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词汇 bird
释义 birdUK:*/bɜːd/US:/bɝd/ ,(bûrd)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 bird n (winged animal) (动物)鸟Morning brings the sound of birds chirping in the trees.早晨鸟儿在树丛里婉转啼鸣。 其他翻译 bird n figurative, informal, US (strange, eccentric person)奇特的人;不同寻常的人That boy with the funny hat sure is a strange bird. bird n potentially offensive, UK, slang (young woman)少女;姑娘;小妞Simon's new bird is absolutely stunning.西蒙新找的小妞太漂亮了。 bird n dated, uncountable, UK, slang (prison sentence)刑期;徒刑George is doing bird again. The burglar will definitely be given bird after the trial.乔治又开始服刑了。那个窃贼一定会被判徒刑的。 the bird n US, slang (vulgar middle-finger gesture) (粗俗的手势)竖中指The other driver flipped me the bird. bird, birdie n US (badminton: shuttlecock)羽毛球Swat the bird hard with your badminton racquet.用你的羽毛球拍全力挥打羽毛球。 bird, go birding vi (watch birds) (鸟类学)观鸟备注: 在自然环境中观察或识别野鸟Every summer, Allison goes birding in Canada. 复合形式: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. expr (Don't risk what you have.) (谚语)一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林I'm told I can do better if I keep looking for opportunities, but I'll stay at this job for now; after all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. a little bird told me, a little bird told me that, I heard from a little bird that expr figurative, informal (secret source told me)有人跟我说;某人告知我 a little bird told me, I heard it from a little bird expr figurative, informal (secret source told me)据消息称;有人告诉我 baby bird n (very young bird)幼鸟 bird cage n (metal enclosure for a bird)鸟笼My pet parrot always chews on the bars of its bird cage. bird call n (song of a bird)鸟啼;鸟鸣 bird call n (device: mimics birdsong)模拟鸟叫声的装置 bird dog n (retriever: used in hunting)捕鸟猎犬 bird dog n US, informal (dog: pointer, setter)特指指示犬,塞特猎犬等猎犬 bird-dog vi US, informal (investigate)调查研究 bird-dog [sb/sth] vtr US, informal (investigate)调查 bird-dog [sb/sth] vtr US, informal (seek out)寻找, 找出 bird dropping n (excrement of a bird)鸟粪,鸟屎I just got my car cleaned, and now there are bird droppings all over it. bird feeder n (device: dispenses bird feed)喂鸟器Squirrels are constantly trying to steal seed from the bird feeder. bird flu, avian flu n colloquial (viral disease: avian influenza)禽流感 bird food n (seed for birds to eat)鸟食Teresa filled the bird feeder with bird food and hung it from a tree. bird of paradise, plural: birds of paradise n (tropical bird: Australasian)天堂鸟,极乐鸟备注: 一种原产于新几内亚的颜色鲜艳的鸟类 bird of paradise, plural: birds of paradise n (flower of genus strelitzia) (植物)鹤望兰 bird of prey n (bird: hunts, kills)猛禽 bird sanctuary n (permanent shelter for birds)鸟类长居地 bird sanctuary n US (habitat reserved for birds)鸟类保护区 bird seed n (grain fed to birds)鸟食Rita put some bird seed on the bird table. bird watcher, bird-watcher, birdwatcher n (hobbyist who observes wild birds)鸟类观察者;观鸟爱好者Charles is an avid bird watcher; he even has a telescope set up in the dining room. bird watching, bird-watching, birdwatching n (observing wild birds)观察野鸟;观鸟Bird-watching is a very popular pastime in the UK. bird-brained adj (stupid, not intelligent)笨的, 愚蠢的 bird-like adj (resembling a bird)似鸟的, 像鸟的 bird's nest n (structure built by a bird)鸟巢;鸟窝There is a bird's nest built in the tree outside my house. bird's-eye view n (view from above)鸟瞰I got a bird's-eye view of the Atlantic as my plane flew over it. bird's-eye view n figurative (overall view)全景 birdcage, bird cage n (enclosure for birds)鸟笼My pet parrot always chews on the bars of its birdcage. birdhouse, bird box (US), nest box, nesting box (UK) n (to feed, shelter birds)鸟舍 birdlime, bird lime, bird-lime n (for catching birds)鸟胶;粘鸟胶 birdwatch, bird-watch vi (observe birds)观鸟,赏鸟 dodo, dodo bird n (extinct bird) (一种已绝迹的鸟)渡渡鸟The dodo was a bird that was unable to fly. early bird n figurative ([sb] who wakes up early)爱早起的人My husband's an early bird, but I find it hard to get out of bed in the morning. early bird n figurative ([sb] arriving before others)早到者;捷足先登者Millie and I were early birds to the party; most of the guests arrived an hour or so later. early bird, early-bird n as adj figurative (advance, before others)捷足先登的You will enjoy an early-bird discount of 15% if you book your tickets before the 1st of February. Early Bird n historical (satellite) (卫星, 历史用语)晨鸟Early Bird was launched by NASA in April 1965. eat like a bird v expr figurative (consume little or in small amounts)胃口小;饭量小No wonder she's so skinny, she eats like a bird! flip [sb] the bird, flip the bird at [sb], give [sb] the bird v expr US, slang (make vulgar middle-finger gesture)竖中指 free as a bird adj informal (really free)自由自在;无拘无束When this school year is over, I'll be free as a bird. frigate bird, man-o'-war bird, hurricane-bird n (seabird)军舰鸟 game bird n (wild bird: hunted)猎鸟;猎禽Henry enjoyed hunting game birds such as woodcock, partridge and pheasant. jabiru, policeman bird n (stork: Australian) (澳大利亚)黑颈鹳 migratory bird n (bird that makes a seasonal journey)候鸟The swallow is a migratory bird that flies to warmer climes in the winter. myna, mynah, mina bird, minah bird n (bird: imitates speech) (一种鸟)八哥 redbird, red-bird, red bird n US (bird with red plumage)红雀 redbird, red-bird, red bird n US, slang (capsule of drug: secobarbital)速可眠, 司可巴比妥 seabird, sea bird n (bird inhabiting marine areas)海鸟As the boys approached the beach, they could hear seabirds calling. songbird n (bird with tuneful call)鸣鸟;歌鸟Aaron was content to listen to songbirds all afternoon. The early bird catches the worm. expr figurative (start work early to be successful)早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 tui, parson bird n (NZ songbird) (新西兰)蜜雀 wader, wading bird n (water bird)涉水禽鸟;涉禽Waders live on the coast or in surrounding wetlands. wading bird n (long-legged bird that lives in water)涉水鸟The flamingo is a very beautiful wading bird. waterbird, water bird n (bird: aquatic)水鸟;水禽 weaver, weaver bird n (bird) (鸟类)缝叶莺Weavers make their nests in groups and live communally.




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