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词汇 frying pan
释义 frying pan
frying pan发音




frying pans───煎锅;长柄平底锅

trying plane───[木]平刨,大刨;[木]细刨

warming pan───长柄暖床器(炉)

frying up───把食物煎热一下;热干;炸坏

trying on───试穿;试验

trying planes───[木]平刨,大刨;[木]细刨

burning pain───灼痛;烧痛

dripping pan───油滴盘;盛液盘

frying steak───可煎食的大片牛排


Food cooked in an electric frying pan is very delicious.───用电炒锅做出来的饭菜,味道鲜美.

As it turned out, I went from the frying pan into the fire.───结果, 我才脱龙潭又入虎穴.

She forgot to watch the frying pan and the bacon was burned to a frazzle.───她忘了看煎锅,结果咸猪肉被煮烂了.

Place the dough on a frying pan, bake the cake until almost cooked.───把擀好的面饼放入铁制平锅中烘烤,直到它基本上熟透.

He was arguing with his girlfriend and she hit him with a frying pan! Nearly knocked him out.───他和女友争吵时女友竟拿煎锅砸他!几乎把他砸晕了过去。

Once, she walloped me over the head with a frying pan.───有一次,她用煎锅狠狠地砸了我的头。

He hit her with a frying pan during a drunken brawl.───他酒后耍酒疯用平底锅打了她。

B : I warmed a couple of snails, and your eggs are in the frying pan.───B: 我热的两个面包卷.你的鸡蛋在平煎锅里.

Pour the vegetable oil into a frying pan to a depth of about 1cm.───往平底煎锅里倒入约1厘米深的植物油。

The servant scoured the frying pan until It'shone like silver.───这个仆人擦拭着这个煎锅知道它闪耀这银子一般的光亮.

The ham frizzled in the frying pan.───火腿在煎锅中咝咝作响.

The night l married your mother, you hit me on the head with a frying pan.───在我刚娶你母亲的时候, 你用平底锅敲我的头.

Out of the frying pan into the fire.───跳出油锅,又落火坑.

The eggs are sizzling in the frying pan.───鸡蛋在煎锅里咝咝作响.

He browned the chicken in a frying pan.───他用煎锅把鸡肉煎成焦黄色。

Brown the mince in a frying pan.───在煎锅里把肉末煎至棕色。

Put a tablespoon of oil into the frying pan.───放一大汤匙的油进煎锅.

Heat oil in frying pan. Add garlic and onion and cook until onion is clear.───用煎锅把油加热. 放上蒜头和洋葱、直到到洋葱变透明.

Melt the margarine in a frying pan.───把人造黄油放在煎锅里溶化.

First fry the onion and hamburger in the frying pan with the oil.───首先把洋葱和牛肉饼放在加了油的煎锅里煎.

My goodness, he's jumped out of the frying pan into the fire!───天哪! 他是才出虎穴,又入狼窝.

She threw the bean sprouts into the frying pan.───她丢了些豆芽在锅内.

Now, pour 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a large frying pan and heat the oil.───现在, 把4勺植物油倒进一个大的煎锅里加热.

  • frying pans nonstick
  • frying cod
  • frying pan tower




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