

词汇 for one
释义 for one
for one发音




for once───仅此一次



for long───长久

for love───为了爱[兴趣],由于爱好而做某事,无报酬地




no one───没有人


He is into me for one hundred yuan.───他欠我100元.

There's room for one more piece of luggage.───还有地方再放一件行李。

I'd like to change this dress for one in a larger size.───我想把这件衣服换成大号的.

I don't believe for one minute she would have been scared.───我压根不认为她会有所畏惧。

You're talking over a thousand pounds minimum for one course.───你说的可是一门课程收费至少1,000英镑。

There's room for one more at the table.───这张桌子还有一个人的位置。

Stop for one moment and think about it!───稍停片刻,想一想!

Her steadfast belief never left her for one moment.───她坚定的信仰从未动摇过.

There are hefty charges across the board for one-way rental.───各处对单程租赁的收费都很高。

There's only room for one person.───只有一个人的空间。

I for one was sorely disappointed.───我本人就感到特别失望。

He guested for one or two League sides.───他在一两支联赛队伍中做过外援。

I'm under contract to teach here for one year.───我按照聘约要在这里教一年书.

He hadn't eaten a thing except for one forkful of salad.───除了一餐叉色拉,他什么都没吃。

Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another.───我们的牧师老是在为这桩或那桩事募款.

I have had enough obloquy for one lifetime.───我一辈子受够了诽谤.

I, for one, admire his audacity.───比如说,我就很钦佩他的胆识。


I for one was sorely disappointed.

All for one, one for all.

The beggar resorted to me for one dollar.

She was fined £300 and banned from driving for one month.

The headmistress informed us that the school would be closed for one day next week.

For one heart-stopping moment, we thought she was going to fall.

Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind into it.

Never hang a man twice for one offenece.

She received me with incredible poise for one so yong.

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