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词汇 cave
释义 caveUK:*/ˈkeɪv/US:/keɪv/ ,(kāv)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 cave n (in ground)山洞;洞穴Kentucky has a large network of caves for tourists to explore.肯塔基州有一个庞大的洞穴系统,供游客探索。 cave n (wine cellar)酒窖;葡萄酒窖The mansion has a spacious cave for storing wine.豪宅有一个大酒窖,可存放葡萄酒。 cave, go caving vi (explore caves)探察洞穴;洞穴探险You need to be fit and healthy to cave, as it can be a strenuous activity.洞穴探险是一项艰苦的活动,因此你需要保持健康。 其他翻译 cave vi slang (give in)塌落 , 倒坍The children's father finally caved and bought new toys for them. 动词短语 cave in vi phrasal (collapse inward)塌陷,陷落,塌方,坍塌When the ceiling supports gave way, the mine caved in and everyone was trapped inside.天花板支架倒塌后,矿井随之塌陷,所有人都被困在里面。 cave in vi phrasal figurative (give in, change your mind)屈服,让步After a prolonged strike, the government finally caved in and agreed to all of the union's demands.经过长时间的罢工,政府最终作出让步,同意了工会的所有要求。 复合形式: cave art n (prehistoric paintings in caves)洞穴艺术;洞窟艺术 cave dweller n ([sb] who lives in cave)洞穴居民 cave dweller n ([sb] prehistoric who lived in cave)穴居人 cave dweller n pejorative ([sb] living in apartment in big city)高层住宅居民;都市大楼居民 cave-in n (collapse)塌陷;坍塌;塌方A cave-in at a Chilean mine in 2010 trapped 33 miners, but they were all rescued.2010年,智利一座煤矿发生塌方事故,33名矿工被困,但最终他们全部获救。 cave painting n (picture in cave)洞穴壁画The cave paintings show various wild animals. caveman, cave man n (prehistoric man)史前时代穴居的人Contrary to many depictions in popular culture, cavemen did not exist at the same time as dinosaurs. caveman, cave man n figurative, pejorative (rough or coarse person)粗野人;野蛮人Dom is such a caveman; he chews with his mouth open and is always belching loudly. caveperson, cave person, plural: cavepeople, cave people n (prehistoric human)洞穴人;史前人类 cavewoman, cave woman n (prehistoric woman) (史前时代)穴居女人




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