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词汇 cloud
释义 cloudUK:*/ˈklaʊd/US:/klaʊd/ ,(kloud)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 cloud n (vapor in sky)云;云彩Heavy rain fell from the clouds.大雨从云中倾盆而下。 cloud n figurative (fluffy mass)云状物;蓬松的一团She had a cloud of curly, dark hair.她生得蓬松的一团卷曲黑发。 cloud n figurative (sense of threat) (比喻紧张或恐惧的气氛)密云;阴云A dark cloud of fear hung over the refugees.难民们被恐惧的阴云笼罩。 the cloud n figurative (computing: remote storage) (计算机)云储存You can store music in the cloud and play it anywhere.你可以把音乐储存在云中,在任何地方播放。 cloud n as adj figurative (computing: in, using the cloud) (计算机)云的,云储存的Cloud storage is an extremely cost-effective way to store large amounts of data.云存储能存储大量数据,性价比非常高。 cloud [sth] vtr figurative (judgment, issue: obscure)遮蔽;妨害;混淆;模糊His optimism clouded his judgment.他的乐观主义模糊了自己的判断。 动词短语 cloud over vi phrasal (sky, weather: go cloudy) (本义)布满乌云,乌云密布The day started fine and sunny, but by midday it began to cloud over, and by late afternoon it was raining hard. cloud over vi phrasal figurative (look suddenly serious or sad)脸色变得阴沉; (比喻)脸上阴云密布At the thought of his wife's illness his face - usually so cheerful and open - clouded over. 复合形式: bank, cloud bank n (mass of cloud)堆;堆状物Do you see that bank of clouds over there?你看见那边一大团云朵了么? cloud computing n (with internet storage)云计算With cloud computing, everyday people can store large amounts of data on centralized servers. cloud cover n (overcast sky)云层The cloud cover was so thick that drivers turned their headlights on. cloud forest n (many trees with clouds above)云雾森林;云雾林Many tropical birds live in the cloud forest. cloud seeding n (meteorology: add [sth] to a cloud) (气象学)人工降雨,播云 cloud [sb]'s judgment, also UK: cloud [sb]'s judgement v expr (impair or prejudice [sb]'s reasoning)蒙蔽你的判断Don't let your love for someone cloud your judgment. cloud-cuckoo-land, cloud cuckoo land n (idealized realm)脱离现实的幻境 dark clouds npl (grey clouds threatening rain)乌云The rains will come soon: the air's heavy and dark clouds are gathering over the hills.空气凝滞,黑云压城,就快下雨了。 dark cloud n figurative (bad omen, pessimism) (比喻)不祥的预兆The bad news placed a dark cloud over her happiness. every cloud has a silver lining expr (there is always [sth] positive)天无绝人之路;凡事都有好的一面 in a cloud of [sth] adv (enveloped, shrouded: by [sth]) (烟、雾、尘埃等)被...包围地;被笼罩地;被覆盖地He appeared in a cloud of smoke.他在一团烟雾中出现。 in the clouds, in a cloud adv figurative (in a daydream)做白日梦地,遐想地He always has his head in the clouds, dreaming of his sweetheart. mushroom cloud n (cloud of smoke from a nuclear bomb) (原子弹爆炸造成的)蘑菇云 on cloud nine adj figurative (blissfully happy)极其高兴;飘飘然Children are on cloud nine when they get their favorite desserts. rain cloud (meteorology)雨云;降雨云 storm cloud n often plural (raincloud before storm)暴雨云;雷雨云The storm clouds gathering at dusk indicated a cold rainy night. under a cloud of suspicion, under a cloud adv (suspected of guilt, mistrusted)对(罪行等)有所怀疑;对…充满疑问;一片疑云He was under a cloud of suspicion.




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