

词汇 freshened up
释义 freshened up
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freshen up───梳洗一番,使变得焕然一新

freshens up───梳洗一番,使变得焕然一新

freshening up───梳洗一番,使变得焕然一新


brushed up───复习;提高;擦光

dressed up───穿上盛装的;精心装扮的

evened up───平均,拉平;扯平,使相等

fattened up───使肥胖

freed up───空出来;开放(市场、经济或体制)


I'd like to freshened up a little.───我想让自己焕然一新。

I'd like to be freshened up a little.───我想让我自己焕然一新。

After Martine had freshened up, they went for a long walk.───过后,他们出去散了个长步。

After I freshened up, I met with the owner. From his entourage and the car he drove, I figured that he must be very rich.───我梳洗后,接见屋主,从他和随行的人开来的车子,相信屋主是很有钱的。

"The Bat" , a regular repertoire ever since its debut in 1874 will be freshened up in Beijing on June 3rd.───《蝙蝠》,自1874年首次公映以来一直都是一个常规演奏曲目,它将于六月三日在北京新鲜上演。

One day, he found an oval leaves plant on the roadside, he was freshened up after tasting it, so he named it as "Licorice" .───第一天,神农氏在路边发现了一株植物,叶子是椭圆形的,他吃了之后感到身体清爽了许多。于是给它起了个名字,叫“甘草”。

She brought her dress to the dry cleaners to have it freshened up before the reception.───她把她的衣服带到干洗店,在酒会之前清洗它。

I wish I'd brought my thick coat, this wind has freshened up since we left the house.───我要是把我的厚外套带来就好了,自出门起,风就凉飕飕的。

He has freshened up the team and brought a new dimension.───他为球队带来了活力,也带来了新的选择。


The Prime Minister has freshened up her Cabinet with a few new faces.

He locked the door, showered and freshened up for supper.

He's freshened up the house with a new coat of paint.

After Martine had freshened up, they went for a long walk.

She freshened up the room with some flowers.

With the advent of new candidates, their appeals needed to be freshened up and their cutting edges toughened.

We freshened up before going to the party.

Overnight rain had freshened up the garden.

He freshened up the house with a new coat of paint.

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