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词汇 cool
释义 coolUK:*/ˈkuːl/US:/kul/ ,(ko̅o̅l)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: calm and collected主要翻译 cool adj (pleasantly cold)凉的; (天气)凉爽的,凉快的It was a cool day, so I put on a light sweater.My coffee is finally cool enough to drink.那天很凉快,所以我穿了件薄毛衣。// 我的咖啡终于放得足够凉,可以喝了。 cool adj figurative (indifferent) (比喻)冷淡的,冷漠的,冷冰冰的"I don't know," she said with cool shrug of her shoulders.“我不知道”,她说道,并冷冷地耸了耸肩。 cool [sth] vtr (make colder)使凉快;凉下来;变凉The air conditioner cooled the air.空调让温度降了下来。 cool! interj slang, figurative (great!) (俚语,比喻)酷, 棒, 了不起You got a new car? Cool!你买新车啦?太酷了! 其他翻译 cool adj (weather: not warm) (天气)凉快的,凉爽的The weather is cool today.今天天气凉爽。 cool adj (clothing: for warm weather) (衣物)凉爽的,凉快的Jane wears cool clothing on a hot day.天热时,简就穿凉快的衣服。 cool adj figurative (serene)安静的;平静的Irene always manages to remain cool under pressure.艾琳总是能在压力下保持平静。 cool adj figurative (deliberate, calculated)沉着冷静的With cool movements, the hunter stalked his prey. cool adj figurative (aloof)疏远的;冷漠超然的;不热情的The aristocrat's cool manner offended the tradesmen.贵族的漠然态度让商人非常生气。 a cool adj figurative, slang (emphatic quantity) (俚语,强调数量等巨大)整整的The thieves got away with a cool million. cool adj figurative (color: not warm) (颜色)冷色调的They painted the wall a cool blue. cool adj figurative, slang (stylish, attractive) (俚语)很酷的,很棒的,极好的Randall just bought a cool car. cool adj figurative, slang (not a problem) (俚语,比喻)没问题,没关系You ate my food? That's cool. Don't worry about it.你把我的东西吃了?没关系,不用担心。 cool adv informal (coolly)冷静地, 沉着地, 镇静地She acted cool and collected, though she was really very nervous.她表现得冷静镇定,尽管实际上非常紧张。 cool n (mild cold)凉爽;凉快I like the cool of the evening.我喜欢晚上的凉爽。 cool n informal (mood, demeanor: calmness)冷静 cool vi figurative (become more moderate) (热情等)变缓和;减退The housing market cooled once interest rates started rising. cool vi figurative (emotion: become calmer) (情绪)冷静下来,镇静下来,变平静His anger cooled enough that he could enjoy the evening. cool vi (become colder)变凉;变冷The temperature suddenly cooled.气温忽然变冷了。 动词短语cool | calm and collected cool down vi phrasal (become less hot)冷却Give the cookies ten minutes to cool down.让饼干冷却十分钟。 cool down vi phrasal figurative, informal (become less angry)冷静下来;平静下来It took Andy a while to cool down after the argument with his brother.安迪和他兄弟争执后,过了一会才冷静下来。 cool down vi phrasal (slow pace to end exercise) (放慢节奏以结束运动)整理,休整It is important to spend five minutes cooling down after a vigorous exercise session.剧烈运动后休整五分钟很重要。 cool [sth/sb] down vtr phrasal sep (make less hot)使凉快下来;使冷却下来Ben took a cold shower to cool himself down after the race.比赛结束后,本冲了个冷水澡让自己冷却下来。 cool off vi phrasal (become less hot)凉快下来;变凉;冷却He went and sat in the shade to cool off.他去坐在遮阴处让自己凉快下来。 cool off vi phrasal figurative, informal (become less angry)冷静下来;平静下来There's no point in arguing about it. We won't solve anything until you cool off.完全没必要就其发生争执。直到你冷静下来前,我们什么也解决不了。 cool off, cool [sb] off vtr phrasal sep (make [sb] less hot)让...变凉;使...冷下来 cool off, cool [sb] off vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (make [sb] less angry)让...平静;使...冷静 复合形式:cool | calm and collected cool breeze n (fresh, gentle wind)凉爽的微风 cool breeze n US, figurative, slang (popular, admired person)受欢迎的人;令人敬佩的人 cool breeze, cool-breeze n as adj US, figurative, slang (person: friendly, wonderful)友善的;令人欣赏的 cool color (US), cool colour (UK) n figurative (cold hue)冷色,冷色调Blue, green, and purple are the cool colors. cool drink n (soft drink: chilled)冷饮;清凉饮料On a hot day, there's nothing better than a cool drink straight from the fridge.天气热的时候,喝点刚从冰箱里拿出来的冷饮最能降暑。 cool drink n (alcoholic drink: chilled)(加冰的或冰冻的)冷饮 cool guy n informal, figurative (man: likeable)帅哥;酷小伙I met Joe at the party last weekend. He´s a cool guy. cool head n slang, figurative (composure, calm)冷静的头脑;不易冲动After the accident, and even though she had been injured, she had a cool head. cool it interj slang, figurative (calm down) (俚语)冷静点,别激动Cool it, kid, or you're going to get in trouble.冷静点,小伙子,否则你就会有麻烦的。 cool it v expr slang, figurative (calm down) (俚语)冷静点,放松点 cool your heels, kick your heels v expr figurative, informal (be kept waiting)久等;空等 cool-headed adj (calm, rational)沉着的;冷静的Even under pressure she always managed a cool-headed reply.即便面对压力,她也总是能镇定反应。 cooler, UK: cool box n (box: keeps food and drink chilled)冰箱;冷库There's a cooler full of beer in the back of the van. cool as a cucumber (UK), as cool as a cucumber (UK), fresh as a cucumber (US) adj informal (calm and relaxed)沉着冷静的,镇定自若的 keep cool vi + adj (avoid getting hot)保持凉快;保持凉爽William was using a small electric fan to keep cool. keep cool vi + adj figurative (remain calm)保持冷静Just keep cool, and act like you don't know anything. keep [sb/sth] cool vtr + adj (prevent getting hot)使保持凉快These plants don't like too much heat, so keep them cool by planting them in a partially shaded spot. keep [sth] cool vtr + adj (drink, etc.: chill)冰镇Gemma put the wine in the fridge to keep it cool. keep your cool v expr figurative, informal (remain calm)保持冷静;沉着应付You need to keep your cool if provoked. keep yourself cool n (avoid getting hot)保持凉爽;保持阴凉Chickens keep themselves cool in summer by finding shade. lose your cool v expr figurative, informal (become angry)失去冷静;生气;发火 too cool for school adj figurative, slang (conceited, superior)前卫的;自信满满的




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