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词汇 fruit trees
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fruit tree───n.果树

fault trees───故障树;失效树

fault tree───故障树;失效树

fir trees───枞树,冷杉树

fruit cakes───水果蛋糕

fruit drops───水果糖;水果硬糖

fruit flies───[昆][植保]果蝇




we need is a small piece of land where we can plant various kinds of fruit trees.───我们只需要一小块土地,能让我们种植各种各样的果树。

He planted vegetables, fruit trees and even kept bees for honey.───他种植蔬菜、果树,甚至养蜂采蜜。

He says he plans to plant fruit trees and vegetables.───他说他计划栽种果树和蔬菜。

Then they came to the top of a hill, and there was a White house with a green garden and lots of fruit trees.───接着他们来到一个山顶,那儿有一幢带有绿色的花园和很多果树的白房子。

But the only sound was the wind in the fruit trees, and the only creatures in the gardens were a few pale moths.───但是只有风吹过果树的声音,花园里唯一的生物就只有几只白蛾。

On his way home he rested beneath two fruit trees, using root of one as a pillow and the root of the other as a footrest.───在回家的路上,他在两棵果树下休息。他用一棵树的根当枕头,另一棵树的根作脚凳。

They played in an alley of the garden bordered with a few shabby fruit-trees.───她们常在那园里的小路上玩耍,小路旁栽有几棵长得不好的果树。

'I've pulled up two or three of his fruit-trees, ' confessed Hareton, 'but I'll put them back again. '───“我拔了他两三棵果树,”哈里顿坦白道,“但我会把它们种回去的。”

you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build siege works until the city at war with you falls.───惟独你所知道不是结果子的树木可以毁坏,砍伐,用以修筑营垒,攻击那与你打仗的城,直到攻塌了。


Most fruit trees flower in the spring.

The fruit trees grew against the garden wall.

My earliest memories are of fruit trees.

The fruit trees were in flowers.

Net the fruit trees to protect them from birds.

The fruit trees have blossomed out beautifully.

The cold weather has nipped the fruit trees.

Bees pollenized the fruit trees.

The fruit trees are all doing well.

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