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词汇 body
释义 bodyUK:*/ˈbɒdi/US:/ˈbɑdi/ ,(bod′ē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: See also: bodysuit主要翻译 body n (anatomy, physique) (解剖学)身体,躯体;尸体,死尸,遗骸Jody takes care of her body by doing exercise.朱迪坚持锻炼,保持身体健康。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他的遗体被送回老家安葬。 body n (organisation, organization)组织机构The World Court is the only global judicial body.国际法庭是唯一一家全球性司法机构。 body n (body of a car)车身The car's body was the only thing that was damaged.只有车身受到了损害。 body n (mass of matter)天体;物体The Earth is a planetary body.地球是一颗行星天体。 其他翻译 body n figurative (main part) (文章等的)主体,主要部分The body of this essay is well written. body n figurative (collection)集;大批Picasso's body of work is very impressive. body n figurative (person)人Leslie felt happier than a body has the right to be. body n (wine: full flavour)(酒的)香醇;浓香This wine has a very full body. body n (clothing: bodysuit)紧身衣;连体衣This body is made of lycra and has snap fasteners at the crotch.这种紧身衣是用弹力纱线制成的,并在胯部配有四合扣。 复合形式:body | bodysuit advisory body n (council, committee)咨询机构;顾问团 basal body temperature n (normal temperature of body at rest)基础体温;根底体温 bluff body n (fluid dynamics)钝头体;阻流体 BO n informal, initialism (body odor)体味;体臭Whoa, somebody here has terrible BO. body and soul adv figurative (completely, with all one's being)全身心地,全心全意地 body armor (US), body armour (UK) n (hard-plated combat gear)盔甲The riot police were outfitted in body armor for protection against the unruly crowd. body armor (US), body armour (UK) n (non-plated protective garments)防弹衣;防护服Police cadets wear protective vests as body armor. body art (artistic practice)人体艺术 body bag n (bag for a dead body)运尸袋Soldiers have started coming home in body bags. body blow n (boxing: hit, punch to the body) (拳击比赛中对胸部、腹部的攻击)上体重击He received a direct body blow and fell to the ground. body blow n figurative (severe setback or shock)重大打击,严重挫折,败北 body builder n (weightlifter, develops muscle)健美运动员 body care n (use of cosmetics, etc.)身体护理,美体 body care, bodycare n as adj (using cosmetics, etc.)身体护理的,美体的 body cavity n (orifice)体腔The police did a full body cavity search and found bags of cocaine that Andy had hidden. body check [sb] vtr (sports: blocking [sb])身体阻挡;阻挡 body check vi (sports: blocking)身体阻挡;阻挡 body chemistry n (biological make-up)人体化学 body corporate (corporation)法人团体 body count n (number of fatalities)死亡人数After the earthquake, the body count rose to the thousands. body cream n (skincare lotion for body)身体乳;身体霜 body double n (actor's stand-in)替身演员The actress had a body double for the nude scenes in the movie. body fat n (fat on body)脂肪;体脂That athlete has almost no body fat; she is all muscle. body fluid, bodily fluid n (liquid produced by human body)身体液体;体液The disease spreads through body fluids. body fluid, bodily fluid n (water content of human body)组织液;体液A decrease in the level of body fluid leads to an increase in body temperature. body heat n (warmth produced by the body)体热The mountain climbers huddled together to share their body heat when they were trapped by the storm. body image (body ideal)身体意象 body language n (communication via gesture, etc.)身体语言,肢体语言I could tell from her body language that she was disappointed.从她的肢体语言我可以判断出她很失望。 body mass index, BMI n (measure of body fat)体重指数I calculated my body mass index yesterday, and found that I was slightly overweight. body odor (US), body odour (UK) n (bad personal smell)体味;体臭Children will typically start to produce body odor once they have started puberty. body of evidence n (evidence in a case)一些证据The collected body of evidence indicates that Al is innocent.The body of evidence overwhelmingly proves his guilt. body of knowledge n (everything known about a topic)已有知识;知识体系The geologist made a discovery that significantly contributed to the body of human knowledge. body of water n (lake, ocean, etc.)水体He was ready to take his canoe to any body of water within a five mile radius. body of work n (all of [sb]'s creations)全部作品The author's body of work spanned six decades. body pain n (severe physical discomfort)身体疼痛The patient has been suffering from severe body pains. body painting n (decorating skin)人体彩绘;身体彩绘Humans have practiced body painting for centuries. body part n (human body: limb, organ, etc.) (人类)身体部分The anatomy students were required to dissect human body parts. the body politic n (nation as an entity)国家;政治体 body scrub n (exfoliating product)身体磨砂膏I use a body scrub twice a week to remove dead skin cells. body shop n (garage: repairs vehicles)车身维修中心Joe's body shop is known for reasonable prices. body slam (wrestling) (摔跤)抱摔 body snatcher n (grave robber)盗尸者;掘墓者 body snatcher n slang (recruiting agency)猎头机构 body snatching (grave robbing)盗尸;偷尸体 body stocking n (tight garment)连裤紧身衣 body type n ([sb]'s build, physique)体型;体态I have an athletic body type. body type n (printing: main text type)用以排印正文的字体;正文字体We'll use 11 point for the body type and 16 point for the headlines. body wash n (cleansing product)沐浴露My boyfriend bought me some orchid-scented body wash for my birthday. body weight n (amount a person weighs)体重;身体重量The body-mass index is a ratio of a person's body weight to his height. body-shame [sb] vtr (criticize physical appearance)身体羞辱;相貌攻击 body-shaming n (criticizing appearance)身体羞辱;相貌攻击 bodybuilder, body builder n (person who lifts weights)健美运动者Tim is a bodybuilder; he has huge muscles. cell body (biology)细胞体;胞体 dead body n (corpse)死尸The dead body lay undiscovered for three days. deliberative body n (committee)审议机构A grand jury is a deliberative body convened to decide on indictments. foreign body n ([sth] from the outside)异物;外来物体When they x-rayed him they saw a foreign body in his lung. full body, full-body adj (over all the body)全身的备注: hyphen used when term is an adjective before a nounI got a full-body tan at the solarium. funding body n (group providing financial support)资助单位;出资机构;金主 governing body n (board, regulatory authority)管理机构,理事会,监管机构 healthy body n (good physical condition)身体健康A good diet is essential for a healthy body. heavenly body n (celestial object: star, planet, etc.)天体Get a telescope for more in-depth study of heavenly bodies. human body n (physical anatomy of a person)人体The human body has evolved over time to adapt to new living conditions. legislative body n (law-making council)立法机构 lower body n (pelvis and legs) (正式)下肢;下体,下半身His lower body was badly injured by the landmine, but he survived. main body (nautical)主体部分;主体 mind-body n as adj (relating to mental and physical)身心的 out-of-body experience n (neurological sensation)灵魂出窍;离体体验 over my dead body interj slang, figurative (expressing complete refusal) (表示强烈反对)我死也不…,除非踩着我的尸体过去You'll have custody of my children over my dead body! You want to borrow my jeans? Over my dead body! pineal gland, pineal body n (anatomy)松果体 sexy body n (attractive physique)性感的身体It is more important to have a nice personality than a sexy body.比起性感的身体,性感的人格更重要。 student body n (students of an institution collectively)全体学生He was president of the student body. upper body n (body above the waist)上身The sweater covered her upper body, but her legs were still cold. wide-body, widebody, plural: wide-bodies, widebodies n (aircraft with two aisles)宽体飞机,宽机身飞机 wide-body, widebody, plural: wide-bodies, widebodies n US (wide tennis racket)宽边网球拍 wide-body, widebody, plural: wide-bodies, widebodies n US, informal (sports: heavy person)重量级 wide-body, widebody n as adj (aircraft: having two aisles) (飞机)宽体的,宽机身的 wide-body, widebody n as adj US, informal (person: heavy)重量级的 wide-body, widebody n as adj US (tennis racket: wide) (网球拍)宽边的




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