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词汇 fraternal twins
释义 fraternal twins
fraternal twins发音


异卵双生; 二卵双胞


fraternal twin───异卵双生

fraternal order───n.共济会;(美)兄弟会



fraternity pins───兄弟会别针

fraternal society───兄弟会

fraternal societies───兄弟会




Derived from two separately fertilized eggs . Used especially of fraternal twins.───二卵双胞胎是源于两个分开的受精卵的.

Twins born as a result of such a pregnancy are known as fraternal twins.───这样所导致的妊娠双胞胎就叫异卵双胞胎.

At the end of the PRECOMPILE step, you have two entities-fraternal twins.───在PRECOMPILE这一步的最后,您会得到两个实体,这两个实体就像双胞胎一样。

As expected, the rates among fraternal twins were lower: 31 percent of males and 36 percent of females.───而正如意料之中的那样,异卵双胞胎中这个概率就低一些,为31%的男性和36%的女性。

Fraternal twins are biovular.───异卵双胞胎是两个卵子生成的.

This creates non - identical ( fraternal ) twins - who share on average 50 % of their genetic material.───这种情况创造了 非 孪生双胞胎 —— 他们共用平均50%的基因材料.

In other words, identical twins were more likely to play withthe same strategy than fraternal twins.───换句话说, 同卵双生的双胞胎比异卵双生的双胞胎更有可能采取相同的策略.

Identical twins share all of their genes and fraternal twins share only about half.───同卵双胞胎的基因完全相同,而异卵双胞胎只有大约一半的基因相同。

B . Fraternal Twins Fetuses may be of different sex.───异卵双胞胎可能性别不同.

This did not hold for fraternal twins , who are only halfway similar genetically.───而这一现象在那些在遗传上只有小部分相同的异卵双生子中并不存在.


West Africa has a much higher incidence of non-identical twins, or fraternal twins, than in Europe and Japan, especially in Nigeria's Yoruba southwestern community, where Igbo-Ora is located.

The relative frequency of fraternal twins has halved since 1950.

For this study, they and Christopher Dawes of UCSD used national data that compared more than 1, 000 identical and fraternal twins.

Identical twins, clearly, are far more concordant in general than are fraternal twins.

Derived from two separately fertilized eggs . Used especially of fraternal twins.

B . Fraternal Twins Fetuses may be of different sex.

Noelle and Craig are fraternal twins.

Their cohort included a national sample of 4,674 Australians from the Australian Twin Registry Cohort II. Subjects included both identical and fraternal twins; 57 percent were women.

Fraternal twins are biovular.





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