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词汇 dive
释义 diveUK:*/ˈdaɪv/US:/daɪv/ ,(dīv)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: diva主要翻译 dive vi (plunge into water) (人,头和手臂先下水)跳水; (潜水艇等)潜下,下潜The boy dove from the top of the cliff into the sea.这个男孩从悬崖顶跳入大海。 dive vi (go scuba diving) (戴水肺的,戴呼吸装备的)潜水Dave had the opportunity to dive on his last holiday.戴维前一个假期有机会潜水。 dive vi (plunge through air) (从空中)俯冲,扑向The acrobats dove into the nets.杂技演员从空中坠入安全网。 dive n (jump into water) (人,头和手臂先下水)跳水The dive caused the water in the pool to splash.跳水使得水池水花飞溅。 其他翻译 dive n informal (squalid bar)低级酒馆;下等酒吧;低级夜总会Why did you ask me to meet you in this bar? It's a dive!你怎么叫我到这家酒吧来和你碰头?这就是家低级酒馆! dive n (plane: descent) (飞机等)俯冲The pilot managed to regain control of the plane and stop its dive.飞行员设法重新控制住了飞机,阻止其向下俯冲。 dive n (scuba diving) (戴水肺的,戴呼吸装备的)潜水The holiday company is organizing a dive for tomorrow.度假公司正在组织明天的潜水活动。 dive n (dash, lunge)猛冲;急冲The goalkeeper's dive for the ball came too late and he missed.守门员猛冲去接球,但为时太晚,错失了。 dive n figurative (stocks, prices: sudden drop) (价格等)骤跌,急跌Share prices have taken a dive since the beginning of the global financial crisis.全球经济危机开始后,股票暴跌。 dive n (soccer, football: faked fall) (足球、橄榄球等)假摔,跳水The player's dive earned him a yellow card from the referee. dive vi informal, figurative (stocks, price: go down) (股票等)暴跌,急剧下降Share prices in the company are diving after the CEO's sudden resignation.首席执行官忽然辞职后,公司股价就开始跳水。 dive vi (go underwater)下潜;潜下水The submarine dove into the depths.潜水艇下潜到深处。 dive vi figurative (plane: decend nose first) (飞机)俯冲The plane's engines failed and it began to dive.飞机发动机失灵,开始俯冲。 dive vi (move quickly)冲向;扑向The spy dived into a doorway.间谍冲进门道。 dive vi figurative (plunge into activity)埋头于;一心扑在...上Martha dived into her new book and read all night.玛莎一心扑在新书上,读了整个晚上。 dive vi (soccer, football: pretend to fall) (足球、橄榄球等)假摔,跳水The player dived in the hope that the referee would award his team a free kick. 动词短语dive | diva dive in vi phrasal figurative (undertake [sth] enthusiastically) (比喻)热切地着手做某事;全身心投入When trying to speak a foreign language, it is best to just dive in and accept that you will make mistakes.在尝试说外语时,最好全身心投入,接受自己可能出现的错误。 dive into [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (undertake enthusiastically) (比喻)热切地着手做某事;全身心投入I couldn't wait to dive into my favorite author's latest book. 复合形式:dive | diva deep dive n figurative, informal (in-depth examination)深潜;深潜水 dive in vi + adv (plunge into water)跳入水中;潜入水中The water was very cold here, and it took a few seconds to prepare myself mentally before I could dive in. dive into [sth] vi + prep (plunge into: water) (水)跳入;扎入;潜入Diving into unknown waters is hazardous - you don't know how deep the water is or how strong the current. dive-bomb [sth/sb] vtr (attack with steep dive)俯冲轰炸 nosedive, also UK: nose dive n (aircraft: rapid fall, plunge) (飞行器等)快速下降;急坠The plane's nosedive was frightening, but fortunately it quickly corrected course.飞机突然下降,非常可怕,但幸运的是飞机很快纠正了航向。 nosedive, also UK: nose dive n figurative (rapid decrease) (比喻)快速下跌,暴跌The nosedive in salaries was due to the poor economy.薪资暴跌的原因是不景气的经济。 nosedive, nose-dive vi (aircraft: plummet, fall rapidly) (飞行器等)快速下降;骤然坠落When the engine malfunctioned, the plane nosedived.引擎出了故障,飞机骤然下降。 nosedive, nose-dive vi figurative (decrease rapidly) (比喻)骤然下跌,暴跌Stocks nosedived for the fifth week in a row.股市一连五周暴跌。 scuba dive vi (go deep-sea swimming)戴水肺潜水When I was scuba-diving in Australia, small sharks were swimming nearby. skydive, sky dive vi (jump with a parachute)特技跳伞备注: 在降落伞打开前做特技动作Bert loves the thrill he gets when he skydives. swan dive (US), swallow dive (UK) n (into water)直体向前跳水;燕式跳水He took a swan dive into the pool from the diving board. swan dive (US), swallow dive (UK) n figurative (economics: decrease) (比喻,经济等)跳水,直线下降,暴跌At the very beginning of the recession world stock markets took a swan dive. swan dive (US), swallow dive (UK) n figurative (loss of prestige, etc.) (比喻,声望等)跳水,直线下降,暴跌The politician's campaign took a swan dive when he revealed his affair with the secretary. take a dive v expr informal (prices, etc.: fall) (价格等)暴跌,突降 take a dive v expr (sports: pretend to fall) (体育)假摔




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