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词汇 a basket case
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basket case───四肢不全的人;完全伤残者;完全没有希望的人

basket cases───四肢不全的人;完全伤残者;完全没有希望的人

basket clause───总括性条款

basket clauses───一揽子条款

asset base───资产基础

basket chair───柳条椅

basket fish───篮海星


I was a basket case, the teacher is not news to me is just like drinking sweet as honey.───我是一个话篓子,老师不在的消息对我来说简直像喝蜂蜜一样甜。

Oh, a basket case is someone who is really upset or nervous.───噢,原来basket case就是指一个人很紧张,很不高兴。

You're going to think I'm a basket case when I tell you this.───当我告诉你这些的时候,你肯定会认为我失态了。

That manager has been a basket case here since his wife left him.───自从太太离开他后,那位经理就变得意志消沉。

Despite the best intentions of many around the world, including the former President himself, Haiti is still a basket case.───尽管世界上许多最好的意图,包括前总统本人,海地仍是一个空架子。

The same applies to unruly Albania, which after years of progress is in danger of turning once more into a basket-case.───难以驾驭的阿尔巴尼亚经过多年的发展却重新让其欧盟成员国身份陷入危险境地,当然也应受到同等对待。

They made me wait so long for the interview that I was a basket case by the time I finally got called in.───他们让我等了很久才和我面谈。

North Korea's economy, meanwhile, turned into a basket case following the collapse of the Soviet Union, its main benefactor.───但与此同时,随着苏联的解体,朝鲜经济也陷入了瘫痪。苏联之前是朝鲜主要的援助者。

In five years under Marchionne, the company has gone from being a basket case to the M& A king of the industry.───在马尔基翁5年来的领导下,菲亚特从一家完全没有希望的公司成长为汽车业的并购之王。


You're going to think I'm a basket case when I tell you this.

When housing prices plummeted, the monocline industry quickly became a basket case.

When housing prices plummeted, the monocline industry quickly a basket case.

We were a basket case in the early eighties.

Suddenly, the car battery fell down, leaving only a basket case.

No one is treating the Mexican federal government like a banana republic or a basket case or thinking that the Canadian government would have done so much better.

Don't let your worries get the best of you; Remember, Moses started out a basket case.

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