emily not pay me back the $20 she owes me, she had the gall to ask if I would lend her another $10. He had the gall to ask whether I was over eighteen.艾米丽不仅没有把欠我的20美元还给我,竟然还厚颜无耻地问我能否再借给她10美元。他竟厚着脸皮地问我是否已满18岁。have the guts to do [sth] v expr slang, figurative (be brave enough)有胆;有种Do you have the guts to tell him the truth?have the heart to do [sth] v expr (be brave or callous enough to do)有勇气做某事;舍得做某事备注: Usually used in negative sentences, and where there is doubt.I don't have the heart to tell the children that their hamster died. Do you have the heart to refuse her?have the right to do [sth] v expr (be entitled to do [sth])有权..., 有资格...We have the right to be here. You can't make us leave.have the wherewithal to do [sth] v expr (have the means)有钱做...That school is very expensive; I don't have the wherewithal to pay the tuition.have to do with [sth] v expr (involve)与…有关The Commission can investigate matters that have to do with members of police force.have to do with [sth] v expr (be related) (指事)与...有关,与...相关Researchers have discovered that much of the risk of having ADHD has to do with genes.have to do with [sb] v expr (concern) (指人)跟...有关,涉及到The last set of questions has to do with you and your [sb] do [sth], help [sb] to do [sth] v expr (assist in doing)帮助某人做某事Paul helped me start my car. I helped an elderly lady to cross the road.保罗帮助我发动车子。我帮助一位老妇人过马路。help [sth], help [sth] to do [sth] vtr (facilitate)使改善;使好转Fibre helps digestion.纤维有助于消化。hen do n UK, informal (party for a bride-to-be)准新娘派对When are you having your hen do?hesitate to do [sth] v expr (be hesitant)对做某事很犹豫,对做某事迟疑不决Jeff hesitated to do anything that might offend anyone.对于可能冒犯任何人的任何事,杰夫都会犹豫不决。home improvement (US), do-it-yourself (UK) n US (do-it-yourself)家居装饰,家装;家居装潢After he retired and had time to spare, Bob got into home improvement.The problem with do-it-yourself is that people often make mistakes and need to hire a professional later.home improvement (US), do-it-yourself (UK) n as adj US (do-it-yourself)自己动手的;自主完成的I'm going to the home improvement store for a screwdriver, some concrete blocks, and a can of paint.Did you see that patio? It must have been a do-it-yourself job!how do dialect (how do you do?)你好吗?How do you do? expr formal (Pleased to meet you.) (招呼语,正式)您好!How do you do? I'm delighted to meet, how-d'ye-do, how-de-do n informal, dated (difficult situation)尴尬局面,困境Well that was certainly a fine how-do-you-do wasn't it?;hurry to do [sth] v expr (make haste)匆忙做某事He hurried to clean his apartment before his date arrived.约会对象来之前,他匆忙地打扫了公寓。I do not know expr (declaration of ignorance)我不知道There is no point asking me; I do not know. I do not know the answer to that complicated math problem!I do. interj (marriage vow)我愿意。Ronald Jacobs, do you promise to love this woman for the rest of your days? I do.ill afford [sth], ill afford to do [sth] v expr (not be permitted the luxury of [sth])负担不起;承担不起备注: "Afford" in this sense usually follows a derivative of "can."Bill's dire financial situation meant he could ill afford a vacation.impatient to do [sth] adj (anxious, eager)迫切的;迫不及待的;焦急的We're impatient to learn if our application has been accepted.我们迫不及待想知道申请是否已被通过。impel [sb] to do [sth] v expr (incite: to take action)促使Harvey was diagnosed with cancer, which impelled his family to donate to the American Cancer Society.implore [sb] to do [sth] v expr (beg to do [sth])恳求I implore you to set me free. I am innocent!be in line to do [sth] v expr (be expected to do)接下来将;继承Prince William is in line to succeed his father to the throne.威廉王子是其父王位的顺位继承人。in order for [sth/sb] to do [sth] expr (so that [sth] happens)为了使…In order for sales to be strong, our department needs to work hard this time to do [sth] expr (not late)及时I got to the concert in time to get a seat at the front.我及时赶上音乐会,抢到了前排座位。incite [sb] to do [sth] v expr (provoke to do [sth])鼓动;煽动The speaker incited the miners to go on strike.incline [sb] to do [sth] v expr figurative (dispose, influence)使倾向于;使有…的趋势The unexpected cheque inclined me to be a little extravagant.这张意料之外的支票让我感觉有点花费过大。be inclined to do [sth] v expr (person: be willing, disposed to do)倾向He thinks she is dangerous and I'm inclined to agree with inclined to do [sth] v expr (person: tend to do)倾向;很可能Don't believe everything my sister tells you. She is inclined to exaggerate.incumbent on [sb] to do [sth], incumbent upon [sb] to do [sth] expr (obligatory for [sb])某人必须履行某事;某人有义务做某事It is incumbent on the bride's father to make a speech at the wedding.新娘的父亲有义务在婚礼上致辞。induce [sb] to do [sth] v expr (persuade)劝诱;诱使inspire [sb] to do [sth] v expr (motivate [sb] to do [sth])激发某人做某事My sister's success in business inspired me to set up my own company.我妹妹下海成功,激发我也成立了自己的公司。instigate [sb] to do [sth] v expr (incite, provoke: [sb])煽动;挑动;挑起We're hoping to instigate the workers to revolt.我们希望鼓动工人反抗。instruct [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep (tell, command [sb])命令某人做某事;指示某人做某事The sports teacher instructed the pupils to sit down.intend to do [sth] v expr (plan)打算;计划I intend to give up smoking, starting tomorrow.我打算从明天开始戒烟。intend for [sth] to do [sth] v expr (mean to cause)打算使…发生She never intended for the gas tank to explode when she lit her cigarette.当她点烟的时候从没想过油箱会发生爆炸。be intended to do [sth] v expr (have as its purpose)有意做;故意做A lure is intended to attract fish.鱼饵是故意用来吸引鱼上钩的。invite [sb] to do [sth] v expr (ask [sb] to do [sth])邀请某人做某事The government invited Laura to work for the mayor.政府邀请劳拉为市长工作。usage: ‘offer to’If you offer to do something, you say that you are willing to do it.He offered to take her home in a taxi.I offered to answer any questions.invoke [sth/sb] to do [sth] v expr (call upon to act)召唤The young family's sad plight invoked us to come to their aid.It doesn't hurt to do [sth] v expr informal (It is a good idea to do [sth])做某事总没错;做某事总没关系备注: Often used in advice: 'it won't hurt' or 'it wouldn't hurt.'I doubt that Simon will lend you his car, but it doesn't hurt to ask!It won't hurt [sb] to do [sth], it wouldn't hurt [sb] to do [sth] v expr informal (It is advisable for [sb] to do [sth])某人可以做某事;建议某人做某事It wouldn't hurt you to at least ask your teacher for more time to do your is advisable to do [sth] expr (it is wise to)…是明智的;可取的When you visit a new city, it is advisable to take a map.itch for [sth] to do [sth] v expr figurative (be impatient for)对...心痒难耐;渴望;热切期望备注: always used in a progressive tenseI'm itching for the summer holidays to start!我热切盼望着暑假的到来!itch to do [sth] v expr figurative (be impatient to)对做...心痒难耐;渴望;热切期望备注: always used in a progressive tenseI'm itching to tell you the gossip about Mandy ...我心痒难耐,想跟你说说曼迪的闲话...join with [sb], join with [sb] to do [sth] vi + prep (cooperate)使结合,使联合;使联姻Business leaders have joined with the government to fight poverty.企业领袖与政府联合起来与贫困作斗争。jump at the chance to do [sth] v expr informal, figurative (accept opportunity to do)热切地抓住做某事的机会I would jump at the chance to meet my sporting hero.just do [sth] v expr (take action)去做…就行了Don't argue with me, just go upstairs and tidy your room!just do it interj (take action, do not hesitate)去做就行了;别光说不练Don't procrastinate over the possible consequences, just do it!just so happen to do [sth] v expr (coincidentally)碰巧;正好I called a plumber, who just so happened to be in the area and came immediately to fix my sink.keen to do [sth] adj esp UK (eager to do [sth])热切盼望He's really keen to come and see you. I am really keen to start working on this project.他热切盼望来见你。我热切盼望着手这个项目。know better than to do [sth] v expr (be wise enough not to do [sth])懂得不该做某事;明白不该做某事know how to do [sth] v expr (be able to do [sth])知道如何…;知道怎么…Do you know how to swim?labor to do [sth] (US), labour to do [sth] (UK) v expr (work to achieve [sth])努力工作以实现;努力做到All the translators labor to make the dictionary as good as possible.所有翻译一同努力,让字典尽量最好。lead [sb] to do [sth] v expr (cause, prompt)引起某人做某事;促使某人做某事Jennifer's interest in animals led her to becoming a vet.詹妮弗对动物的兴趣促使自己成为一名兽医。lean over backward to do [sth] (US), lean over backwards to do [sth] (UK) v expr figurative (make every effort)竭尽全力做某事;尽力做某事leap at the chance to do [sth], leap at the opportunity to do [sth] v expr figurative (seize an opportunity)抓住机会She leapt at the chance to perform with her favourite singer.learn to do [sth] v expr (skill: acquire)学会,学到,习得,掌握Children usually start to learn to walk when they are about a year old.小孩一般在周岁前后开始学走路。leave to do [sth] n (permission for absence)准假;休假做某事My boss gave me leave to study for three months.老板给我准了三个月的假,让我去进修。let [sb], let [sb] do [sth] vtr (allow)允许某人做某事;让某人做某事My wife let me go out with the guys last night.昨晚我妻子允许我与哥们出去玩。be liable to do [sth] v expr (be likely to do [sth])很有可能做某事;一般来说会做某事If someone came in screaming and crying, a normal person would be liable to call the police.如果有人哭泣尖叫着跑进来,正常人一般都会打电话报警。license [sb] to do [sth] v expr (grant permission)批准某人做某事;允许某人做某事The federal government licensed the oil company to dump toxic waste into the water supply.联邦政府批准了石油公司向水供给中倾倒有毒废料。licensed, also UK: licenced to do [sth] expr (person: officially authorized to do)正式许可做...的I'm licensed to drive a taxi in this city.我经批准可在本市驾驶出租车。lift a finger to do [sth], lift a hand to do [sth] v expr figurative (make effort to help)帮忙做某事备注: Usually used in the negative.I wish you would lift a finger to help around the house doing [sth], like to do [sth] v expr (activity: enjoy)喜欢做某事;喜爱做某事Liz likes cooking Thai food.莉兹喜欢做泰国菜。like to do [sth] expr US, regional (almost)几乎…了,快要…了The poor kid like to froze.likely to do [sth] adj (expected)可能会...的;有…倾向的He's likely to be very interested in your offer.他可能会对你的提议非常感兴趣。be loath to do [sth], be loth to do [sth] v expr (be unwilling, reluctant)不乐意做某事;不情愿做某事long to do [sth] v expr (yearn)渴望;想要He longed to be back home with his family.I long to travel, but I don't have the money or the time to do so.long for [sb] to do [sth] v expr (wish [sb] would do [sth])希望某人做某事Miriam longed for Jake to take her in his arms and tell her he loved her.马丽娅姆希望杰克将她揽入怀中,然后告诉自己他爱着自己。look to do [sth] v expr (seek, intend)想要;打算Richard was looking to find a job at the local factory.理查德想要在当地工厂找到一份工作。look to do [sth] v expr informal (intend, seek)盼望;想要I'm not looking to buy a set of encyclopedias right now.我现在并不想要一整套的百科全书。lose the opportunity, lose the opportunity to do [sth], lose the opportunity of doing [sth] v expr (miss the chance: to do [sth])失去...的机会If you ever have the chance to visit Buckingham Palace, you should not lose the opportunity of doing so. Join the queue or you will lose the opportunity to get her doing [sth], love to do [sth] v expr (activity: enjoy)喜爱做某事;爱做某事I love jogging in the park when the weather is warm.天气暖和的时候,我喜欢在公园里慢跑。make [sb] do [sth] v expr (compel)迫使;强迫My parents make me eat vegetables.我父母强迫我吃蔬菜。make [sb] do [sth], make [sth] do [sth] vtr (cause to)导致某人做某事;使某人做某事He never fails to make me laugh.他总是让我开怀大笑。make arrangements for [sb/sth] to do [sth] v expr (organize for [sth] to happen)安排…做I have made arrangements for a taxi to pick you up from the airport.make as if to do [sth], make as though to do [sth] v expr informal (pretend, feint)假装做某事;佯装做某事He made as if to throw the ball, but he actually ran with it instead.make do v expr informal (be content with what is available)知足;凑合We don't have much, but we'll make do.我们虽不富足,不过我们很知足。make do and mend v expr UK (reuse and recycle clothing, etc.)凑合着用make do with [sth/sb] v expr informal (content oneself with)用…凑合The shop had sold out of chocolate ice-cream, so Sally had to make do with vanilla instead.make do with [sth] v expr (do [sth] using limited resources)拿…凑合着对付过去You'll have to make do with what you can carry with you.make poo-poo, go poo-poo, do a poo-poo, have a poo v expr infantile (defecate) (儿语)拉屎;拉粑粑make ready to do [sth] v expr (prepare for action)做好准备Miranda made ready to set out on her journey.make so bold as to do [sth], be so bold as to do [sth] v expr formal (dare to do)敢于;擅自make sure to do [sth] v expr (ensure you do [sth])确保;务必Please make sure to lock all the windows and doors before you leave.在你离开前,请务必将门窗锁严。make yourself do [sth] v expr (force yourself to do [sth])强迫自己做某事Jo made herself smile at the party so that nobody would know she felt sad.make yourself do [sth] v expr (cause yourself to do [sth])让自己做某事I say such silly things, I make myself laugh sometimes.manage to do [sth] v expr (succeed in)设法做到The traffic was terrible today! I'm amazed I managed to get to work on time.他设法准时开始了工作。usage: ‘manage’If you manage to do something, you succeed in doing it.Manuel managed to finish the work on time.How did you manage to convince her?Be carefulUse a to-infinitive, not an -ing form, after manage. Don't say, for example, ‘How did you manage convincing her?’manage to do [sth] vi + prep ironic, informal (do [sth] clumsy) (常指动作笨拙而犯错)竟然做某事I managed to trip over my own feet and fall down the stairs.我竟然自己用脚绊了自己一跤,然后摔下了楼梯。mandate [sb], mandate [sb] to do [sth] vtr (order)命令...做某事;指示...做某事The people mandated the government to restructure.人民要求政府进行重组。mean to do [sth] v expr (intend)有意做;故意做;意欲I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you.我很抱歉,我不是有意要伤害你的。mean (to do [sth]) vtr (intend)打算做某事;想要做某事;意欲做某事Tony means to finish his drink in one gulp.mean to do [sth] vi + prep (be determined)决心做;决定做I mean to win that race, even if it kills me!即便难于登天,我也一定要赢得那场比赛!be meant to do [sth] adj UK (be supposed to do [sth])应该I'm meant to go straight home after minded to do [sth] v expr (disposed, inclined to do)有做某事的倾向的;打算做某事的The teacher told the children that she was minded to put the toys away if they didn't stop arguing.老师告诉孩子们,如果他们不停止争吵,她就打算把玩具都没收。motion [sb] to do [sth] v expr (encourage by gesture)示意某人…With a nod of his head, the boss motioned Frances to continue with her explanation.老板点点头,示意弗朗西斯继续解释。motivate [sb] to do [sth] v expr (stimulate to act)激励某人做某事We need to motivate our staff to generate more profits.move to do [sth] v expr (take action)采取行动He moved to open the door but she grabbed his arm.他要去开门,不过她抓住了他的胳膊。move to do [sth] vi + prep (make a proposal)提议The council member moved to adjourn the session.move [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep (impel emotionally)因感动而做某事Karen was moved to take in the stray dogs.move [sb] to (do) [sth] vtr + prep (cause, provoke)导致某人做某事;促使某人做某事His actions moved her to call the police.nag [sb] to do [sth] v expr (remind constantly)不停催促某人做某事Paul nagged his wife to go to the doctor.保罗不停催促自己的妻子去看医生。ne'er-do-well n (person: lazy, irresponsible)游手好闲的人ne'er-do-well adj (lazy, irresponsible)游手好闲的need to do [sth] v expr (find necessary)需要做;有必要I need to go to the toilet.我需要去趟洗手间。need to do [sth] v expr (must)必须,得,不得不I need to help my parents move.我得帮我爸妈搬家。need do [sth], need to do [sth] v expr (be obliged)有必要做;必须You need not go to so much trouble for me.你不必为我这么劳神费力。neglect to do [sth] v expr (fail to do)漏做; (指做某事)忘记Fred neglected to keep up with his friends, and slowly lost contact with them.弗莱德忘记和自己的朋友联系,慢慢失去了联络。the nerve to do [sth] n figurative, informal (excessive boldness) (比喻)做…是吃了熊心豹子胆The guy had the nerve to talk back to his boss.那个人简直是吃了熊心豹子胆,居然敢和老板顶嘴。no can do expr informal (that isn't possible)无法做;无能为力nominate [sb] to do [sth] v expr (propose: [sb])提议某人做某事I nominate you to go and get us some ice cream.not be entitled to [sth], not be entitled to do [sth] v expr (to have no right to do [sth])无权做某事I am not a member of the forum so I am not entitled to post questions.not do justice to [sth/sb], not do [sth/sb] justice v expr (not show well)对…不能得尽其妙;不能充分显示出…的优点That photograph does not do justice to her beauty.not have anything to do with v expr (be unrelated to)与…无关Baking a cake does not have anything to do with repairing a car.Being smart doesn't have anything to do with being strong.not have anything to do with v expr (avoid contact with)避免与…接触;避免与…扯上任何关系Since she stole my earings, I do not have anything to do with her anymore.I'll not have anything to do with my ex-wife's new husband.not hesitate to do [sth] vtr (act immediately to)毫不犹豫地做某事;立即做某事If you misbehave again, I will not hesitate to contact your nothing to do with [sb], have nothing to do with [sth] v expr (not concern [sb])与...无关Stop listening in to our conversation; this is nothing to do with nothing to do with [sth/sb], have nothing to do with [sth/sb] v expr (be unrelated)与…没有关系;与…不相干You would think that volcanoes have nothing to do with the weather, but they do.My bad mood today has nothing to do with the weather.have nothing to do with [sth] v expr (not get involved)不干涉...;不插足...;不插手...I'll have nothing to do with your plan to steal gold from Fort Knox.have nothing to do with [sb] v expr (not associate with)不与…来往I've had nothing to do with my ex-husband since our divorce.obligate [sb] to do [sth] v expr formal (oblige morally, legally)使…负责;使…承担义务The court obligated the father to pay child support every obligated to do [sth] v expr (be morally or legally bound to do)有义务做Parents are obligated to provide food and shelter for their children.feel obligated to do [sth] v expr (feel morally or legally bound to do)感觉有义务做oblige [sb] to do [sth] v expr (force, obligate [sb] to do [sth])使某人负有义务做某事,使某人(在道义或法律上)负有做某事的责任,迫使Daniel's behaviour obliged his mother to apologise on his behalf.丹尼尔的行为让他妈妈不得不代他道歉。be obliged to do [sth] v expr (be forced, bound to do)有责任做某事;必须做某事be off to do [sth] v expr (leaving to do [sth])离开去做…She tells me she's off to make her fortune in the world of modelling.offer to do [sth] v expr (propose)提议做某事;建议做某事I offered to carry the old lady's shopping bags for her.我提议为那位老妇人提购物袋。omit to do [sth] v expr (fail to do [sth])没有做;忘记做Angela omitted to send David an invitation to the party.only too ... to do [sth] adv (especially)非常…做某事备注: Followed by an adjective.He is only too keen to leave school.opt to do [sth] v expr (choose to do)选择做The children opted to do their homework instead of their chores.order [sb] to do [sth] v expr (command)命令某人做某事I'm ordering you to put that money back and apologize.我在命令你,把钱放回去,向人道歉。ought, ought to do [sth] v expr (should) (表示劝告或建议)应该,应当; (表示预期)应该,应当You really ought to drive more carefully.你真的应该更小心地驾驶。usage: suggestionsYou can make a suggestion about what you and someone else should do by asking a question beginning with ‘Shall we...?’Shall we go out for dinner?You can also suggest what you and someone else should do by using a sentence that begins with ‘Let’s...' and ends with ‘...shall we?’Let's have a cup of tea, shall we?ought to do [sth] v expr (be morally obliged)理应;应当Everyone ought to strive for a fairer society.所有人都应当为一个更加公平的社会而努力奋斗。ought to do [sth] v expr (be likely) (表示可能性)该,应该If we set out at 8am, that ought to give us plenty of time.如果早上8点出发,这样应该就能给我们预留充足的时间了。ought not to do [sth], ought not do [sth] v expr (should not)不该;不应当You ought not to tell your brother what's happened. He might be upset.ought to do v expr informal (should suffice)应该可以;应该够了That patch I put on the roof ought to do until the roofer comes.pain [sb] to do [sth] v expr figurative (cause mental pain) (比喻精神上)做某事使某人痛苦It pains me to see you do embarrassing things like that.看着你做那样尴尬的事情,真让我痛苦。pause to do [sth] v expr (stop for purpose)停下来做某事Oliver paused to think, before continuing with his [sb] to do [sth] v expr (offer money to do [sth])付钱给某人做某事They paid him to redecorate their house.他们付钱给他,让他重新装修他们的房子。pay [sb] [sth] to do [sth] v expr (give money in exchange)给某人…(钱)做某事My dad paid me five pounds to clean his car.我爸付我5英镑,让我给他洗车。pay to do [sth] v expr figurative (be beneficial)对…有利;对…有好处It usually pays to be nice to people.对别人好通常会有好报。permit [sb] to do [sth] v expr (allow to do)允许某人做某事;准许某人做某事Lisa's parents permitted her to go to the party.丽莎的父母准许她去参加聚会。persuade [sb] to do [sth] v expr (cause to do)促使某人做某事;使得某人做某事;说服某人做某事Wendy persuaded Paula to ask the boss for a pay rise.温蒂说服了宝拉去跟老板要求加薪。pester [sb] to do [sth] v expr (keep insisting that [sb] do [sth])喋喋不休地让某人做某事The wife pestered her husband to take out the trash.petition [sb], petition [sb] to do [sth] vtr (make formal request to)向…提出...的正式请求;向...申请做某事Parents petitioned the principal to cancel the assembly.pine to do [sth] v expr (person: yearn)向往;渴望Sasha was pining to get away from her home town.萨沙向往着离开自己的家乡。plan to do [sth] vi + prep (intend)计划;规划We're planning to buy a house next year.我们计划明年买房子。play your part v expr mainly UK (contribute, participate)尽本分Each of us needs to play our part to make the world a better place.please (do [sth]) adv (polite command) (表示礼貌地要求)请Please restart your browser to complete installation.请重启您的浏览器来完成安装。pledge to do [sth] v expr (promise to do [sth])发誓做;许诺做Christina pledged to support her friend through this difficult time.克里斯蒂娜发誓要帮助朋友熬过低谷期。plenty to do n (many tasks to be done)很多要做的事There's plenty to do here if you're bored.plenty to do n (enough to keep one occupied)够忙的了;有够多的事要忙Sorry, I can't help you with that - I've plenty to do already.plot to do [sth] v expr (conspire)密谋;阴谋筹划He plotted to get his boss sacked.他阴谋筹划要让上司被解雇。pluck up courage to do [sth], pluck up the courage to do [sth] v expr (be brave enough to do [sth])鼓起勇气做某事Tina plucked up the courage to tell her parents that she was poised to do [sth] expr (about to do)准备做;准备好做The cat was poised to leap onto the counter when I walked into the room.我走进房间时,猫正准备跳到台子上。predispose [sb] to do [sth], predispose [sb] towards doing [sth] v expr (make likely to do)使...倾向于做...prefer to do [sth] v expr (favor or like more)乐于;更愿意;较喜欢My husband likes to watch television in the evenings, but I prefer to read.我老公晚上喜欢看电视,不过我更愿意阅读。prepare to do [sth] vi + prep (get ready: to do)准备好做;做好准备做Prepare to be amazed!准备好目瞪口呆吧!prepared to do [sth] expr (willing)愿意做;做好做…的准备Helen was prepared to help Sally, as long as Sally didn't expect her to do all the work.海伦愿意帮助萨丽,但前提是萨丽不要求她把工作全部揽下。press [sb] to do [sth] v expr (hurry)敦促;催促Gabrielle pressed her assistant to finish addressing the [sb] to do [sth] v expr (harass)催逼;逼迫;紧逼The bill collector presses debtors to pay, calling at all hours of the day.pressure [sb] to do [sth] v expr figurative (coerce)强迫某人做某事The salesman pressured his customer to buy.销售人员强迫顾客购买。presume to do [sth] v expr (dare)竟敢Are you presuming to tell me what to do?你竟敢对我指手画脚?pretend to do [sth] v expr (feign)假装做某事;装作要做某事Raphaël pretended to eat Audrey's ice cream.拉法尔假装要吃奥德丽的冰淇淋。pretend to do [sth] v expr (playact)假装做某事;装着做某事Veronica pretended to feed her dolls cake.维罗妮卡假装给自己的洋娃娃喂蛋糕吃。pretend not to do [sth] v expr (dissimulate) (忽略)假装, 装作She pretended not to hear him when he said that he loved her.当他说他爱她的时候,她装作没有听见。prevail on [sb] to do [sth], prevail upon v expr (persuade: [sb] to do [sth])劝说;说服He prevailed on the jury to hear of his innocence, but they labelled him guilty anyway.他劝说陪审团自己是无辜的,但陪审团依旧认定他有罪。proceed to do [sth] v expr (do next)接下来做;继续做After a slow beginning, the team proceeded to defeat their opponents.比赛开始比较缓慢,接下来这个队伍打败了对手。prod [sb] to do [sth], prod [sb] into doing [sth] v expr figurative (prompt to do [sth])督促某人做某事Mary resents having to prod her son to finish his homework.profess to do [sth] v expr (claim)声称;自称She professes to know several governors personally.program [sth] to do [sth] v expr (set: to perform a task)设定…做…I programmed the VCR to record the football game.我把录像机设定好,录制足球赛。promise to do [sth] v expr (commit to doing)保证做某事I promise to finish the work by the end of the week.我保证在周末前完成工作。prompt [sb] to do [sth] v expr (encourage [sb] to do [sth])鼓励某人做某事;激励某人做某事It was James's mother who prompted him to apply for university courses.是詹姆士的母亲鼓励了他申请大学。propose to do [sth] v expr (plan, intend)计划做某事,打算做某事Do you really propose to try to swim the Channel without any further preparation?你真的打算不再做进一步准备就游泳横渡海峡?provoke, provoke [sb] into (doing) [sth], provoke [sb] to (do) [sth] vtr (incite [sb] to do [sth])激起某人做某事;煽动某人做某事His article provoked me into writing a letter to The Times.我在他的文章的煽动下,写了一封信给《泰晤士报》。purport to do [sth] v expr (claim to do)声称Amber's research purports to show that eating chocolate is good for you.安柏尔的研究声称能证明吃巧克力对你有好处。push [sb] to do [sth], push [sb] into [sth], push [sb] into doing [sth] vtr (urge, coerce)促使某人做某事He pushed her to go to the store with him.push yourself to do [sth] v expr (strive hard to do [sth])努力去做be pushed to do [sth] v expr informal (have a hard time doing)为难的;处于窘境的be put to it to do [sth] v expr informal (have difficulty)使陷入困境put yourself out to do [sth] v expr informal (go to trouble)不厌其烦地做…;不嫌麻烦地做…She never puts herself out to help [sth] on the qt, do [sth] on the q.t. v expr UK, informal (do secretly)秘密做...qualified to do [sth] expr (having expertise to do [sth])有资格做...Theresa thinks she is qualified to judge other people's parenting even though she has no children.特蕾莎认为即便自己没有孩子,也有资格对其他人如何养育孩子评头论足。qualify [sb] to do [sth] v expr (educate, prepare)使…有资格从事This course will qualify students to teach at secondary level.这堂课程会使学生们有资格从事中学水平的教育工作。qualify [sb] to do [sth] v expr figurative (make eligible, give right)使…有资格做;使…能胜任I think your years of experience as a mother qualify you to give her quick to do [sth] v expr (swift, prompt to do)很快;迅速He was quick to realize that the baby was sick.他很快意识到宝宝生病了。be quick to do [sth] v expr (do [sth] hastily)性急的;仓促的Don't be so quick to make this important decision.raring to do [sth] expr informal (eager, keen to: do [sth])迫不及待;跃跃欲试I'm raring to eat a whole pizza tonight.rather do [sth] than do [sth], rather do [sth] than [sth] expr (prefer to do)更愿意做某事而不喜欢做某事;比起...宁愿做某事I'd rather watch a documentary than read a book.I'd rather go to a bar than the movies.比起读书,我更愿意看纪录片。我更喜欢去酒吧,不喜欢看电影。ready to do [sth] expr (on the point of)即将;马上就He looks like he's ready to jump.看来他即将要跳了。ready to do [sth] expr informal (close to doing)快要;马上要The poor woman looked ready to cry.那个可怜的妇女看起来快要哭了。ready to do [sth] expr (prepared)准备好Are you ready to help?你准备好帮忙了吗?reauthorize [sb] to do [sth], also UK: reauthorise [sb] to do [sth] v expr (give [sb] new permission)重新授权某人做某事recommission [sb] to do [sth] v expr (employ again to do [sth])重新雇用...做refuse to do [sth] v expr (say no)拒不;不愿;不肯The child refused to eat his spinach.这个孩子总是不愿意吃菠菜。reluctant to do [sth] expr (unwilling to do)不愿意做某事,不愿做某事Paul was reluctant to take on new responsibilities at work, as he felt he already had too much to do.因为保罗觉得自己已经有太多事情要做,所以很不愿意承担工作中的新任务。remember to do [sth] v expr (not neglect to do [sth])记得;记着;不忘记Remember to buy some wine for this evening.记得买点葡萄酒今晚上喝。require [sb] to do [sth], require that [sb] do [sth] v expr (order)规定;要求The queen required her subjects to bow.女王规定臣民要向她鞠躬。be required to do [sth] v expr (commanded, ordered)要求做某事;必须做某事You are required to complete this form.你必须完成这张表格。resolve to do [sth] vi + prep (firmly decide to do [sth])决心做某事;决意做某事The detective resolved to discover the identity of the killer, no matter what it took.侦探决心,无论以什么代价,都要查明凶手的身份。reteach [sb] to do [sth] v expr (train again)重新教...做reteach [sb] how to do [sth] v expr (train again)重新教...怎样做ride [sb] to do [sth] v expr US, informal, figurative (harass)不停地数落;唠叨She kept riding him to get him to follow the right to do [sth] v expr (person: do wisest thing)做某事是对的Abigail was right to leave her husband; he was an awful man.阿比盖尔离开自己老公的行为是对的,他完全是个糟糕的家伙。the right thing, the right thing to do n informal (correct action)正确的事,正确做法Of course, the right thing to do would be to confess.rumor to do [sth] (US), rumour to do [sth] (UK) v expr usually passive (report by rumor)据传要做某事The actor is rumoured to be in talks with that major studio.rumored to do [sth] (US), rumoured to do [sth] (UK) expr (believed, reported)据传,据说The company is rumored to be launching a new smartphone later this year.sadden [sb] to do [sth] v expr (make sad)使悲伤It saddens me to see you so miserable.say to do [sth] vtr + prep (order to)说做某事,让做某事Dad says to come and eat dinner right now.爸爸让我现在就过来吃晚饭。scramble to do [sth] v expr (move hastily)仓促行事;匆忙做某事Daisy saw the tree falling and scrambled to get out of the way.黛西看到树要倒了,匆忙避开到一边。see fit to do [sth] vtr (consider appropriate: to do [sth])认为适合Only use as much paint as you see to do [sth] v expr formal (attempt or wish to do [sth])企图做某事, 希望做某事;设法做某事I seek to restore my honour.;show [sb] how to do [sth] vtr (demonstrate)给...演示;通过示范给...教He showed his daughter how to tie her shoes.他给女儿演示如何系鞋带。sign [sb] up to do [sth] v expr (enrol [sb] to do [sth])为某人报名做某事Amanda signed her mother up to do a six-week computer course for beginners.阿曼达为母亲报名参加一个为期六个月的电脑初学者课程。sign up to do [sth] v expr informal, figurative (agree to do [sth])同意做某事Brian signed up to take part in a sponsored bike ride for charity.布莱恩同意参加为慈善机构赞助的自行车骑行。slate [sb] to do [sth] v expr figurative, often passive (put on a shortlist)将…列入做…的候选人名单slog away to do [sth] v expr informal (work hard to do)努力做某事,拼命做某事so do I interj (me too)我也一样!我也是!You think he's crazy and so do I!solicit [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep (persuade [sb] to commit crime) (生意)兜售;招揽The duke had solicited one of his servants to commit the theft.spur [sb] to do [sth] v expr figurative (prompt to take action)激励某人做某事,促使某人做某事;鞭策某人某事Reading about human rights abuses around the world spurred Dan to work for an NGO.丹读到世界各地侵犯人权的情况,这促使他为非政府组织工作。square up to do [sth] v expr (prepare to do [sth])准备好;做好...的准备stand to do [sth] v expr (be in a position)有可能做某事;处于...的情形The investor stood to make a fortune on the deal.那位投资人可能会从这笔生意中发大财。standard time to do [sth] n (usual period required to do [sth])做某事的标准时间The standard time to approve a visa is 6 weeks.steel yourself, steel yourself for [sth], steel yourself to do [sth] vtr + refl (get ready to face a challenge)做好准备面对(挑战);坚强起来,坚强些Steel yourself, because big changes are coming!做好准备,因为大变革就要来了!stimulate [sb] to do [sth], stimulate [sb] into doing [sth] v expr (encourage)激励某人做某事The film stimulated the students into asking questions.strain to do [sth] v expr (strive forcefully)竭尽全力;努力He really strained to make it work.他竭尽全力要修好它。strive to do [sth] v expr (make great effort to)力图;奋力做;尽力做I always strive to do my best at everything I do.我总是尽力做我手头的事。struggle to do [sth] vi (strive to do [sth])努力做;尽力做I'm really struggling to get this right because it's important to me.我真的在努力,想把这件事做好,因为这对我来说很重要。suffer [sb] to do [sth] v expr archaic (allow) (古语)允许某人做某事,许可某人做某事She would not suffer him to plead his suit any further.sufficient to do [sth] expr (be enough for [sth] or [sb])对…来说是足够的;足以Your explanation is not sufficient to answer all my questions.suggest that [sb] do [sth] v expr (propose)建议;提议I suggest that you apologize.我建议你道歉。be supposed to do [sth] v expr (have responsibility, job)应该做He was supposed to finish the report by Monday, but he didn't turn it in until Wednesday.她本应该周一前完成报告,不过她到周三才交。be supposed to do [sth] v expr (be intended, designed)本应;本应当This pen is supposed to write smoothly even in space.这支笔即使在太空中也应当书写流畅。be supposed to do [sth], be supposed to be [sth] v expr (be rumored)据传言;据说This coffee is supposed to be the best, but I don't taste any difference from the cheaper brand.据传言,这种咖啡是最好喝的,不过我没有尝出和廉价品牌比有什么区别。be supposed to do [sth], be supposed to be [sth] v expr US (be thought, suspected)被认为He's supposed to be the author of all those blackmail notes.他被认为是所有那些勒索信件的始作俑者。be supposed to do [sth] v expr (be expected)被预期It is supposed to snow this afternoon.今天下午被预告说要下雪。be supposed to do [sth], be supposed to be [sth] v expr (be planning, scheduled)按计划;照安排The Rolling Stones are supposed to be coming to Vancouver this coming April.The party was supposed to start at 8 but no one showed up until 10.滚石乐队将按计划于今年四月来访温哥华。// 派对按计划是8点开始,不过直到10点才有人来。sure to do [sth] expr (certain to do)一定会做某事,肯定能做某事That horse is sure to win the race; you should put a bet on him.那匹马肯定能赢,你一定要赌他赢。swear to do [sth] v expr (legal: say under oath)宣誓;发誓I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.我发誓,我说的是明白无疑、彻彻底底的真话。swear to do [sth] v expr (promise solemnly to)发誓要做某事I swear to do my best to stay out of trouble.我发誓尽己所能不惹是非。swim the crawl, do the crawl v expr (do overarm swimming stroke)游自由泳During a freestyle swimming race most swimmers choose to swim the crawl.taekwondo, tae kwon-do n (Korean martial art)跆拳道You need to wear a lot of protective gear to do taekwondo.take a long time to do [sth] v expr (require much time)做某事需要很长时间;做某事要很久It took a long time to tidy the apartment.take [sb] a long time to do [sth] v expr (require much time of [sb])做某事需要某人花费很长时间;做某事需要某人花很久It has taken Graeme a long time to get over his divorce.take it in turns to do [sth] v expr UK (do [sth] one at a time)挨个做某事,轮流做某事They took it in turns to drink from the water bottle.take it upon yourself to do [sth] v expr (take responsibility for [sth])承担...的责任;负责James took it upon himself to make the arrangements for the party.take pains to do [sth] v expr (do [sth] very diligently or attentively)努力做某事;勤奋做某事take steps to do [sth] v expr (act)采取行动;采取措施The government should take steps to eliminate poverty.take the opportunity to do [sth] v expr (use your chance to do [sth])抓住机会做某事;趁此机会做某事What a lovely day; I'm going to take the opportunity to sit out in the garden while it's sunny.take the time to do [sth] expr (use extra effort to do favor)花时间做…;不着急做…Leila's kind teacher took the time to explain long division to her after class.take time to do [sth], take the time to do [sth] v expr (make the commitment or effort)花时间去,努力去I'm going to slow down and take time to understand my children better.我需要慢下来,花点时间更好地了解我的孩子们。teach [sb] to do [sth], teach [sb] how to do [sth] v expr (instruct in technique)教某人做某事Dave is teaching his teenage daughter to drive a car.Who taught you how to skate?戴夫正在教他十几岁的女儿开车。是谁教你溜冰的?tell [sb] to do [sth] v expr (command, order)让某人做某事;嘱咐某人做某事;命令某人做某事He told her to clean her room.tell how to do [sth] vtr (describe the manner in which)告知如何If you'll tell me how to bake a pie, I'll bake you one tomorrow.tempt [sb] to do [sth] v expr (entice to do)吸引某人做某事;使某人有兴趣做某事Wendy's stories of her travels through India tempted Karen to go there herself.温蒂印度之旅的故事吸引着卡伦,让她也想亲自去一次。tend to do [sth] v expr (be inclined)倾向于;有...的倾向Julia tends to get upset if anyone makes the slightest criticism of her work.自己的工作稍微遇到一点点批评,洁西卡就有发怒的倾向。tend to do [sth] v expr (is, does often)往往会;经常I tend to do my homework before I eat dinner.我经常会在晚餐前做家庭作业。That will do the job. interj informal (that will suffice) (非正式用语)这样行得通。That'll do the job until you can get to a proper mechanic.things to do npl (tasks to be accomplished)该做的事;要做的事I can't meet you today - I have things to do.Jack had a long list of things to do, but all he wanted to do was sleep.think twice about doing [sth], think twice before doing [sth], think twice before you do [sth] v expr (reconsider prior to doing [sth])三思而后行You should think twice about giving up a steady job to start a PhD.I'd advise you to think twice before you accept this man's proposal; you've only just met him!threaten to do [sth] v expr (to be a menace)可能来临The wall was threatening to fall down at any moment.threaten to do [sth] v expr (speak threats)说威胁的话;恐吓说He's always threatening to fire me.can't do [sth] to save your life expr (extremely bad at [sth])非常不擅长;在...方面极为差劲Heather couldn't bake a cake to save her n informal (fuss, commotion)吵闹,喧闹;混乱,骚乱We put our heads out of the window to see what all the to-do was list n (written list of tasks to be done)任务清单Harry is writing a to-do list of all the chores he needs to do around the list n figurative (tasks to be done)待办事项I haven't mown the lawn yet, but it's on my to-do list.train [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep (person: teach to do)教某人做某事The coach trained her skaters to spin on one foot.教练教她的溜冰学员如何用单脚在冰面上旋转。train [sth] to do [sth] vtr + prep (animal: teach to do) (动物)训练…做某事It is important to train your puppy not to bite.训练狗狗不要咬主人很重要。trouble, trouble to do [sth] vi + prep (make an effort)费力做某事;费心做某事She didn't even trouble to tell me what had happened.她毫不费力地就告诉了我发生了什么。trust [sb] to do [sth] v expr (rely on)依赖;依靠Dan trusts his girlfriend to help him.丹依赖于她的帮助。try to do [sth] v expr (strive)力求做某事I try to do my best.我力求做到最好。try doing [sth], try to do [sth] v expr (endeavor to)争取;努力做Try to do all of your schoolwork tonight.争取今晚把你所有的作业都做完。try your best to do [sth] v expr (make a big effort to do)努力;勉力be unable to do [sth] v expr (be incapable of doing [sth])不能做某事He was unable to climb the mountain because of his asthma.由于身患哮喘,他不能够登顶那座山。understand [sb] to do [sth] v expr (infer)推断某人会做某事;推测某人做某事;猜想某人做某事When my husband says the food I've cooked is "interesting," I understand him to mean he doesn't like it.I understood John to be in Fiji, but I had it completely wrong; he was in Venezuela.undertake to do [sth] v expr (promise to do [sth])保证做某事I undertake to provide for you and make you as happy as I can, for as long as I live.我保证会在我有生之年照顾你,尽我所能地让你开心。undertake to do [sth] v expr (commit to do [sth])负责某事;承担某事The proofreader has undertaken to make the corrections.校对员负责修改错误。unfit to do [sth] adj (inadequate, incapable)不适合做;不能胜任Jenkins is unfit to lead the party because of his extreme views.unprepared to do [sth] expr (not willing)不愿意做The strikers were unprepared to return to work without the factory meeting all of their demands.如工厂无法满足罢工者的要求,他们将不愿回去工作。unwilling to do [sth] adj (reluctant to do [sth])不愿意做某事;不情愿做某事The manager was unwilling to make people redundant just before Christmas, but his superiors had instructed him to do so.经理不愿意在快过圣诞节时裁员,但上司命令他这么做。unwillingness to do [sth] n (reluctance to do)不愿意做Johan's unwillingness to serve on the committee took us all by surprise.unworthy to do [sth] expr (not good enough)不值得做;不配做That man is unworthy to be her husband.那个男人不配做她的丈夫。up and do [sth] v expr (do [sth] unexpectedly)突然起身做With that, the old man upped and left the room.One day, the cat upped and ran up to [sb] to do [sth] adv + prep (be [sb]'s responsibility)由…来…;由…负责…It's up to you to decide where we go tonight.由你决定今晚我们去哪里。urge [sb], urge [sb] to do [sth] vtr (encourage) (具积极性的)催促某人做某事;怂恿某人做某事;鼓励某人做某事;激励某人做某事Helen's teacher urged her to apply for a university place.海伦的老师催促她赶紧申请大学。used to do [sth], used to be [sth] v expr (did, was habitually)过去经常;从前常常备注: Used only in simple past tense.I used to go to the local church when I was young.I used to be very shy.小的时候,我常常去本地的教堂。// 我从前非常害羞。venture to do [sth] vi + prep (dare: to do [sth])冒险做某事After months of liking her, James finally ventured to ask Miranda out.喜欢她好几个月后,詹姆士终于冒险约她出来。volunteer to do [sth] v expr (offer to do [sth])自愿做某事Stella volunteered to go first.史黛拉自愿先去。vouchsafe [sb] to do [sth] v expr formal (deign to allow [sth])恩准某人做某事;准许某人做某事If you would vouchsafe me to speak, I am sure I can explain all of this to your satisfaction.如果您准许我说话,我一定能给您一个满意的解释。vouchsafe to do [sth] v expr formal (promise to do [sth])允诺Lord Alderton vouchsafed to deliver the young people safely home after the ball.vow to do [sth] v expr (promise to do [sth])发誓要做某事Patricia vowed to make the world a better place.帕特丽夏发誓要构建一个更美好的世界。vow to do [sth] v expr (make marriage commitment) (结婚时)发誓要做某事,保证要做某事The happy couple vowed to love and honour each other for as long as they both should live.wait for [sb/sth] to do [sth] vi + prep (await [sth])等待…做…,等…做…We are going to wait for the office to open.我们要去等办公室开门。wanna do [sth] vtr informal (want to)想要"Wanna go for a drink?" Rob asked Sheila.“出去喝一杯吗?”罗伯问希拉。want to do [sth] v expr (would like: to do [sth])想要做;想做;想成为I want to be a doctor when I grow up.长大后,我想做名医生。want [sb] to do [sth] v expr (would like [sb] to do)希望某人做某事I want you to tidy your room.我希望你整理整理自己的房间。warn [sb] to do [sth] v expr (advise to)提醒某人做某事;建议某人做某事Patrick's parents warned him to be careful on his round the world trip. The doctor warned Jane not to overdo things before she was completely recovered.帕特里克的父母提醒他环球之旅的途中要小心。医生提醒简,完全康复之前不要过度劳累。way, way of doing [sth], way to do [sth] n (manner)方式;方法There is more than one way to make a cup of tea.泡茶不止一种方法。way to do [sth] n (means) (做某事的)方法;手段The way to accelerate the project is to add staff.加快项目速度的方法就是增加员工。be welcome to do [sth] v expr (may do [sth])可以做某事的;允许做某事的;可随意做某事的You are welcome to use my washer if you have dirty clothes.如果你有脏衣服,可以随便用我的洗衣机。be well-placed to do [sth] v expr (be in a good position to do [sth])处于做某事的有利地位well-to-do adj (wealthy, rich)富有的,富裕的His clothing made him look rather well-to-do; his accent said otherwise.what do I care? interj (I don't care)我才不管呢!谁管呢!If you want to ruin your life by quitting school, what do I care?What do you do? expr (What is your job?)你在哪高就?;你从事什么工作?What do you know!, Well, what do you know! interj informal (expressing surprise) (表示惊讶)你看怪不怪!真想不到!Hey, what do you know! - we got here on time after all!What do you know? interj informal (you have not informed enough to comment)你知道个什么!You've never even been there! - what do you know?What do you mean? expr (asking for clarification)你是什么意思?I don't know the word "combustion"--what do you mean?What do you think? expr (asking opinion)你觉得如何?;你认为呢?Does this color look good on me? What do you think?When in Rome ..., When in Rome, do as the Romans do expr (act according to local customs)入乡随俗;be whispered to do [sth] v expr (rumored)有传言说;有谣言说;风传说The politician is whispered to be having an affair.据传言,那位政客有外遇。will [sb/sth] to do [sth] v expr (try to influence with thoughts)希望促成...做某事;希望...做某事;决意让...做某事He willed the plant to survive, but it withered in the drought.will do interj informal (expressing agreement to do [sth]) (非正式用语)我同意(那么做)“Joe, please take out the garbage.” "Will do, Mom!"be worth your while doing [sth], be worth your while to do [sth] expr值得花时间做某事;值得花精力做某事It's worth your while reading the reviews before buying a camera.yearn to do [sth] v expr (want: to do)渴望做某事;盼望做某事The little girl sat quietly at her desk, but she was yearning to go outside and play in the sunshine.那个小女儿安静规矩地坐在桌旁,但内心却渴望到外面去,在阳光下玩耍嬉戏。You'd make a better door than a window!, You make a better do than a window! expr (you are blocking my view)你挡住我的视线了




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