French horn───n.法国号
French horns───n.法国号
French chops───法式排骨
French doors───落地双扇玻璃门
french curve───曲线板
French bean───菜豆;四季豆
French chop───法式排骨
French door───落地双扇玻璃门
French foot───法国式袜脚
They can push down the thirteenth partial and bring up the fifteenth and thereby change the sound of a clarinet into a French horn.───他们可以压低第十三分音,或者提高第十五分音,从而将单簧管的声音变成圆号的。
Eva is going to just demonstrate the physical process of playing the French horn.───娃将演示演奏法国号的物理过程。
He played the French horn in an orchestra.───他在一个交响乐团里演奏法国号。
The French horn is the hardest wind instrument to learn.───法国圆号是最难学的管乐器.
I am playing French Horn.───嘻嘻,我吹的是圆号.
The concert will feature choir, cello, French horn and violin performances.───七月二十三日举办记者会, 大提琴家张正杰将带来一场感人的音乐飨宴.
Brass instruments are the French horn, trumpet, etc.───铜管乐器有圆号, 小号等.
The concert will feature choir, cello, French horn and violin performances.
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