

词汇 fruit drinks
释义 fruit drinks
fruit drinks发音



fruit drink───果汁饮料

fruit drops───水果糖;水果硬糖

diet drinks───低糖饮料

fruit dish───水果盘

fruit dishes───水果盘

fruit drop───落果

fruit flies───[昆][植保]果蝇

fruit juices───[食品]果汁

fruit knives───水果刀


I don't care very much for fruit drinks; I like something that has a kick in it.───我不大喜欢果汁一类的饮料;我喜欢劲儿很足的东西。

Avoid sugary soft drinks and fruit drinks.───吃含糖的软饮和水果饮料。

I will drink milk and water, and limit soda and fruit drinks.───我要喝牛奶和水,少喝苏打饮料和果汁。

He took me to his home, I peel the fruit, drinks.───他带我去他家,给我削水果,倒饮料。

This species is cultivated as an ornamental in cold regions and is also used for making fruit drinks and wine.───本种是在冷的地区的栽培用于观赏并且也用于制造鲜果汁和酒。

But think of these drinks, whether they're soft drinks, sweetened iced tea, or sugary fruit drinks, as a treat, like dessert.───考虑到这些饮料,不管是软饮料,是含糖冰茶还是甜水果汁,享受起来,就像甜点。

Therefore, in future we do with the vegetables and fruit drinks, it should be removed ahead of the skin.───因此,今后我们的蔬菜和水果饮料一样,它应被删除之前的皮肤。

Big frozen fruit drinks and a modern cocktail menu for the ladies!───大冷冻水果饮料和现代鸡尾酒菜单的各位!

Soft drinks, fruit juice, fruit drinks, cordials, sport drinks, energy drinks, flavored milk and flavored mineral waters.───冷饮、果汁、果味饮料、甜酒、运动饮品、能量饮品、风味奶和风味矿泉水


Fresh fruit drinks such as tamarind and hibiscus are also available in season.

Particularly worrisome were the fruit drinks, which projected a wholesome image while containing sugar in some form or another.

Like many walk-in, sit-down cafes, they also sell pastries and fruit drinks.

He brought fruit drinks, flowers and lamp oil, in honor of the visiting holy man.

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