French letter───避孕套
French letters───避孕套
French leave───n.不辞而别,悄悄离去;擅离职守
crank letter───古怪字母
fan letter───影迷或球迷写的崇拜信
open a letter───拆信
open letter───n.公开信
trench fever───五日热,[内科]战壕热
French feet───法国式袜脚
Can you turn the letter into French?───你能将此信译成法语吗?
In the letter, the group demanded the withdrawal of French troops from Afghanistan before the end of February, and threatened attacks if France refuses.───该组织在信中要求法国在二月底前从阿富汗撤军,并威胁如果不从就将发动袭击。
One French-born but London-based entrepreneur says he has a letter on his desk from the French government, offering a cap on his taxes if he brings his business back home.───一家诞生于法国但是主要以英国业务为主的公司说他桌上有来自法国政府的一封信,说如果他把生意带过国去做会得到税收上的保护。
The English call a condom a "French letter" -- the French call it a "capot Anglaise" -- an "English raincoat."
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- french lette
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- french letter
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- french leave