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词汇 beginning
释义 beginningUK:*/bɪˈgɪnɪŋ/US:/bɪˈgɪnɪŋ/ ,(bi gin′ing)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: See also: begin主要翻译 beginning n (start)起点,开端That talent show was the beginning of my career.那场才艺秀是我事业生涯的起点。 beginning n (point or time when [sth] starts)开始;起初;起初He was careful from the beginning.他从开始就很小心。 beginning n (first stage of [sth])开头;开端Stripping the old wallpaper was just the beginning of the redecoration.揭掉旧墙纸不过是重新装修的开始。 beginning n (emergence)开始;出现;早期阶段Florence in Italy saw the beginning of the Renaissance.意大利的弗洛伦萨见证了文艺复兴的开始。 beginning n (origin)源头,起源,本源Their rivalry has its beginning in their early schooldays.他们之间的竞争可以溯源至学生时代之初。 beginnings npl (early stages)起初;初始阶段Walmart had its beginnings as a small retail store in Arkansas.沃尔玛起初是美国阿肯色州的一家小零售商店。 beginning adj (stages, phase: early)起初的;刚开始的;初期的I am still only in the beginning stages of my recovery.我还处在恢复的初期。 beginning adj (not yet experienced)新手的;缺乏经验的This book contains tips and advice for the beginning runner.这本书有针对跑步新手的忠告和建议。 复合形式:beginning | begin at the beginning expr (at the starting point)在开头;打头A sentence should have a capital letter at the beginning.句子开头首字母应大写。 at the beginning of [sth] expr (at the starting point of)在…的开头;在…伊始In the old days, most of the credits were shown at the beginning of a movie.过去大多数演员表都在电影开头时出现。 at the beginning expr (initially, to start with)起初;最初At the beginning, I was mistrustful of John, but I have grown to like and respect him.一开始我并不信任约翰,但现在我开始爱戴和尊重他。 beginning and end n (totality of [sth])始末;从头到尾That's the beginning and end of the matter, I won't discuss it further. beginning of the end n (point [sth] is doomed)结局的前兆The sex scandal marked the beginning of the end for his career. from beginning to end adv (all the way through)从头到尾;自始至终I read the whole 400-page report from beginning to end. from the beginning adv (from the very first moment)从一开始I said it from the beginning, I will never be completely monogamous! in the beginning adv (at the start)开始In the beginning I couldn't see anything, but then my eyes became used to the darkness.一开始我什么也看不见,不过随后我的眼睛就适应了黑暗的环境。 mark the beginning of [sth] v expr (be the start of [sth])标志着...的开始The lighting of the torch marks the beginning of the Olympic Games. mark the beginning of [sth] v expr (celebrate the start of [sth])庆祝...的开幕In the year 2000, there were celebrations around the world to mark the beginning of the new millennium. new beginning n (fresh start)新的开始After weeks of rain, the sunny day felt like a new beginning. very beginning n (first word: of a text)最开始The very beginning of the Bible is one of its best-known passages. very beginning n (first moment, starting point)最开始Let's make the rules clear from the very beginning.




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