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词汇 gain ground
释义 gain ground
gain ground发音

前进; 有进展; 越来越为人们所接受; 逼近



lain around───四处躺着

going around───四处走动;供应;(消息)流传

camp ground───露营场地


give ground───让步;退却;失利

going round───到处走动;绕道


open ground───开阔地,露天地

ran around───与异性交往


The red army began to gain ground after the battle.───这次战斗后,红军开始往前推进了.

As the network gain ground, electronic mailbox became a kind of indispensable vehicle in people job.───随着网络的普及, 电子信箱成了人们工作中不可缺少的一种媒介.

Sterling continues to gain ground against the dollar.───英镑对美元的比价继续坚挺。

You can'gain ground'on your competition by doing something better.───将某件事情做得更好,你就可以从竞争对手那里夺得领地.

Data side. model, model , laser prevents the composite material as bogus to gain ground gradually.───材料方面. 铝塑、纸塑 、 激光防伪等复合材料逐渐普及.

Static analysis is continuing to gain ground.───静态分析也在不断发展中。

At times they gain ground, but the defense of Nigeria is well - organized.───他们时常逼近对方球门, 但尼日利亚队的防守组织得很好.

At times they gain ground. But the defence of the home team is well - organized.───他们时常逼近对方球门,但是主队的防守组织得很好.

The soldiers fought hard and began to gain ground.───士兵们奋力作战,开始占领敌军阵地.

The patient began to gain ground as soon as she had good food.───这位病人饮食一好,她的病情就开始好转了.

NARRATOR: Keynes's ideas began to gain ground.───讲述者: 凯恩斯的思想开始普及.

The scientists are concerned that it could also soon gain ground in the general population.───科学家担心它可能很快蔓延到一般人.

At last our men began to gain ground, forcing the enemy back towards the river.───最后,我方士兵开始推进, 迫使敌人向河边退去.

Gain ground as net net fast faster and faster, broadcast hears on the net unchallenged already.───随着宽带网普及,网速越来越快, 网上听广播已不成问题.

Gain ground quickly what the computer applies the applied domain of scanner also is expanding quickly.───随着电子计算机应用的迅速普及,扫描仪的应用领域也在急剧扩展.

option of a no-fly zone may yet gain ground, however.───但是禁飞区选项还可能抬头。

As computer product gain ground, more and more average households had his computer.───随着电脑产品的普及, 越来越多的普通家庭拥有了自己的电脑.

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  • gaining momentum
  • gaining credence
  • gain lpf
  • gaining maturity
  • gain ground
  • gaining on
  • gainer girl
  • gainable meaning
  • gaining credibility
  • gains synonym




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