[经] 一般公认
widely accepted───广泛接受
general amnesty───大赦
general science───普通科学
general sciences───普通科学
general assembly───大会
general audit───一般审计
general audits───一般审计
general average───共同海损
It is generally accepted that thinning of the blood reduces the chances of thrombosis.───一般认为,稀释血液可降低血栓形成的可能性。
The universality of the law of conservation of energy was not generally accepted until 1847.───能量守恒定律的普适性直到1847年才得到公认.
This conclusion did not agree with the generally accepted opinion of Aristotelian philosophy at that time.───这个结论与当时公认的亚里士多德学说不一致.
There is no generally accepted definition of life.───关于生活的定义不一而足。
The argument that smoking is harmful to health has been generally accepted.───吸烟有害健康的论调已被普遍接受.
Loss of dexterity is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol - induced intoxication.───肢体灵活性的丧失通常被认为是酒精影响的醉酒指征.
Speaking increasingly louder is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol - induced intoxication.───说话声音越来越大通常可以被认为是受到了酒精影响的醉酒指征.
It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success.───大多数人认为成功会推动人的积极性.
The name " intrinsic permeability " is now generally accepted as being characteristic of the medium alone.───“ 间隙渗透率 ” 这个名词现在一般只作为介质本身的特性.
There is no generally accepted definition of life.───没有一个对生活的普遍公认的定义。
The binomial model is a generally accepted method of valuing options.───The二项式模式为一般被接受的估值方法的其中一种.
His earlier Dialogues are generally accepted as giving a true representation of Socrates'personality and teaching.───他早期的对话录通常被认为是真实地描述了苏格拉底的个性和教学.
It is now generally accepted that...───目前,人们普遍认为…
Indent Code - Indents your code to a generally accepted style.───缩进代码 - 缩进您的代码以一种普遍接受的风格.
These points of view, however, had not been generally accepted in building ordinances.───然而, 这些观点仍未普遍地为其他的建筑条例而接受.
The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe.───欧洲工人的劳动环境公认是最好的。
The concept was merely philosophical in the days of Plato and was not generally accepted.───这种概念在柏拉图时代仅仅是理性上的,并未得到公认.
And managerial accounting is not governed by generally accepted accounting principles.───治理会计不受公认会计准则的约束.
There is no generally accepted definition of life.