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词汇 at
释义 atUK:* strong: /ˈæt/, weak: /ət/US:/æt; unstressed ət, ɪt/US:(prep. at; unstressed ət, it; n. ät, at)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 at prep (location) (地点)在…上,在…里,在…旁He's at home right now.他此刻正在家。usage: place or positionAt is used to talk about where something is or where something happens.There was a staircase at the end of the hallway.You often use at to mean ‘next to’ or ‘beside’.He waited at the door.You say that someone sits at a table or desk.I was sitting at my desk, reading.If you want to mention the building where something is or where something happens, you usually use at.We had dinner at a restaurant in Attleborough.He lived at 14 Burnbank Gardens, Glasgow.In British English, you say that someone is at school or at university when you want to say that they study there. He had done some acting at school.After a year at university, Ben joined the army. Speakers of American English usually say that someone is in school.They met in high school.➜ See school - universityYou say that something happens at a meeting, ceremony, or party.The whole family were at the funeral.They met at a dinner party. at prep (time) (时间)在…时刻,在…点The train leaves at nine o'clock.火车9点发车。 at prep (event)参加;出席She's at a meeting.她正在出席一个会议。 at prep spoken (in email address: @, at sign)[电子邮件地址中@的读法]You can reach me at "Fred Smith at email dot com".你可以通过“”联系我。 其他翻译 at prep (in, near) (位置)在(某个地方),在…旁边My dog always sits at my chair and begs for scraps.我的狗总是坐在我的椅子上,向我讨饭吃。 at prep (toward) (方位)朝着…,向…There were hundreds of birds coming at us from all directions.成百上千只鸟从四面八方向我们飞来。 at prep (condition)在…状态下备注: Used in compounds: at rest, at ease, etc.对手球队的技术更过硬,让我们处于不利位置。 at prep (cause)因为,由于He smiled at the thought that he would see his long-distance girlfriend in just a few days.只要想到要不了几天就能见到他的异地恋女友,他就乐呵呵的。 at prep (manner) (方式)以…(速度)We drove off at a good speed.我们以极快的速度开走了。 at prep (quality) (品质)处于…(状态)You have got to see the house at its best.你必须在房屋处于最佳状态时去看房。 at prep (age)在…岁At 18 she moved in with her boyfriend.她在18岁时就搬去和男朋友同居了。 at prep (skill)在…方面I'm no good at chess.我在象棋方面并不拿手。 at prep (in exchange for) (价格、比率、数量)以Apples are on sale at a dollar per pound.苹果正在以每磅一美元的价格打折。 at prep (habitual time)在(某个惯常时间)Kevin works at night. The elderly couple always take a walk at 4 PM.凯文在晚上上班。那对老夫妇总是在下午4点时散步。 动词短语average out at [sth] vi phrasal + prep (have an average of)平均数为...The overall average monthly salary in Finland averaged out at €2 947.beaver away at [sth] vi phrasal UK, informal (work diligently)努力工作blow kisses at [sb] vtr phrasal sep (kiss hand and blow)冲…飞吻call in at [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK (visit briefly)去;拜访I just need to call in at the office on the way home to pick up some paperwork.We called in at Bristol on our way to London.我只需要在回家的路上去趟办公室拿些文件。//我们去伦敦途中在布里斯托尔作了短暂停留。catch at [sth] vtr phrasal insep (reach for [sth]) (球类运动)抓住,接住Jane caught at Pete's arm and pulled him back onto the sidewalk as a car zoomed past.chip away at [sth] vtr phrasal insep (hack pieces off)凿掉;敲掉Michelangelo created statues by chipping away at marble with a chisel and hammer.chip away at [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (decrease gradually)逐步削弱The bullying he was subjected to throughout his childhood chipped away at his self-confidence.clutch at [sth] vtr phrasal insep (try to grasp)试图抓住,抓向come at [sb] vtr phrasal insep (approach threateningly)扑向;快速接近eat away at [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (worry)烦扰Raskolnikov's crime ate away at his peace of mind and, ultimately, his away at [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (erode)侵蚀;腐蚀The river eats away at the sand banks every time there's a flood.;fly at [sb] vtr phrasal insep (attack [sb])攻击get at [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (intend to say, imply) (非正式用语)想说,意指I don't understand what you are getting at.我明白你想说什么。get at [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (target for criticism) (俚语)数落,批评,讽刺,打击I hate him; he's always getting at me.我讨厌他,他总是数落我。get at [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (influence illegally) (俚语)贿赂,买通All the evidence is against us; we'll have to see if we can get at the jury.所有证据都对我们不利,我们得看看能否贿赂陪审团。get back at [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (take revenge on)向…报复;找…算账To get back at him, she had an affair with his brother.为了报复他,她和他兄弟搞外遇。get back at [sb] for [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (take revenge on)为某事向某人复仇;向某人报某事的仇go at [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (do energetically) (精神百倍或热情洋溢地)扑向Chris was hungrily going at his food.go at [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (attack: [sb])扑向;袭击One of the men went at Ed with a knife.go off on [sb] (US), go off at [sb] (UK) vtr phrasal insep informal (express anger)向某人发火;朝某人发作All I said was that he had a bit of a temper and he went off on me!grasp at [sth] vtr phrasal insep (try to grab)试图抓住;努力抓住John grasped at the rim of the pool as his friends tried to pull him away.约翰努力抓住泳池边缘,而他的朋友则试图将他拉开。grasp at [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (seize opportunity) (机会等)抓住,把握Kyra grasped at the opportunity to represent her school at the undergraduate research conference.凯拉抓住机会,代表学校出席本科研讨会。grind away at [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (work laboriously at)全力做某事;奋力做某事Tom ground away at his job for years to pay off his house.hack away at [sth] vi phrasal + prep (keep chopping at [sth])劈;砍The loggers hacked away at the conifers.hack away at [sth] vi phrasal figurative (decrease [sth] over time)不断减少hammer at [sth] vtr phrasal insep (bang repeatedly)反复敲打Joanne hammered at the door to get John's attention.hammer away at [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (persist)锲而不舍;不懈努力If you want to finish your novel, you need to just hammer away at it every day.hammer away at [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (try to persuade) (非正式用语)反复劝说I hammered away at my boss until he finally agreed to give me a raise.harp on at [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (nag)在...耳边唠叨;对...絮聒My mother always harps on at me about doing my chores.have at [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (attack, assault: [sb])攻击某人;袭击某人Have at you, Sir! cried Sherlock Holmes, drawing his sword-stick.have at [sth] vtr phrasal insep slang (undertake enthusiastically)积极投入,努力从事hit back at [sb] vi phrasal + prep (retaliate against)往后撞在…上The victim of the attempted mugging hit back at his attackers, and they ran off empty-handed.hit back at [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (respond to criticism)反驳..., 回击...The pop star has hit back at her critics with a series of tweets.hit out at [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (show aggression to)抨击After Tony had teased him for more than an hour, Pete finally hit out at him.hit out at [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (criticize)抨击;强烈批评The actress has hit out at critics, who she claims have misunderstood her performance.jeer at [sb] vtr phrasal insep (shout at, taunt [sb])嘲笑,讥讽At the bar, the rowdy men jeered at the loser of the fight.;jump out, jump out at [sb] vi phrasal figurative, informal (be noticeable)打眼, 显眼, 突兀It really jumps out at you.它真的很抢眼。keep at [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (continue)继续做Eva struggled at first, but kept at it, and passed her driving test at the first attempt.lash out at [sb] vi phrasal + prep (try to strike)猛烈攻击;猛击Davies suddenly lashed out at his victim, punching Mr. Jackson to the ground.lash out at [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (attack verbally)严责;痛斥Adam's always lashing out at everyone.leap out at [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (be obvious)跃现于...脑海中,跃然...的心中;对...顿时明了The detective was drinking his tea when suddenly the answer leaped out at him: the butler had done it.mouth off at [sb], mouth off to [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (be rude to [sb])和...顶嘴, 对...无礼peck at [sth] vtr phrasal insep (bird: poke with beak) (鸟)啄The woodpecker pecked at the tree until he had drilled a hole into the bark.peck at [sth] vtr phrasal insep (bird: eat with beak) (鸟)啄食I love to watch birds pecking at the seeds in the park.peck at [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (person: nibble) (比喻)啄食, 啜食He pecks at his food since he lost his appetite during the illness.peer at [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (look curiously at)凝视;仔细看Ana peered at her phone but couldn't read the number.pick at [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (find fault with) (非正式用语)挑…的毛病Her mother was always picking at her about her at [sth] vtr phrasal insep (pretend, make believe [sth])假装The children are playing at doctors and nurses.point at [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (indicate with finger)(用手指)指向It was him, said the witness, pointing at the defendant.point at [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (accuse)指责point at [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (be evidence for) (证据等)指向All the evidence points at Mr. Smith.pop at [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (shoot at, try to hit)向…射击, 击打Ralph used to spend a lot of time popping at bottles with a slingshot.pound away at [sth] vtr phrasal insep (bang repeatedly)反复击打pound away at [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (persevere with)坚持, 对…孜孜不倦, 不屈不挠地做put up at [sth] vi phrasal + prep (stay, be accommodated at)住在;在…投宿We put up at a lovely hotel just outside of town.我们在城外一家精美的宾馆里住了下来。roll up to [sth], roll up at [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (arrive somewhere)到达;出现在The drivers rolled up to the starting line and waited for the race to begin.车手们汇集在起跑线上,等待比赛开始。run at [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (charge [sb/sth])冲向slave away at [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (work hard at)苦干, 拼命干He slaved away at his paper all week, but he got it done on time.slog away at [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (work hard at)努力,拼命备注: Most commonly used in continuous tensessniff at [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (show contempt)对…嗤之以鼻The fans sniffed at the choice of new manager for the club.stick with [sth], stick at [sth], stick to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (not vary or deviate from) (非正式用语)坚持做某事,继续做某事;遵守If I stick with this diet, I should be able to wear my favorite pants again by Christmas.只要能继续坚持这样的膳食计划,我应该就能在圣诞节前再次穿上我最喜欢的裤子了。stop over at [sth] vi phrasal + prep (stay overnight at)中途在…停留It's fun to stop over at DisneyWorld on the way to Miami.strike out at [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (hit, attack)攻击;袭击A coiled snake will strike out at anything that threatens it.盘绕着的蛇会攻击任何威胁它的东西。strike out at [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (criticize)抨击;(语言)攻击When he was a candidate for mayor, Bob would strike out at all his opponents.鲍勃作为市长候选人,抨击了他所有的对手。suck at [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative, slang (be unskillful at [sth])不擅长;对...不精通;talk at [sb] vtr phrasal insep (talk and not let listener say anything) (指不给听话者说话的机会)对...唠叨不休;对...滔滔不绝地说话wave back at [sb] vi phrasal + prep (greet in return)挥手回应;向...挥手致意whittle away at [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (reduce)逐渐消减wink at [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (tolerate, ignore)假装没看见;默许The boss tends to wink at people going home early on a Friday, as long as they've finished all their work.复合形式: a dab hand at [sth] n informal (person skilled at [sth])...的能手;很擅长...My sister's coming to put up some shelves for me. She's a dab hand at DIY. adept at doing [sth] adj (skilled)内行的;专业的;专业的She's very adept at helping people develop their strengths. aim [sth] at [sth/sb] vtr + prep (try to hit)用...瞄准;使...对准Although he aimed the arrow at the bull's eye, he hit the outside ring every time.虽然他将箭头瞄准红心,却总是射到外环。 aim at [sth/sb] vi + prep (try to hit)瞄准;对准Nathan was aiming at the target with his .40-caliber pistol.南森用.40口径的手枪瞄准目标。 aim at [sth] vi + prep figurative (have as a goal)目标在于;目标是Jack's aiming at becoming the president of the company someday.杰克的目标是有朝一日成为这家公司的大老板。 aim [sth] at [sb/sth] vtr + prep figurative, often passive (have as intended audience)把…当作目标群体; (指针对某一受众)瞄准;以...为受众The movie is aimed at a younger audience.这部电影的目标群体是更年轻的观众。 all at once adv (suddenly)忽然;突然All at once, I heard a noise in the kitchen. all at once adv (simultaneously, at the same time)同时The guests cried "Surprise!" all at once. ambassador-at-large n (diplomatic envoy)巡回大使 angry about [sth], angry at [sth] adj + prep (cross about [sth])因为…生气,因为…感到愤怒He was angry about his son's failure.他因为儿子的失败而生气。 angry with [sb], angry at [sb] adj + prep (cross with [sb])生...的气;对...感到愤怒的Doris is angry with her lazy husband.朵瑞丝对自己懒惰的丈夫感到很生气。 angry with [sb] for doing [sth], angry at [sb] for doing [sth] expr (cross with [sb])为某事生某人气I am angry with my sister for taking my book.妹妹拿了我的书,我很生气。 be annoyed at [sb/sth], be annoyed with [sb/sth] adj + prep (irritated, angry)对...感到恼怒,对...感到气恼I'm annoyed at my brother for leaving the room in such a mess.弟弟把房间搞得一团糟,让我大为光火。 anything at all pron (something, anything whatever)任何事;任何东西You can ask me anything at all! anything at all pron (everything possible)任何事;任何可能的事I miss my brother; I would do anything at all to see him again. anything at all pron (in questions: a thing of any type) (疑问)任何一种;任意类型Do you have anything at all to say in your defence? anything at all pron (with negative: a single thing)任何东西They didn't manage to save anything at all from the house when it burned down. anything at all adv (with negative: to any extent)任何程度;任何样子 arrive at [sth] vi + prep figurative (conclusion, etc.: reach)到达(相对较小的地方)The mathematician worked to arrive at the answer. as at prep UK (at a particular time)截至…备注: Used in finance and accounting. asleep at the wheel, also US: asleep at the switch adj informal, figurative (not paying attention)心不在焉;走神了I'm sorry; I should have understood what you wanted. I was asleep at the wheel.对不起,我本该明白你想要什么,我当时走神了。 be astonished at [sth/sb] v expr (be amazed by)因...吃惊;为...感到惊讶Onlookers were astonished at the firefighter's bravery.消防队员的勇敢让旁观者大为惊叹。 at a blow, at a single blow expr (in one go, with a single act)一下子;一口气 at a certain time adv (at a specified hour)在某个时间You can adjust the heating so that it switches itself on at a certain time each evening. at a crossroads adv figurative (at a decisive point) (比喻义)在十字路口;处于决定性时刻,处于关键时刻 at a disadvantage adv (in an inferior position)处于劣势;处于不利地位You'll be at a disadvantage if you don't have a second language. at a discount adv (at a reduced price)打折;以折扣价格The student card allows you to buy train tickets at a discount. at a distance adv (comfortably far away)隔开一段距离He keeps himself at a distance from political arguments. at a distance adv (some distance removed)在远处,从远处,相距遥远地 at a fair clip, at a fast clip adv figurative (rapidly)迅速地;快速地 at a glacial pace adv figurative (very slowly)极其缓慢地;很慢地 at a glance adv (with one quick look)一瞥,一眼,晃眼一看,匆匆一看 at a glance adv figurative (quickly, rapidly)迅速地,匆匆地,快地 at a good price expr (at reasonable cost)好价钱;以不错的价格I was able to buy my PC at a good price. at a later date adv (on an unspecified future day)以后 at a later time adv (later)以后;过一段时间We agreed to discuss the matter again at a later time. at a loose end, at loose ends adv informal, figurative (having nothing to do)无事可做 at a loss adv (losing money)处于亏损地They must be selling these at a loss, the prices are so low. at a loss adj informal (unable to understand)困惑不解的She was at a loss to explain what had happened. at a low ebb expr (person: depressed, weak)处于低潮;精神不济 at a low ebb expr (institution, country, etc: weak)不景气;衰退 at a low ebb expr (finances: weak, at risk)疲软;萧条 at a premium adv (scarce, sought-after)奇缺地;供不应求地;渴求地During the oil embargo of the 1970's, gasoline was at a premium. at a premium adv (above usual price)溢价地;高价地 at a price expr (for a certain cost)以...的价格 at a profit adv (gaining financially)赚钱;获利Alan repairs second-hand cars and then sells them at a profit. at a push adv UK, informal (with difficulty)尽力的话,勉强 at a slow pace adv (slowly)缓慢地The tortoise won the race, even though he went at a slow pace. at a standstill adj (traffic: not moving forward) (交通)停滞,停顿,停滞状态When we saw the accident we understood why traffic was at a standstill. at a standstill adj figurative (not progressing)停止不前,没有进步We can't agree on the terms of the contract, so negotiations are at a standstill. at a stretch expr (in one session)一口气地;连续不断地;不休息地Although I can read English for hours, I can only manage about ten pages of French at a stretch. at a stretch expr UK (if absolutely necessary)如果确有必要The recipe says it's enough for four people, but I think it will feed five at a stretch. at a tangent adv (line, curve: touching)沿切线 at a tangent to [sth] expr (line: touching a curve)与...呈切线 at about adv (time: at approximately) (指时间)在大约…左右,大概(几点了)Class starts at one, shall we meet at about quarter to? at all adv (in the slightest) (加强语气)根本,丝毫I don't mind at all if you want to smoke.如果你想抽烟的话,我根本不会介意。 at all costs adv (by whatever means)无论如何At all costs, you must finish the work by Friday. at all hours adv (at any time of the day or night)一天到晚,全天The people upstairs are stomping around at all hours. at all times adv (all the time, constantly)在任何时间;总是;总是Please keep your hands and arms in the car at all times. at an angle adv (diagonally, obliquely)倾斜地;成某个角度地He hung the picture up without a spirit level so it was at an angle. at an early hour adv (early in the morning)一大早地My grandmother had the custom of rising at an early hour. at an end adj (finished, over)结束;终止;完结Economists think the recession is at an end. at an impasse adj figurative (at a standstill, at a dead end) (比喻)陷入僵局We can't agree on the terms of the contract; we're really at an impasse. at another time adv (in other circumstances)在不同场合,在别的时候At another time, she would have responded with anger, but she was so tired, she let his comments go. at any age adv (no matter what one's age)在任何年龄;不管什么年纪Cancer does not discriminate, it can strike at any age. at any cost adv (however high the cost may be)不惜任何代价;无论如何We will win this war at any cost. at any minute, at any moment expr (without warning)随时The city is built across a fault line, so an earthquake could strike at any minute. at any one time expr (any point in time)在任何时候At any one time, there are numerous children suffering from rare illnesses. at any price adv (whatever the cost)不管价格如何高昂;以任何价格Bob was willing to buy the painting at any price. at any price adv figurative (whatever sacrifice is required)不惜任何代价Yvonne wanted to win the game at any price. at any rate adv (anyway, in any case)无论如何;不管怎样I didn't want to go to the party at all, but it's over now, at any rate.我根本不想参加那个派对,不管怎样,它现在也结束了。 at any time adv (whenever convenient)在任何时候;随时You can call me for help at any time. at any time adv (without warning) (无事先警告)随时I like my desk to face the door, because I know my boss may walk in at any time. at arm's length adv figurative (at safe distance)保持一定距离He has lied to me before, so I keep him at arm's length now. at arm's length adv literal (at end of your arm)手臂够得到地,一臂之长The wild deer stood at arm's length from us.那头野鹿站在离我们一臂远的地方。 at attention adv (military: standing straight) (军事口令)立正 at auction adv (in a public bidding sale)在拍卖会上;竞拍地 at bat adv (baseball: taking turn to bat)轮到击球 at-bat n (baseball: turn to bat taken)上场击球 at bay adv (at a distance)保持距离;远离I wasn't ready to talk to my boss, so Jan kept him at bay for as long as she could. at best adv (at the most)至多,最多;充其量It won't be ready until tomorrow at best.最快也要明天才能准备好。 at bottom adv (basically, in reality)基本上;实际上;归根结底 at breakneck speed expr (dangerously fast)以惊人的速度;以不要命的速度 at close quarters adv (near together)接近地;非常接近;逼近地People who work on submarines learn to live at close quarters with others.在潜艇上工作的人员学会了与他人近距离生活。 at close range, from close range adv (from near the target)近距离;近程Despite security checks, the assassin managed to smuggle a pistol into the press conference, and shot the President from close range. at cross-purposes adv (not in agreement)彼此误解地;牛头不对马嘴 at dawn adv (early in the morning; daybreak)在黎明;破晓时;拂晓 at death's door adv figurative (very ill, about to die)生命垂危;垂死;濒临死亡 at discount prices adv (cheaply, at lower cost than usual)按折扣价格 at discretion adv (whenever desired)随意;自行决定 at dusk adv (when night falls)黄昏时刻;傍晚The mosquitoes came out at dusk.蚊子在傍晚出动。 at each other's throats expr figurative, informal (arguing)唇枪舌剑;互相攻击The couple are constantly at each other's throats, always arguing about something or other.这对夫妻总是吵架,经常争来争去。 be at ease v expr (relaxed)放松的;轻松的I am more at ease when my boss is not in the office.老板不在办公室时,我感到更加放松。 be at ease v expr (not standing at attention) (军队用语)稍息The troops were at ease on the parade ground.军队在阅兵场上呈稍息状。 at ease adv (stand: not at attention) (军队用语)稍息The captain ordered the soldiers to stand at ease.海军上校命令士兵们稍息。 at ease with [sb/sth] adj (comfortable)自在;不拘束Chris was very friendly, and I instantly felt at ease with him.克里斯为人友好,所以在他面前时,我马上就觉得很自在。 at Easter adv (in the Easter period)在复活节期间;在复活节 at every turn adv (constantly, repeatedly)处处;老是;老是 at face value adv figurative (for its apparent worth)根据表面判断;从表面上看You can't take what she says at face value: she always has an agenda.你不能她说啥你就信啥:她总是别有用心。 at fault adj (responsible, to blame)有责任;有过失;出差错 at first adv (to begin with, in the beginning)起初,刚开始At first, it was just pitch black, then his eyes got used to the darkness and he began to see some features of the cave.起初只是一片漆黑,随后他的眼睛适应了黑暗,他便开始看出一些洞穴的特征了。at first blush adv (at first impression)第一印象;乍一看At first blush, you seem to have put together a sound business first glance expr (initially)一开始;乍看之下It was a good plan at first glance, but later we realized it was a first light expr (at daybreak)天刚亮;破晓at first sight adv (instantly, immediately)一看之下;一见面就…At first sight, the town looked full blast adv figurative (loudly)最大音量地If you must play your music at full blast, please use full blast adv (forcefully)全力地I accidentally turned the hose on at full blast and washed away all my full gallop adv (horse: at top speed)飞快;以最快速度Even at full gallop, the horse could not outrun the train for full gallop adv figurative (very fast)飞快She was talking at full gallop: I couldn't understand most of what she full speed, at top speed expr (as fast as possible)以全速;以最高速度If you run the motor at full speed for more than an hour, there is a danger it will overheat and seize full throttle adv (vehicle: at top speed) (车辆等)以全速,加大油门地,以最大速度地at full throttle adv figurative (person: as fast as possible) (人)以最快速度地,尽可能快地at full tilt expr (at top speed or power)全速;全力The train had been travelling at full tilt when the accident full tilt expr (energetically)精力充沛地;起劲地My three-year-old runs around full tilt right before grade expr US, idiom (on the same level) (一般指地平面)在同一水平面上,在同一层面The train tracks and the street were at grade where they crossed, so people barely noticed the intersection.铁轨和路面交叉时处于同一水平面,因此人们很难发现它们的交界处。at grade with expr US, idiom (on the same level)与...在同一水平at great cost adv (at great financial expense) (一般指经济方面的)以很大的代价at great cost adv figurative (involving great sacrifice or loss)花了很大的代价,做了很大的牺牲at great expense adv (at great financial cost)花了很多钱My parents paid my way through four years of college at great gunpoint adv (threatening [sb] with a gun)在枪口(威胁)下The masked men held the victim at gunpoint and demanded his gunpoint adv figurative (under threat) (比喻)在威胁恐吓下at hand expr (nearby, conveniently close)在手边,在附近;即将到来I keep a torch at hand because of the frequent electricity cuts.因为经常停电,所以我随身佩戴手电筒。at hand expr figurative (imminent)临近,即将到来; (书面,成语)近在咫尺; (书面)在即With Christmas at hand, we are very busy in the shop.随着圣诞节的临近,我们店里变得异常繁忙。at heart adv (in essence)本质上;在心底Tyler makes a lot of mistakes, but he is a good person at heart. Marilyn's always been an animal lover at heart.泰尔犯了很多错,但是他本质上是个好人。玛丽拉一直是一位真心喜爱动物的人。have [sth] at heart v expr (consider, be concerned with)关心;记挂I have your best interests at home adv (in own house) (本义)在家(里)I left my wallet at home.我将钱包落在家里了。at home adv (sport: in own ground) (运动)主场The team have never lost at home.这支球队主场比赛从未败过。at home, at-home adj (in own house)在家的,家里的;家庭的,家用的Josie is hoping to have an at-home birth.乔茜希望在家中生产。at-home n US (reception in own house)在家接待客人;家庭招待会Charles is hosting an at-home in his new apartment.查尔斯正在他的新公寓举办一场家庭招待会。at issue adv (being discussed, in question)正在争论的;有分歧的At issue here are the psychological origins of criminal at it v expr slang (have sex) (做爱)做个不停,别松懈I couldn't sleep because, they were at it all night!be at it again v expr slang (repeat usual bad behavior)又做同样的错事;又犯老毛病The next-door neighbours are at it again; playing their music so loud that our walls are shaking!at large adv (as a whole, in general)大体上;总体上;整个Proceeds from the fundraiser will benefit the population at large.筹款所得将造福所有人。at large adj (escaped) (囚犯)在逃的,逍遥法外的The murderer is still at large.那个杀人犯仍然逍遥法外。at large, at-large adj (role: free-ranging)无固定职位的备注: A hyphen is used with this meaning only, when the adjective precedes the noun.Besides the chair and treasurer, the board also includes five members at large.除了主席和财务主管外,董事会还有五名普通成员。at last adv (finally)最后;终于At last, I've finished writing that report!我终于写完那份报告了!at least adv (no less or fewer than)不少于;至少Mary needs at least £1,000 to pay for her holiday.玛丽需要至少1000美元来覆盖她的度假费用。at least adv (if nothing else)不管怎样;无论如何;至少He lost his job, but at least he still has a home.His wife left him, but at least she left him the furniture.他丢了工作,但是不管怎样他还有个家。 // 他的老婆离他而去,不过至少她把家具留给了他。at least adv (at the minimum)最低限度;最少;至少Please at least wash the dishes!请至少洗洗碗吧!at leisure adv (when it is convenient)闲暇时;有空时She's not in a hurry, so just send her the files at your leisure adj (free of planned activities)悠闲;闲暇at length adv (extensively, in detail)终于;详细地He explained his financial situation to me at length adv (after a long while)终于;最终At length, Joyce looked up from her liberty adj (free)自由at liberty to do [sth] adj (unconstrained)不受限制的;不受支配的;自由的The police were not at liberty to discuss details of the case with the loggerheads adj (in opposition)不和;对立;冲突Carol is at loggerheads with her brother Bob because she thinks he shouldn't bail his son out of jail again.卡罗尔与她的兄弟鲍勃发生冲突,因为她认为他不该将她的儿子再次保释出狱。at long last expr (emphatic: finally) (强调)终于,总算be at loose ends (US), be at a loose end (UK) v expr (feel unsettled or restless)焦躁不安at maturity adv (debt: when payment is due) (债务等)到期at maturity adv (investment: when payable to owner) (投资)到期The savings bond will yield a good return at midday adv (at 12 noon)在正午;正午时分;中午12点整Monday to Friday, lunch is served at most, at the most adv (and no more, not more than)最多,顶多;不超过A newly imported vehicle may be used for three months at most before it becomes liable to tax. It will take 10 minutes at the most.一款新进口的汽车,征税前最多可以使用三个月。它顶多会花十分钟。at night adv (during the nighttime)在夜里;在夜间;在晚上Bats only feed at night. My cat is often the most alert and playful at night.蝙蝠仅在夜间进食。我的猫往往在晚上是最警觉和顽皮的。at no time adv (never, not at any point)决不;在任何时候都不At no time did Bob leave the house that noon adv (at 12 o'clock midday)在中午;中午时分My brother is due to arrive at noon.The office closes at noon for odds adv (in disagreement)意见不统一地;不和地The couple were at odds over which car to buy.在要买哪一辆车的问题上,那对情侣意见不统一。at odds with [sth] adj (not corresponding)与…意见不一致;起争执Your opinion is at odds with the odds with [sb] adj (person: disagreeing)与...意见相左的;与...意见不一的at once adv (immediately)立刻,马上,立马When Beth saw how ill her son was, she called the health centre at once.看到儿子病重,贝丝立马给健康中心打了电话。at once adv (at one time: simultaneously)同时I can't clean the house and take care of the children at once.我没法同时又看孩子、又打扫房子。at one adv (at one o'clock)一点整We went for lunch at one point adv (at a given moment)某一刻;在某一时间At one point, I thought we might even get one time expr (once, at some point in the past)一度;曾经At one time you were allowed to buy milk straight from the one time expr (at once: simultaneously)同时I was trying to do three things at one time, and failed the one with adj (in agreement with, at peace with)与…意见一致After I meditate, I feel at one with the par adv (trade: at face value)按面值计;以票面价计at peace adj (in agreement)相处和睦;处于和平状态After years of conflict the two countries are at peace adj (free from anxiety or trouble)和解;和好I'm at peace now that the divorce is present adv (currently)目前;当前At present, there are six students enrolled in the phonetics course.目前,有六名学生报名注册了语音学课程。at random adv (in arbitrary way)随便地;任意地;随意地Study participants were selected at random.研究参与者都是随意选择的。at regular intervals adv (periodically)每隔一定时间The nurse came in and checked his vital signs at regular intervals.每隔一段时间,护士都会进来检查他的生命体征。at regular intervals adv (spaced out)每隔一段距离The hurdles were set up at regular intervals along the track.在跑道上每隔一段距离都会放置一个跨栏。at rest adv (in a relaxed state)在休息;休息之中While the man was at rest, researchers measured his brain rest adv (not moving)处于停止状态The truck was at rest when the accident right angles adv (geometry: at 90 degrees) (几何学)成直角The two roads meet at right risk adv (in danger)处于危险中地Driving while drunk puts people's lives at risk.酒后驾驶的行为将人们的生命置于危险中。at risk, at-risk adj (in danger)处于险境的;高危的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.Urban women in the age group of 30-45 years have emerged as an at-risk population for heart diseases.30-45岁的城市女性已经成为心脏病的高发人群。at risk of, also US: at risk for [sth] expr (having increased chance of: [sth] bad)处于...的危险境地;有...的危险People who smoke are at increased risk for [sb]'s expense adv figurative (causing [sb] discomfort)让...付出代价John made a joke at Lina's expense, causing everyone to laugh except Lina, who frowned in school adv (attending classes)在上学;在上课Sara isn't home right now; she's at school adv US (at university) (指大学)在学校at school adj UK (of school age)学龄的at sea adv (on the open water)在大海上,在广阔的水面上The old sailor loves to recount his adventures at sea, all at sea adj figurative (disorientated)茫然的;不知所措的;迷茫的Clara was all at sea in the advanced calculus sign n (symbol: @)@符号at sixes and sevens adj UK, figurative (confused)丈二和尚摸不着头脑at some other time adv (at an unspecified future time) (指将来)改天,下次I promise that we'll go to Disneyland at some other some other time adv (at an unspecified past time) (指过去)另一天,另一次I had promised that we would go to Disney at some other some point adv (at an unspecified moment)某个时刻,某个时候;某个时间At some point, we'll need to decide whether the project is worth continuing.某个时候,我们需要决定这个项目还值不值得继续下去。at stake adv (at risk)有风险,岌岌可危地;关系到You need to make sure you do the job correctly because your professional reputation is at stake!你一定要把这份工作做对、做好,这可关系到你的职业声誉!at that expr (in addition)而且;另外The car is too expensive, and it's ugly at that expr (and then)于是;然后At that, the chairman ended the that moment, at that instant adv (at a specified instant in the past)就在那个时候;就在那一刻At that moment, I realized that she truly loved me. I was about to tell her, but at that instant the phone rang.在那一刻,我认识到她是真的爱我。我正想要告诉他,但是那一刻电话响了。at that time adv (during a specified past period)在那时;在当时;那个时候I was born in 1999. At that time my father was a captain, but now he is a major.我出生于1999年。在那时,我的父亲还是位上尉,但现在他是少校了。at the back adv (in, towards the rear)在后面;朝后地We went to the cinema and sat at the the base of prep (at the bottom of)在…的最底部We'll meet at the base of the volcano and hike up the beginning expr (at the starting point)在开头;打头A sentence should have a capital letter at the beginning.句子开头首字母应大写。at the beginning of [sth] expr (at the starting point of)在…的开头;在…伊始In the old days, most of the credits were shown at the beginning of a movie.过去大多数演员表都在电影开头时出现。at the beginning expr (initially, to start with)起初;最初At the beginning, I was mistrustful of John, but I have grown to like and respect him.一开始我并不信任约翰,但现在我开始爱戴和尊重他。at the behest of, at [sb]'s behest expr literary (as ordered by)受...的吩咐;应...的要求at the behest of, at [sb]'s behest expr literary (as strongly requested by)在…的敦促下;在…的强烈要求下The accused man was deported to the UK at the behest of the British at the bottom of [sth] v expr figurative (be the cause of [sth])是…的原因;是造成…的原因Childhood experiences are often at the bottom of adult at the bottom of [sth] v expr (be at the lowest part of [sth])在…底部The village is at the bottom of the the center of [sth] (US), at the centre of [sth] (UK) prep figurative (focus of controversy, etc.)在...的中心;处于...的核心at the core of [sth] expr figurative (at the center or heart of)在核心;在中心at the crack of dawn expr informal (early in morning)黎明时分;破晓时;一大早I have to get up at the crack of dawn to get to work on the cutting edge adv figurative (at the forefront)在最前沿at the cutting edge of [sth], on the cutting edge of [sth] adv figurative (at the forefront of [sth])走在...的前端;处于...的前沿In 1440 Gutenberg's printing press was at the cutting edge of the discretion of [sb], at [sb]'s discretion expr (according to [sb]'s judgment)任凭...决定;由...自行裁定at the drop of a hat expr figurative, informal (at the least provocation) (脾气等)一触即发That girl is so emotional, she'll start crying at the drop of a the earliest adv (and no sooner)最早We may have your order ready by Saturday at the earliest or at the latest, by next the earliest opportunity expr (as soon as possible)一有机会;尽早Please respond to this letter at the earliest the eleventh hour adv figurative (at the last moment)在最后一刻;关键时刻At the eleventh hour, the supplies reached the starving the end adv (at [sth]'s conclusion)在最后;结束时;最终I haven't seen the film yet; don't tell me what happens at the end.我还没看过这部电影,不要告诉我结局。at the end of [sth] expr (at [sth]'s conclusion)在…的最后阶段;在…结束时At the end of the race, the runner fell exhausted to her knees.比赛结束后,赛跑者精疲力尽地跪倒在地。at the end adv (just before death)临死时;临死前At the end, she just sighed and let go of my hand.最后,她只是叹了口气,放开了我的手。at the end of the day expr (in the evening)傍晚时刻,一天结束的时候He went home at the end of the day.他在傍晚时刻回家。at the end of the day expr figurative (ultimately)最终,最后;到头来At the end of the day, there's nothing we can do.到头来,我们也毫无办法。at the end of the earth expr (in a distant place)在天涯海角at the expense of [sb], at [sb]'s expense adv (paid for by [sb] else)由...出钱Faculty can attend the conference at the university's the expense of [sb], at [sb]'s expense prep figurative (to the detriment of [sb])以损失…为代价Many children make cruel jokes at the expense of other [sb]'s expense prep figurative (to detriment of [sb]) (人)以损伤...为代价,以伤害...为代价at the expense of [sth] prep figurative (to the disadvantage of [sth]) (事)以...为代价;靠牺牲at [sb]'s feet, at the feet of [sb] adv (in front of feet)在某人脚边The pencil was lying at his feet, just where he had dropped [sb]'s feet, at the feet of [sb] adv figurative (worshipping)臣服于某人脚下;让某人崇拜Michael had all of the audience at his feet when he sang his latest hit the first opportunity adv (as soon as possible)一有机会;尽快When I had the chance I did it at the first the forefront, in the forefront adv (in the vanguard)在前沿at the forefront of [sth], in the forefront of [sth] adv (in the vanguard)在…的前沿Yves Saint Laurent was at the forefront of haute couture for the gym adv (using an exercise facility)在健身房I like to take kickboxing classes at the the hands of [sb], at the hand of [sb], by the hands of [sb], by the hand of [sb] prep (because of)出自某人之手;因为某人的原因Many women die at the hands of their own families for perceived [sb]'s hands, at [sb]'s hand, by [sb]'s hands, by [sb]'s hand prep (because of) (指由于某人行为)因为,由于;于...之手,在...手里at the heart of [sth] prep (at the centre of [sth])在…中央;处于…的核心部分;位于…的中心At the heart of the financial crisis there was a lot of the helm adv (steering a ship) (航海)掌舵I was glad my father was at the helm during the the helm adv figurative (in charge)掌权地,掌控全局地After five years, he is now at the helm of his unit.五年后,现在他成为他所在部门的领导人。at the last expr literary (at the end) (书面语)最后;终了at the last minute expr (almost too late)到最后一刻;在最后的时刻;在紧要关头I managed to get tickets to the concert at the last minute. Our babysitter cancelled at the last minute, so we stayed the latest adv (not later)最晚This project needs to be completed by close of business tomorrow at the the least expr (amount: not less than)至少;最少at the limit adv figurative (at the boundary)到极限;在边缘I am at the limit of my the mercy of [sth] prep (helpless)在…面前毫无办法;任由…摆布Without fuel the ship's engines failed and the vessel was at the mercy of the violent the mercy of [sb] prep (dependent)仰赖…的怜悯The child was left at the mercy of his older [sb]'s mercy prep (dependent)受...支配;在...的掌握之中at the moment adv (now)在此刻;在那时;当下I'm busy at the moment, but we can talk later.当下我很忙,不过我们可以一会儿聊。at the other end of the spectrum adv (as a complete contrast)另一方面I like opera but at the other end of the spectrum I'm a punk rock the outside expr (at most)最多;最大限度at the point of expr informal (about to)接近于;濒临;将近Honestly, I am really at the point of showing him the the present time adv (now, currently)目前;现在;当前At the present time, there are many migrating birds the ready adj (available)可用的;已准备就绪的at the rear adv (at the back)在后面;后部地My friends and I like to sit at the rear of the the request of [sb], at [sb]'s request expr (in response to [sb] asking)应…的要求At the request of the Headteacher, the teachers attended a the same time adv (simultaneously)同时It was fortunate that we both arrived at the same time.幸运的是我俩同时抵达。at the same time adv (in unison)一起We all screamed for more ice cream at the same time.我们全部一起叫到,还要更多的冰淇淋。at the same time adv figurative (all the same)同时I really like my colleague, but at the same time I wish he'd work the same time as prep (concurrent)与此同时;当…的时候at the same time that prep (at precise moment)同时;当…时Joey returned home at the same time that Zula was preparing to the start expr (when [sth] begins)开始时;起初At the start, learning to drive can be the stroke of [sth], on the stroke of [sth] prep (at exactly: a given hour)正当...的时候;刚好...的时刻The party ended at the stroke of the suggestion of [sb], at [sb]'s suggestion expr (in response to [sb] else's idea)根据…的建议At the suggestion of my neighbor, I went to the library and checked out some good the time adv (back then) (指过去)那时,当时,那段时间At the time, I didn't fully understand what she meant, but I caught on later.当时,我还不能完全明白她的意思,但后来我反应过来了。at the time of expr (when [sth] happened)在...的时候;当...时At the time of his father's death, Bob was living in the time when adv (during that period) (过去的某个时间)当…的时候At the time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, there was no human the top adv (at the highest part or point)在顶端,在顶部When he arrived at the top of the ladder he was able to see the damaged roof.当他爬到梯子的顶端时,便能看到损毁的屋顶。at the top adv figurative, informal (among the greatest achievers)属于佼佼者之列,居于首位地;身居高位He enjoyed his success to begin with, but is now finding out that life can be tough at the top.起初他很享受自己的成功,不过现在又发现身居高位的日子并不好过。at the top adv (mountain: at the summit)在山顶The air was thin at the top of the hill.山顶的空气很稀薄。at the top of your class adj (among the best)一流的;顶尖的He graduated at the top of his class and was accepted to a very good the top of your game expr figurative (performing brilliantly)表现杰出;脱颖而出;鹤立鸡群at the top of your lungs expr (voice: as loud as possible)声嘶力竭地at the vanguard, in the vanguard adv figurative (at the forefront)在前列In terms of technological innovation, the company is definitely marching in the the vanguard of [sth], in the vanguard of [sth] expr figurative (at the forefront of)处于...的前沿This writer is at the vanguard of modern English literature.We've always been in the vanguard of technological the very least expr (emphatic: and no less)至少I would offer to pay half the cost, at the very the very least expr (emphatic: as the minimum)至少At the very least you need to call her and say thank the water's edge adv (on the bank or shore)在水边;在岸边We strolled at the water's edge, picking up the weekends (UK), on the weekends (mainly US) adv (on Saturday or Sunday in given period)在周末;到周末When I lived in France, I worked in Rouen during the week and stayed with friends in Paris at the the wheel expr (driving)开车;在驾驶Ernest was at the wheel when a pine tree fell across the the wheel expr figurative (in charge)掌控大局,领导at this juncture adv (now)在这个时候;在节骨眼上;此时It is important at this juncture to choose the best path for ourselves and for our this moment expr (now)现在;此时此刻I am having my lunch at this this moment in time expr (now, at present)在目前情况下;在此时此刻I am not studying English at this moment in this point expr (at this moment, right now)这时候,此时此刻;当下,眼下At this point, you have no choice but to find a job.眼下,除了找工作以外你别无他法。at this point in time expr (currently, now)此时此刻;在这个时候at this rate adv informal (if progress continues this quickly)按照这种速度;照这样下去He's got five medals for diving already? At this rate, he'll be in the Olympics before he's this stage adv (at this point: in a process)眼下;现阶段At this stage of the translation, you need to edit this time adv (at present, now)在这时;在此刻;这个时候That car model is not available at this time.那个型号的车,此刻无货。at times adv (sometimes, on occasion)有时;偶尔At times, I just want to quit my job.有时,我想辞掉工作。be at variance with [sb] adj (disagreeing)与…有分歧be at variance with [sth] adj (not corresponding)与…不一致,与…有出入Your opinion is definitely at variance with the various times adv (on occasion)在不同的时间;在不同时期At various times in her life, Zoë would get the urge to war adj (in armed conflict)战时;战争中;处于交战状态The Prime Minister has just declared that the nation is at war.总理刚宣布国家处于战时状态。at war with [sb] expr (in armed conflict with)与…交战;与…处于交战状态Britain had been at war with France since war adj figurative (in a dispute)发生争执;口角The two political parties are at war over the tax.两政党就税务问题发生争执。at war with [sb] expr figurative (in a dispute with)与…发生争执;与…发生口角Mr. Ellis has been at war with his neighbour Mr Barker about the state of his war with [sb] expr figurative (fighting, in conflict with)与…打起来Some militant vegans are at war with meat eaters.The Church has often been openly at war with war with [sth] expr figurative (ideas, desires: in conflict with) (思想、观念)与…冲突at warp speed expr figurative (extremely rapidly)高速地It's difficult for companies to keep up with an industry that's moving at warp which prep + pron (at what was just mentioned)在这;在该at will adv (whenever wished)随意地;任意地;随心所欲地She just comes and goes at wit's end, at your wit's end, at your wits' end adj (upset, frustrated)茫然不知所措备注: Both positions of the apostrophe are in use: wit's and wits'.Kathy was at her wit's end with worry when her son failed to come home from wit's end, at your wit's end, at your wits' end adj (unable to find a solution)束手无策,无计可施;黔驴技穷备注: Both positions of the apostrophe are in use: wit's and wits'.Having spent three hours unsuccessfully trying to fix the photocopier, Dave was at his wit's end.戴夫花了整整三个小时时间,试图修复复印机,但最后终究束手无策。at work adv (at your workplace)在上班地点Bob never checks his personal email at work.鲍勃从不在上班地点检查自己的私人邮箱。at work adj (in action)在起作用的;行动中的at work on [sth] adj (working on)正在处理;正在从事The show is a great success, and its writers are already at work on the second season.这部剧大获成功,编剧已经开始着手准备第二季。at worst, at the worst adv (imagining worst scenario)在最坏的情况下;最坏At worst, we'll have learnt something from the [sb]'s beck and call, at the beck and call of [sb] expr (available to serve you at any time)随叫随到I will be at your beck and your command adv (under your control)听您指挥at your command adv (available to you)可供你自由使用at your command adv humorous (ready to help you)听候您的差遣at your convenience expr formal (when it suits you) (正式用语)在您方便的时候;看您什么时候方便Please return my books at your your discretion adv (according to your judgement)由你决定You may sign your name or remain anonymous, at your [sb]'s disposal, as the disposal of [sb/sth] adv (available for your use)供你自由使用;由你自由支配I'll leave the computer at your disposal.我会把电脑留给你,供你自由使用。at [sb]'s disposal, as the disposal of [sb] adv (person: available to serve you)随时为您服务;随时听候您的差遣Once I finish this work I will be at your disposal.一旦我做完这个工作,就随时听候您的差遣。at your earliest convenience expr (as soon as it is possible for you)尽早Please respond at your earliest convenience.Please call me back at your earliest [sb]'s fingertips expr figurative (easily available) (比喻)唾手可得的,手边的You should have everything you need at your fingertips before you start your your leisure adv (when you feel like it)你有空的时候;在你方便时You may finish the job at your your own discretion adv (as you see fit)自己决定;自己把握at your own pace adv (at a speed one is comfortable with)按自己的步调,按自己的节奏From the tortoise and the hare, we learn that one can proceed at one's own pace and still be a your own risk adv (without anyone else being liable)由自己负责;自担风险Swim in the river at your own your service adv (ready to help you)听候吩咐;乐意为您效劳I am at your [sb]'s side, by [sb]'s side adv (beside) (本义)在某人身旁, 在某人身边I will sit at your side during the [sb]'s side, by [sb]'s side adv figurative (supporting, comforting) (比喻,表示支持)和某人站在一起, 站在某人一边;支持某人, 安慰某人Fortunately, your husband will always be at your side because he loves at law, attorney-at-law n US (defence or prosecution lawyer)律师Most lawyers use the more formal title "Attorney at law" on their business cards.大多数律师都在名片上使用更加正式的称谓,即“Attorney at law”。at the back of your mind, in the back of your mind expr (in background thought processes)心里不自觉地; (比喻)脑袋后面be bad at [sth] v expr (unskilled at [sth])不擅长,…做不好Why is Britain so bad at tennis?英国人为什么乒乓球打得这么糟?balk at [sth], also UK: baulk at [sth] vi + prep (reject, recoil from)拒绝;犹豫The board of directors will certainly balk at this risky proposal.balk at [sth], also UK: baulk at [sth] vi + prep (refuse to go on or do)拒绝...Joanne balked at the thought of sharing a hotel room with Nancy again.balk at doing [sth], also UK: baulk at doing [sth] v expr (refuse to go on or do)拒绝做...The passenger balked at having to change seats because of the train company's error with her at [sth], bank with [sth] vi + prep (have an account with: a bank) (银行)在…开户He banks at Citibank.他在花旗银行开了户。bark at [sb] vi + prep figurative (tell angrily)对...咆哮;对...怒吼Lately, my boss has been barking at me all the time.最近,老板总是对我发火。bark at the moon v expr figurative (protest in vain)徒劳抗议;空嚷be based at v expr (having work base)驻扎在;以…为工作基地Fernando is based at the firm's São Paulo office.费尔南多是以圣保罗的办事处为工作基地。bawl at [sb] vi + prep (shout, yell)大喊大叫;嚎叫;怒吼There's no use in bawling at me to drive faster; the speed limit is 30 miles an hour!为了开了快朝我大吼没用,限速为每小时30英里。be aimed at [sth/sb] v expr (be intended for)目的在于;被用于This series of videos is aimed at preschool-aged children.not blink at [sth], not blink an eye at [sth] v expr figurative, informal (not react to)对…无动于衷;冷眼旁观; (比喻)眨眼Joshua is so rich, he doesn't blink at paying $800 for a wristwatch.约书亚十分富有,对于支付一块800美元的腕表,他眼睛都不眨一下。blink at [sth/sb] vi + prep (be amazed)对…感到惊愕;对……感到吃惊Rose blinked at the huge pile of Christmas presents.blow a kiss at [sb] v expr (kiss hand and blow)给…飞吻boggle at [sth] vi + prep informal (be bewildered or amazed)吃惊;受惊I'm boggling at the complexity of this equation.这个方程式的难度令我感到难以置信。bridle at [sth] vi + prep (react resentfully to)对...愤恨回应;对...表示生气burial at sea n (sailor's funeral)水手的葬礼;海葬My grandfather had an honoured burial at sea.burial at sea n (disposal of ashes in ocean)海葬burn [sb] at the stake vtr (execute on a pyre)对...采取火刑;对...执行火刑burn the candle at both ends v expr figurative (work too hard, exhaust yourself)过分消耗精力;不顾身体过度劳累burst at the seams, bulge at the seams v expr (be filled beyond capacity)快涨破了;快挤破了bursting at the seams, bulging at the seams adj figurative (overfull, packed full)鼓胀的,鼓鼓囊囊的,快胀破的My suitcase is already bursting at the seams -- how can I pack my souvenirs?bursting at the seams, bulging at the seams adj (tearing because it is stretched)撑破的I've got to lose weight; my pants are bursting at the at hand n (urgent matter for discussion)当务之急;手头上的工作We have digressed enough, let's get back to the business at [sth] at auction v expr (purchase by bidding)在拍卖会上拍下call at [sth] vi + prep (train: stop at stations)停靠This train will call at Bromley South and London King's Cross.can't be in all places at one time v expr US, informal (have too many obligations) (因事情太多)分身无术I can't be in all places at one time so someone will have to help me.我分身乏术,因此有人需要帮助我。at ... cents on the dollar expr (compared to original price)原价百分之几The ailing company is now trading at just five cents on the dollar.champ at the bit, chafe at the bit, also US: chomp at the bit v expr (horse: chew restraint) (马)不安地咬嚼子The horse was impatient for the race to start and visibly champing at the bit.champ at the bit, chafe at the bit, also US: chomp at the bit v expr figurative (person: be impatient)迫不及待要做某事,急于去做be champing at the bit to do [sth], be chafing at the bit to do [sth], also US: chomp v expr figurative (person: be impatient)迫不及待地要做..., 急不可耐地要做...I'm champing at the bit to go on my vacation.cheat at [sth] vi + prep (do or play dishonestly)在…作弊;在…欺诈;在…出千I can tell you that he cheats at poker every chance he gets.我可以告诉你,他一有机会就会在牌桌上出千。chirp at [sb] vi + prep US, informal, figurative (taunt, criticize)奚落;批评claw at [sth] vi + prep (animal: dig, scratch) (指动物)抓挠;挖The fox clawed at the dirt at the entrance to the rabbit's nest.狐狸将兔子洞入口附近的泥土挖开。claw at [sb] vi + prep (animal: dig, scratch) (动物)用爪子或钳子抓, 用爪子挖The feisty baby panda clawed at his keeper.活泼的熊猫宝宝抓了饲养员。claw at [sth/sb] vi + prep figurative (person: grasp, clutch) (人)抓牢,抓紧close at hand, close to hand adj (convenient, nearby)附近的In flu season, keep a box of tissues close at hand.流感季,可在身边放一包餐巾纸。close at hand adj figurative (imminent)即将发生的"Nuclear war is close at hand!" was emblazoned on the black and yellow leaflets.黑黄两色的传单上醒目地写着:“核战争即将发生!”a closer look at [sth] n (more thorough examination)仔细审视…;仔细研究…come apart at the seams v expr (come unstitched) (缝合线)裂开The sofa cushion is coming apart at the seams so the stuffing is sticking out.come apart at the seams v expr figurative (go wrong)失败The proposed merger appears to be coming apart at the seams.come apart at the seams v expr figurative (lose control of emotions)情绪失控,崩溃She started getting frazzled when she lost her job; now her husband has left her, and she's really coming apart at the seams.come at a price v expr figurative (have a downside or disadvantage)需要付出代价;有代价Rock stars discover that fame and fortune come at a at large n (everyone in area)整个社区The community at large is asking the police to do something about the rising crime rate.connive at [sth], connive in [sth] v expr (conspire, plot to do [sth])密谋Critics say the government is conniving in the prevention of social mobility.counselor-at-law, plural: counselors-at-law n US (lawyer)律师,法律顾问curse at [sb], cuss at [sb] vi + prep US, informal (swear at: use obscene language)咒骂;对…骂脏话Perry cursed at the driver who swerved in front of him.佩里咒骂那个在自己面前突然转向的司机。cut [sb] off at the knees v expr figurative, informal (humiliate)使丢脸;蒙羞A man in the audience heckled the comedian, but her witty comeback cut him off at the knees.cut [sth] off at the knees v expr figurative, often passive, informal (thwart, cause to fail)断送...的未来dab at [sth] vi + prep (pat, touch)轻触The girl dabbed carefully at her wound.dab at [sth] with [sth] v expr (cover using small strokes)覆盖The artist timidly dabbed at the canvas with small brush [sth] at [sb] vtr (aim, target)将某物瞄准某人;将某物对准某人The marketing campaign was directed at young women.营销活动瞄准的是年轻女性。direct [sth] at [sb] vtr + prep (address in speech)为...进行 (演说)The politician directed his speech at undecided voters.displeased with [sth], displeased about [sth], displeased at [sth] adj + prep (dissatisfied with, disapproving of)生气的;不满的The king was displeased with his advisor's decision to dismiss several members of the court.down at heel, down-at-heel adj figurative (shabby and worn)破烂的,破旧的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noundown at heel, down-at-heel adj figurative (person: dressed shabbily) (人)邋遢的,衣衫褴褛的draw the line at [sth], draw the line at doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (set a limit or restriction)划界限;拒绝做I went out for a few beers, but I drew the line at doing at [sth] vi + prep figurative (suggest, intend to say) (比喻)暗示, 意指What are you driving at?EFTPOS n acronym (payment system)销售点电子转帐elated with [sth], elated at [sth] adj + prep (joyful about)对于…兴高采烈;对…欢欣鼓舞We were elated with the news about the wedding.我们对婚礼之事欢欣鼓舞。estimate [sth] at [sth], estimate [sth] to be [sth] v expr (judge, assess)判断;估计Marco estimated his chance of winning to be 30%.马可估计,自己获胜的几率为30%。excel at [sth] vi + prep (skill: be very good at)擅长;善于Ian excels at football.伊安擅长踢足球。expert at [sth] n (skilled at doing [sth])能手;高手I'm an expert at identifying butterflies.我是蝴蝶鉴别高手。fall in love at first sight v expr (become infatuated with a stranger)一见钟情;一见倾心As soon as I saw him across the dancefloor, I fell in love at first sight.当看到他走过舞池那刻,我就对他一见钟情了。feel right at home v expr informal, figurative (be comfortable)感觉怡然自得; (书面语)感觉宾至如归This is such a welcoming village - I feel right at home at [sth/sb] vi + prep (shoot a weapon at)向…开火,朝…射击The soldiers were firing at the enemy.士兵向敌人开火。firsthand, first-hand, at first hand adv (directly from source)第一手地;直接地He gave me the information first-hand.fix [sth], fix [sth] at [sth] vtr (price: set) (价格)定,固定We fixed the price at nineteen dollars each.我们把价格定在19元一个。flash [sth] at [sb] vtr + prep (body part: expose to [sb]) (身体器官)快速把...暴露给...看Peter flashed his butt at an old woman.;flash your lights, flash your lights at [sb] v expr (turn headlights on briefly)冲(某人)闪车灯The driver flashed his lights at me to let me turn.fling [sth], fling [sth] at [sth], fling [sth] at [sb] vtr (throw)扔;投;掷Trevor flung a rock at the tree, but he missed.特雷弗将一颗石子扔向树,但是他没有仍准。fling yourself at [sb] v expr figurative, informal (attempt to engage romantically)向...投怀送抱John flung himself at every girl he met.约翰向他碰到的每个姑娘都投怀送抱。flip [sb] the bird, flip the bird at [sb], give [sb] the bird v expr US, slang (make vulgar middle-finger gesture)竖中指foam at the mouth, froth at the mouth v expr (produce foamy spittle)口吐白沫If a dog is frothing at the mouth it may have rabies. The horse foamed at the mouth as it ran.如果口吐白沫,那么狗就可能得了狂犬病。那匹马奔跑时口吐白沫。foam at the mouth, froth at the mouth v expr figurative, informal (be furious)气得口吐白沫, 非常生气The governor was frothing at the mouth after she was accused of misconduct.frown at [sb] vi + prep (scowl, show disapproval)对…皱眉;以皱眉对…表示不满Don't frown at me; I'm not the one who wrecked your car.别对我皱眉,我才不是弄坏你车子的罪魁祸首。full blast, at full blast expr (as loud as possible)最大音量;最高音量If you must play your music full blast, please use headphones.full blast, at full blast expr (producing as much power as possible)全速;全力I accidentally turned the hose on at full blast and washed away all my seedlings.gape at [sth/sb] vi + prep (stare open-mouthed at)目瞪口呆地凝视The children gaped at the dog balancing on top of a ball.The students gaped at the teacher when she used a curse word.gawk at [sb/sth] vi + prep (stare, gawp at)呆呆地看Sarah's friends gawked at her when she arrived at the party wearing a cow costume.gaze at [sb/sth] vi + prep (look intently at)凝视着We lay on our backs and gazed at the stars.我们一个大字地躺下,凝视着星星。usage: ‘gaze’If you gaze at something, you look at it for a long time, often because you think it is beautiful or impressive.The little girl gazed in wonder at the bright lights.getatable, get-at-able adj informal (place: easy to reach) (地点)容易到达的getatable, get-at-able adj informal (thing: easy to access) (东西)容易获取的Make sure that the fire extinguisher is get-at-able if it is needed.getatable, get-at-able adj informal (person: easy to reach)容易联系的,容易联络的getatable, get-at-able adj informal (vulnerable to attack)易受攻击的Computer hackers have proved that the system is get-at-able.glance at [sth/sb] vi + prep (look quickly at)朝…投去一瞥;望…一眼Mark kept glancing at the door to see if his date had arrived. We glanced at each other discreetly.马克一直在瞟门口的位置,想知道约会对象到没有。我们悄悄地瞥了彼此一眼。glare at [sb] vi + prep (look angrily at [sb])怒瞪;怒视Susan glared at her boyfriend.苏珊生气地朝他男朋友瞪了一眼。glower at [sb/sth] vi + prep (stare moodily at)怒瞪;怒目相视Jason glowered at his math teacher, feeling that algebra was torture.杰森怒视着他的数学老师,感觉代数这门课就是一种折磨。gnaw at [sb] vi + prep figurative (worry, trouble)折磨, 困扰The old woman's warning gnawed at me.老妇人的警告使我很担心。go at [sb] fiercely v expr (attack)凶猛地扑向(某人)The boxers were going at each other fiercely.go at [sth] fiercely v expr (do energetically)精力满满地投入;动力十足地做某事Veronica went at her workout fiercely.go at it v expr informal (do [sth] intensely)拼尽全力With just minutes of the final left to play, both teams were going at it.go at it v expr informal (argue)争吵go at it v expr slang (have sex)发生性行为,上床go hard at [sth] vtr informal (do [sth] intensely)投入做,努力做I started learning Italian a year ago, and I've been going hard at it ever since.go off on a tangent, also UK: go off at a tangent v expr figurative (digress, change subject)忽然离题;忽然转换话题go weak at the knees v expr informal (overcome by attraction to [sb]) (因为被某人吸引)两膝发软go weak at the knees v expr informal (overcome by fear or nerves) (因为害怕或紧张)两膝发软goggle at [sth/sb] vi + prep (stare stupidly)目瞪口呆地看;瞪视Traffic was terrible because drivers kept slowing to goggle at an accident at the side of the good at [sth] v expr (be skilled, talented)擅长;善于He is good at anything related to numbers.他擅长一切与数字有关的事。grab at [sth/sb] vi + prep (try to seize)试图抓住The drowning man will grab at anything nearby.那个快要淹死的人拼命想抓住旁边任何能抓住的东西。grasp at straws, clutch at straws, grab at straws, grasp at a straw, clutch at a straw v expr informal, figurative (do [sth] desperate)抓救命稻草备注: Usually used in the continuous.The company tried using a new slogan, but they were clutching at straws; they were doomed to go bankrupt.great at (doing) [sth] adj informal (expert)精通的;擅长的;精于…的She's great at crosswords.她擅于玩纵横字迷。grin at [sb/sth] vi + prep (smile broadly at)对…咧嘴笑After I tripped on the stairs, I noticed a really cute boy grinning at me.在楼梯上绊了一跤过后,我注意到一个很可爱的小男孩正对着我大笑。growl at [sb/sth] vi + prep (animal: snarl at) (动物)对着…吼叫,对着…咆哮The lion in the cage growled at the tourists.笼子里的狮子对着游客们咆哮。growl at [sb] vi + prep figurative (person: speak grumpily to) (人)对…怒气冲冲地说,对…怒吼My husband growls at me if I wake him up too early.如果我太早叫醒丈夫,他就会朝我怒吼。handy at [sth] prep informal (skilled)擅长…;善于做…Steve has always been handy at car mechanics.handy at doing [sth] prep informal (skilled)擅长做...的He is handy at fixing broken electric motors.hard at work adj (working hard)努力工作;勤奋用功Miguel was hard at work doing his history project.have a bash at [sth], take a bash at [sth] v expr informal (try, attempt to do [sth])尝试做某事I'm not sure if I can put the shelf up, but I'll have a bash at it.have a chance at [sth] v expr (have opportunity)得到…的机会Johnson has a chance at another world title.have a chance at doing [sth] v expr (have opportunity to do)有机会Audrey has a chance at getting into Harvard.have a dig at [sb] v expr informal (make a critical remark: about [sb])挖苦某人;对某人冷嘲热讽The sacked workers had a dig at their former boss in the press.have a gander at [sth], take a gander at [sth] v expr slang (look at [sth])看一眼..., 瞧一瞧...have a go at [sb] v expr slang (attack verbally) (口头)攻击, 抨击Elena had a go at her husband for being late.埃琳娜因为她丈夫迟到而责备他。have a go at [sth], have a go at doing [sth] v expr informal (try)跃跃欲试Harry was having a go at solving the crossword puzzle.哈利正在尝试解开纵横字谜。have a good shot at [sth], have a good shot at doing [sth] v expr (likely chance) (如达到目标等)很有可能I have a good shot at winning the scholarship this year.have a look at [sth/sb] v expr (look at)看一眼;看一看These family photos are great. Have a look.这些家庭照拍得太好了。快来看看。have a look at [sth/sb] v expr (examine, inspect)检查Let the doctor have a look at your rash.让医生检查一下你的皮疹。have a shot at [sth] v expr informal (try)试试;尝试I'd never even seen snow but I thought I´d have a shot at snowboading on the easy slopes.have a shot at doing [sth] v expr informal (have chance)有机会You have a shot at winning the lottery.have a whack, have a whack at [sth] v expr colloquial (make an attempt)尝试The photocopier was broken, so Linda decided to have a whack at fixing it. "Do you know how to do this?" - "No, but I'll have a whack."have another go at [sth] v expr informal (try again)再试一次That attempt didn't work out very well, so I'll have another go at it.have at it v expr slang (attempt [sth])动手做;实际行动起来If you think you can do a better job, just have at it!Have at you! interj dated (prepare to be attacked) (过时用语)接招!have [sth] at your disposal v expr (have [sth] available)掌握,控制;处置,处理;处理,利用If you don't have a car at your disposal, getting a job is very difficult.have fun at the expense of [sb], have fun at [sb]'s expense v expr (joke about [sb])拿某人开玩笑;笑话某人The media is currently having a lot of fun at the disgraced politician's expense.hint at [sth] vi + prep (imply, suggest)暗示Roger Daltrey hinted at the possibility of a new Who album.罗杰·多特里暗示“谁人乐队”可能会发行新的唱片。hiss at [sb] vi + prep (make jeering whisper) (人)低声嘲弄Jane was so mad that she spent the entire movie hissing at me.简十分生气,以至于整场电影她一直在耳边低声嘲弄我。hold at [sth] vi + prep (not change state) (某种状态)保持The water level held at two feet above sea level.水位保持在海平面以上两英尺的地方。holler at [sb] vi US, informal (shout, yell)叫喊Barbra's mother was hollering at her for being late to dinner.holler [sth] at [sb] vtr US, informal (shout, call out)抱怨Josh's boss hollered insults at him when he turned in unsatisfactory work.hoot at [sb] vi + prep (by person: mocking) (表示反对、蔑视、嘲弄等)冲着某人发出尖声嘘叫The crowd hooted at the referee.人群向裁判发出尖声嘘叫。hoot at [sb] vi + prep (sound horn)向...鸣喇叭;用喇叭向...打招呼The bicyclist hooted at Sean with his horn.骑自行车的人向肖恩鸣喇叭。hurl [sth] at [sb] vtr (words, insults: aim at [sb])冲着…气势汹汹地叫骂…Old Larry always sat on his front porch and hurled insults at the schoolchildren walking by.老拉里总是坐在前廊上,气势汹汹地冲着路过的学童们叫骂。if at all adv (possibly not at all) (if的强调说法)即使…;如果真的…In this part of the country, it only snows a few days per year, if at all.ill at ease, ill-at-ease adj (socially awkward)不自在;坐立不安;局促不安I am always ill at ease at events where I don't know a pinch (US), at a pinch (UK) adv informal (if necessary)紧要的时候;紧急情况下At a pinch, we could fit another person in the any event, at all events adv (whatever the situation)不管怎样;无论如何In any event, the safety of the public must remain the top no time at all, in no time adv figurative (rapidly)马上,立刻,很快I can get dinner ready in no time at one fell swoop, at one fell swoop expr (in a single fast action)一下子;一举Pests or disease can wipe out the entire crop in one fell swoop.jab [sth] at [sb] vtr + prep (poke: [sth] at [sb])用...刺He jabbed his walking stick at me and told me to stay off his lawn.jab at [sb/sth] vi + prep (poke at)戳;拨动The old lady was jabbing at Vince with her finger.jibe at [sb] vi + prep (mock, taunt)嘲笑;讥笑;joined at the hip adj figurative (friends: inseparable) (比喻义:形影不离的)连体的Stop following me everywhere! We're not joined at the hip, you know!jump at the chance v expr informal, figurative (accept opportunity)欣然接受机会;热切地抓住机会When my grandmother offered to take me to England, I jumped at the chance.jump at the chance to do [sth] v expr informal, figurative (accept opportunity to do)热切地抓住做某事的机会I would jump at the chance to meet my sporting hero.keep [sb] at a distance v expr (not be friendly)冷漠对待某人;疏远某人keep [sth/sb] at bay v expr figurative (prevent getting closer)防止…接近;使…无法靠近Vaccination is the most effective way to keep the flu at bay.kick off at [sb] v expr UK, figurative, slang (become angry with)向…发火My ex kicked off at me when I said he couldn't keep borrowing my car whenever he liked after we split up.我对我的前任说了分手后他不能随时借我的车,他便开始朝我发火。lap at [sth] vi + prep (drink by licking)舔食;舔Tom's cat lapped at the water in the bowl.汤姆的猫舔食着碗里的水。lap at [sth] vi + prep figurative (sea, waves: wash against) (海水、波浪)轻轻拍打The waves lapped onto the shore.海浪轻轻地拍打着岩礁。late at night adv (at a late hour, during the night)深夜;夜深时分I used to stay up late at night listening to music and reading.laugh at [sb/sth] vi + prep (find amusing)因为…而大笑We all laughed at the film. My boyfriend laughs at my jokes, even when they're not funny.我们都因为那部电影而大笑。我讲的笑话男友都会笑,即使有些并不那么好笑。laugh at [sb/sth] vi + prep (mock)嘲笑;讥笑I wish you wouldn't laugh at me, it's not funny!我希望你不要嘲笑我,这不是什么好笑的事!leap at the chance, leap at the opportunity v expr figurative (seize the opportunity)抓住机会When he asked me if I'd like to go on holiday to Hawaii with him, I leapt at the chance.leap at the chance to do [sth], leap at the opportunity to do [sth] v expr figurative (seize an opportunity)抓住机会She leapt at the chance to perform with her favourite singer.leer at [sb] vi + prep (look lustfully)挑逗性地看;色迷迷地看The teenage boys leered at the girls' volleyball team.那帮十几岁的男孩色迷迷地看着排球队里的女孩们。leer at [sb] vi + prep (look maliciously)不怀好意地看某人The bully leered at him across the classroom.学校小霸王在教室的那一端恶狠狠地看着他。level [sth] at [sb] vtr + prep (aim: a gun, etc.)用…瞄准;用...对准The man levelled the gun at his hostage, then fired.level [sth] at [sb] vtr + prep figurative (direct: a criticism, an accusation) (指批评)使针对;对...提出Ray's ex-colleagues levelled some terrible accusations at him.lick at [sth] vi + prep (lap at [sth] with tongue)舔;用舌头舔The cat licked at the milk in the saucer.猫用舌头舔着盘子里的牛奶。lick at [sth] vi + prep figurative (flames: come close) (火焰)卷过The flames licked at Jo's face as she pulled the boy from the burning building.light at the end of the tunnel n figurative (prospect of relief or success)苦尽甘来;柳暗花明listen at the door v expr (eavesdrop)在门口偷听You'll hear what they say if you listen at the at vi + prep (reside at)住在George lives at his mom's house because he is not able to afford an apartment for himself yet.look at [sb/sth] vi + prep (watch, direct attention to)看着;看向Look at me when I'm talking to you!The young woman was looking at a painting in the art gallery.我在跟你说的话的时候,请看着我!// 那位年轻女士正在画廊中欣赏绘画作品。look at [sth] vi + prep figurative (analyze)分析;了解The detective tried to look at all the facts.警探尝试了解所有事实。look at [sth] vi + prep figurative (examine, deal with)查看vi;检视This article looks at similarities in the work of these two philosophers.这篇文章检视了这两位哲学家作品上的相似之处。look askance at [sb/sth], look at [sb/sth] askance v expr (glance sidelong)斜眼看;怀疑地看look askance at [sb/sth], look at [sb/sth] askance v expr figurative (regard with disapproval, suspicion)蔑视;看不惯Fancy restaurants look askance at shorts and sneakers.look at the bigger picture v expr figurative (consider [sth] in its wider context)从长远来看;从宏观来看look carefully at [sth] vtr (examine closely)仔细查看;仔细检查One should always look carefully at a document before signing it.look closely at [sth] v expr (examine [sth])仔细查看;认真检查She looked closely at the gravestone and could just make out the faded inscription.look daggers at [sb] v expr informal (glare angrily at [sb])对…怒目而视look down your nose at [sb/sth] expr figurative (think yourself superior)看不起;轻视lost at sea adj (missing in or on the ocean)在海上失踪的;沉入海中的The divers found, on the ocean floor, the ship that had been lost at sea for several lost for words, be at a loss for words v expr (not know what to say) (书面)张口结舌,哑口无言;语塞,无语lousy at [sth], lousy with [sth] adj + prep figurative, informal (incompetent)不熟练的,蹩脚的,差劲的,烂的Brad was lousy at driving and tried to avoid doing it.布拉德车技很烂,所以尽量避免开车。love at first sight n (instant romantic attraction to [sb])一见钟情When Harry met Sally it wasn't love at first sight; they fell in love some years later.lunge at [sb/sth] vi + prep (jump toward)向…冲;向…扑过去The mugger lunged at Heather and stole her purse.mad at [sb], mad with [sb] adj + prep mainly US, informal (angry with)生…的气; (口语)和…怄气My dad's going to be mad at me when he finds out I dinged his car.我爸要是知道我把他的车撞了,一定会生气的。make a pass at [sb] v expr slang (make a sexual advance)骚扰;对…动手动脚He was disciplined for sexual harassment after he made a pass at one of the secretaries.make [sb] feel at home v expr (be welcoming)让…感觉像在自己家一样舒服自在;让…宾至如归make yourself at home v expr informal (settle in)让自己舒舒服服的和在家里一样Please come in and make yourself at home!请进,请让自己舒舒服服的和在家里一样。make yourself at home interj (welcome!)别拘束;随便点;别客气We're not very formal around here - just make yourself at home!我们这儿不是什么很正式的场所,别拘束!man at the helm n figurative (male in charge) (比喻)主管人,负责人The man at the helm works 12 hours a day to keep the company running n (soldier)士兵marvel at [sth] vi + prep (be impressed)对...称奇;惊叹于I marvel at how you can remember all those facts!你能记住那么多知识,真让人啧啧称奇!master-at-arms n (naval rank) (海军军衔)纠察长The master-at-arms is responsible for maintaining discipline aboard the ship.Men at work n written (roadworks sign) (道路施工标志)前方施工motion to [sb/sth], motion towards [sb/sth], motion at [sb/sth] vi + prep (gesture)向...做动作;向...打手势;向...示意Ben motioned to the door.本对着门打了个手势。nag at [sb] vi + prep (complain, harass)纠缠;骚扰;找茬Kyle nagged at his mom until she let him go to his friend's house.凯尔不断纠缠自己的妈妈,直到她允许他去朋友家玩。nag at [sb] vi + prep figurative (doubts: worry)困扰;让人烦恼A feeling still nags at me that I could have done more to help my friend.我依旧感觉自己应该再多努力些帮助朋友的。near at hand adj figurative (close, approaching)在不久的将来;即将到来The grapes are ripening; harvest time is near at hand.near at hand adj (very near)在手边;近在咫尺He always keeps a pipe and tobacco near at hand.nibble at [sth] vi + prep (take small bites of)小口地咬;一点点地啃The mouse nibbled at the cracker.老鼠啃咬着饼干。nibble away at [sth] v expr figurative (diminish, decrease)逐渐减少;逐渐减弱niggle at [sb] vi + prep figurative (worry, nag)不断烦扰;不断困扰All my work duties are niggling at me.nip at [sb] vi + prep (snap, try to bite) (狗等)轻咬The sheepdog nipped at the flock's heels.牧羊犬轻轻咬了一下羊腿。nip at [sth] vi + prep (sip)小口地抿;小口喝Nate slowly nipped at his time at all n figurative (briefest moment)立刻;马上We'll see each other again in two weeks. That's no time at all.none at all pron (not a single one)无一人The doctors tried to save the lives of the crash victims, but none at all survived.none at all pron (not even the slightest amount)没有一点They tried to make their own wine, but none at all was drinkable.not at all adv (in no way, to no extent)根本不;一点也不;绝不My boss was not at all pleased with my work, so he fired me.我的老板对我的工作一点也不满意,所以开除了我。not at all interj (certainly not)当然不;一点也不'Do you mind if I sit here?' 'Not at all!'“你介意我坐在这儿吗?”“当然不!”not at all interj (don't mention it)别客气'Thank you; that's so kind of you!' 'Not at all!'“谢谢你;你真是太好了!”“不用客气!”not much to look at adj informal (unattractive or unimpressive)样子不太好看He's not much to look at, but he's got a good job and he's very nice.It's not much to look at, but it's home.nothing at all pron (not anything)什么都没有,一无所有;什么事都没有,没事I've got nothing at all suitable to wear for the party!a novice at [sth] n (beginner at [sth])某方面的初学者I'm trying to design an entire website although I'm a novice at HTML.number [sth] at [sth] vtr (count)数出…的数目为…I number the candies at over five hundred. Am I right?我数出来的糖的数目是500多个。我数得对吗?an old hand at [sth] n figurative, informal (experienced person)...的老手;...技能熟练的人;...经验丰富的人You'll do well to follow his advice; he's an old hand at this business.on short notice, at short notice, on a moment's notice, at a moment's notice adv (with little warning)短期通知Her appointment was cancelled on short notice.I'm sorry to ask you on such short notice, but I only found out about this yesterday.on sight, at sight adv (upon seeing)一看到…就;见到就The man shot the burglar on sight.on the double, also UK: at the double expr (very fast)快速地;飞快地;赶紧on the weekend (mainly US), on weekends (mainly US), at the weekend (UK), at weekends (UK) adv (on Saturdays or Sundays)在周末The City of London is quiet at the weekend.on the weekend (mainly US), at the weekend (UK) adv (last Saturday or Sunday)上周末;上一个周末I saw Steve on the weekend and he told me to say hi to you.on the weekend (mainly US), at the weekend (UK) adv (next Saturday or Sunday)下周末;下一个周末Bye for now! See you on the weekend!one at a time adv (one by one)一次一个Customers are only allowed into the store one at a day at a time expr (not worry about the future)把握每一天,过好每一天Jasmine told her daughter not to worry too much, and to live one day at a step at a time adv (gradually, progressively)一步一步地,逐渐pants at [sth] adj + prep UK, pejorative, slang (person: incompetent, useless) (人)不擅长, 对...不擅长I'm pants at football, and John's pants at chess.a past master at [sth] n (person: skilled)大师;老手;行家Don't believe a word he says. He's a past master at lying.无论他说什么,你都不要相信。他是个撒谎老手。peep out at [sth/sb] v expr (look out furtively)偷窥...people at large n (general public)普通大众perform at your best v expr (do [sth] to your utmost ability)尽最大努力pick at [sth] vtr + prep (eat slowly)慢慢地吃;细嚼慢咽Edith just picked at her food.pluck at [sth] vi + prep (grab, pull at)扯;拉;拽Charlie was plucking at his mother's sleeve, trying to get her attention.point at [sth], point to [sth] vtr + prep (indicate, esp. with finger) (用手指)指着,指向The little boy pointed at the sky, following a plane with his finger.那个小男孩指着天空,手指跟着一架飞机一起移动。point [sth] at [sb] vtr (aim)将...瞄准;用...对准Don't point that knife at me.point at issue n (matter being discussed)当前正在讨论的话题;争论的议题Global warming was the main point at issue of the conference.point your finger at [sb], point the finger at [sb] vtr informal, figurative (accuse)指责,责怪When the money went missing, my colleagues all pointed their fingers at me.poke fun at [sb] v expr informal (mock [sb])拿…打趣,嘲笑,戏弄poor at [sth] adj + prep (underachieving)在…方面很差劲;做…能力差的He is very poor at maths.他数学很差。practiced at [sth], practiced in [sth] (US), practised at [sth], practised in [sth] (UK) adj + prep (person: experienced in [sth])在…上有经验Holly is extremely practiced in business development.preach at [sb] vi + prep (tell [sb] how to live)对…进行说教;说教…Robert told his father to stop preaching at present at [sth] v expr (attend)出席It is essential that the entire team be present at this meeting.全队都出席这场会议至关重要。put [sb] at ease v expr (make comfortable)使…放松;使…觉得不拘束Gillian put us at ease before the test by making a joke.put [sb/sth] at risk v expr (endanger)使处于危险境地You have put our lives at risk by driving so carelessly.put [sb/sth] at risk of [sth], put [sb/sth] at risk of doing [sth] v expr (expose to)使陷入…的风险We were put at risk of severe sunburn, working outdoors at midday.put [sth] at stake v expr (risk)使…冒风险It was a large amount of money to put at stake but he was willing to take the risk.put out at [sth], put out about [sth] expr informal (aggrieved)对…感到不高兴;对…感到不满They were extremely put out at not being allowed to sit together.他们因不能坐在一起而感到极度不满。put [sb]'s mind at rest, set [sb]'s mind at rest, set [sb]'s heart at rest v expr (reassure)使消除疑虑;使安心Let me just put your mind at rest: your condition is completely treatable.question at issue n (matter being discussed)争论中的问题;争议的问题That's good to know … but the question at issue is entirely different.rail at [sb] vi + prep (rebuke [sb] harshly)责备;指责;责骂The woman railed at the MP for not listening to his constituents' concerns.女子指责该国会议员不去倾听选民关切的问题。rate [sth] at [sth] vtr (assign a financial value to)给…估价;给…估值The company value was rated at 10 million dollars.rate [sth] at [sth] vtr UK (tax)对…征税The property was rated at £5 a year.reach the end of your rope, be at the end of your rope, also UK: reach the end of your tether, be at the end of your tether v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated)忍无可忍I need a break from the kids; I've reached the end of my rope!recoil at [sth] vi + prep figurative (react to with revulsion)厌恶;讨厌The opposition recoiled at the Prime Minister's words.反对者非常厌恶那位总理的说辞。roar at [sb] vi + prep figurative (person: yell, shout)冲…吼道;冲…大声说When Brian's boss discovered his mistake, she roared at him to come into her office.老板发现布莱恩的错误时,冲他大声吼道,要他速来办公室。be rubbish at [sth] v expr UK, figurative, pejorative, informal (be bad at [sth]) (非正式用语)对...蹩脚的;对...一窍不通的I'm rubbish at DIY!我的动手能力特别差!rush at [sb/sth] vi + prep (charge, run at [sb/sth])冲向, 扑向The bull suddenly rushed at the farmer.公牛突然冲向了农夫。scoff at [sth/sb] vi + prep (mock, deride)嘲笑They scoffed at my proposal to improve the school.scowl at [sb] vi + prep (frown angrily)愤怒地皱眉;怒视;阴沉着脸Why are you scowling at me?你为什么跟我甩脸子?scrabble at [sth] vi + prep (claw at)在…上乱扒;在…上乱抓The man scrabbled at the wall of the well, trying to find a way to climb out.scrub at [sth] vi + prep (try to clean [sth] by rubbing)擦洗;用力擦Abigail scrubbed at the wall, but the graffiti would not come off.阿比盖尔用力擦墙,但上面的涂鸦就是擦不干净。scrub at [sth] vi + prep (rub [sth] to clean it)擦洗;刷洗Paul scrubbed at the stain on the sofa with a paper towel.保罗用纸巾擦掉了沙发侧面的脏污。scunner at [sth] vi + prep Scot (feel aversion for)对...感到厌恶Everyone scunnered at the idea.second hand, at second hand adv (indirectly)间接地;非直接地She wasn't there. She heard about it at second hand.sell at a discount v expr (offer for sale at lower price)打折出售When stores have trouble selling goods at the original price they often sell them at a discount.sell at auction v expr (offer to highest bidder)拍卖出售He decided to sell his house at auction to get a higher price for it.sergeant at arms n (officer of a court, etc.) (法庭等)警卫官shake [sth] (at [sb]) vtr (brandish)向...挥舞;向...挥动He angrily shook a stick at them.shine [sth] on [sth/sb], shine [sth] at [sth/sb] vtr (direct light)把光照向,使照亮Shine the light on the corner.用手电照着那个角落。shine at [sth] vi + prep informal, figurative (excel at [sth])擅长于;善于He's not good at explaining it, but he really shines at mathematics.他不善于言语解释,却十分擅长数学。shoot at [sth/sb] vi + prep (fire a gun at)射击;开枪射击The soldiers shot at the enemy.士兵们向敌人开枪射击。shoot a glance at [sb], dart a glance at [sb], cast a glance at [sb] v expr (look quickly at)瞟了某人一眼shout at [sb] vi + prep (raise one's voice angrily at)冲着某人嚷嚷;冲着某人大叫大嚷,冲着某人大喊大叫If I don't shout at the children, they take no notice of me.我要是不冲着孩子们大喊大叫的话,他们就不会理我。shudder at [sth] vi + prep (be frightened or repelled by)对…感到恐惧She shuddered at the thought of eating raw meat.sick to your stomach, also US: sick at your stomach expr informal (nauseous)令人厌恶的sick to your stomach, also US: sick at your stomach expr informal, figurative (extremely disgusted)令人恶心的sit down at the table v expr (take a seat at mealtime)在餐桌前就坐, 准备就餐Dinner's almost ready – will you all please come and sit down at the table.sit down at the table v expr figurative (enter negotiations)在谈判桌前就坐, 准备开始谈判We will sit down at the table later in the week to discuss terms.skilled in [sth], skilled at [sth], skilled at doing [sth] adj + prep (dexterous, practised)在…方面技术熟练的;对…很在行的My mother is skilled in the crafts of sewing and baking.我母亲对缝纫和烘焙很在行。slick at [sth] adj + prep figurative (person: practiced)熟于…的;对...熟练的This company is very slick at advertising.这家公司在打广告方面手法熟极而流。slick at doing [sth] expr figurative (person: practiced)做…熟练Patricia is slick at making sales.帕特丽夏做销售工作很熟练。smile at [sb] vi + prep (give [sb] a smile) (对着人)冲…微笑,向…微笑It's magical when your baby smiles at you for the first time.当你的宝宝第一次冲你微笑时,那感觉太神奇了。smile at [sth] vi + prep (regard with pleasure) (觉得高兴,满足)为…而微笑Danny smiled at the memory of dancing with at [sth] vi + prep (regard with amusement) (觉得有趣)对…觉得好笑She smiled at the innocence of the little boy's question.snap at [sb] vi + prep (speak sharply or angrily to)对...怒声呵斥;对…恶声恶气I know you're frustrated, but that doesn't give you an excuse to snap at me like that.我知道你很沮丧,但是这不能成为你对我那般怒声呵斥的借口。snap at [sth] vi + prep (seize: opportunity) (机会等)迅速抓住The dancer snapped at the chance of auditioning for the Royal Ballet.那名舞者抓住了参加皇家芭蕾舞团的试镜机会。snatch at vi + prep (attempt to grab)一把抓住Nancy snatched at the end of the rope, but couldn't manage to catch hold of it.sneer at [sth/sb] vi + prep (make scornful face at)嘲笑;讥笑;取笑Be careful about sneering at someone; your face could freeze that way.sneer at [sth/sb] vi + prep (show scorn or contempt for)蔑视;讥笑The spoiled child sneered at her poorer classmate's patched clothing.sneeze at [sth] vi + prep often in negative (treat with contempt)轻视;看轻A raise plus an enhanced bonus package? That's not to be sneezed at!sniff at [sth] vi + prep (smell)闻;嗅The dog was sniffing at the food cupboard, indicating he was hungry.snipe at [sb] vi + prep (try to shoot)狙击;向某人射击The hidden assassin sniped at the president .snipe at [sb] vi + prep figurative (make petty criticisms of)批评某人;抨击某人Stop sniping at me when I'm trying to explain myself!stab at [sth] vi + prep (make jabbing motions)刺向;戳向;戳向Lisa grabbed a knife and stabbed at the intruder, hoping to scare him off.stand at attention, stand to attention v expr (military: stand straight)立正站着The entire company stood to attention in perfect unison.stare at [sb/sth] vi + prep (gaze fixedly at)凝视着…;注视着…;目不转睛地看着…Agnes stared at the phone, willing it to ring.艾格尼斯目不转睛地看着电话,期待铃响。stay at home v expr (remain in house)留在家中;待在家里备注: hyphens used when term is an adj before a noun, or is used as a nounI stayed at home today because I was feeling ill.stay-at-home adj informal (doesn't work outside house)待在家里的;不出去工作的She left her career to be a stay-at-home mom.stay-at-home n US, informal (person: doesn't go out)宅人;御宅族She's a real stay-at-home. You can't get her to go anywhere.stay-at-home order n mainly US (government instruction: mass quarantine)居家令steal a glance at [sth/sb] v expr (look quickly, furtively at)偷偷地瞥…一眼;偷看…一眼She stole a glance at him when she thought he wasn't looking.strain at the leash (US), strain at the lead (UK) v expr (dog: pull against lead)扯紧牵狗绳The dog was so determined to chase the cat, it was straining at the leash.strain at the leash v expr figurative (person: be eager for action)迫切想做;急迫地想要做备注: Usually in the continuous.Isabel is excited about her new job; she is straining at the leash to get started.swear at [sb] vi + prep (use bad language towards, curse at)诅咒;咒骂;辱骂Children should not swear at their parents.孩子不应该辱骂自己的父母。swing at [sb] [sth] vi + prep (attempt to hit)朝…打去The man swung at Harry, who ducked to avoid the punch.那个人朝哈利打去,哈利一个闪身,躲开了那一拳。swing [sth] at [sb] vtr + prep (attempt to hit with punch, blow)用…朝…打去,用…挥向…The drunk man swung a punch at me.醉汉用拳头朝我打过来。take a close look at [sth/sb], take a careful look at [sth/sb] v expr (examine, inspect [sth])仔细检查;仔细查看Before buying a used car, I take a careful look at the engine.take a crack at [sth] v expr informal (attempt [sth])尝试I can't finish this crossword puzzle - do you want to take a crack at it?take a crack at [sb] v expr slang (criticize [sb])尝试It's easy to take a crack at his new girlfriend- she's ugly, stupid, and unemployed.take a dig at [sb] v expr informal (criticize or attack verbally)批评,指责;口头攻击Sally's been taking digs at her colleagues, and they're not pleased about it.take a look at [sth/sb] v expr informal (look casually at [sth/sb])看一看Zoe took a look at the clock and was surprised to see that it was already 5 p.m.佐伊看了看时钟,意外地发现已经下午5点了。take a look at [sth/sb] v expr informal (inspect, investigate [sth/sb])调查You should get a doctor to take a look at that rash.你应该找一个医生看看皮疹。take a peek at [sth] v expr informal (look briefly, furtively)偷看一眼;瞄一眼I want so badly to take a peek at my presents, but I'll wait till Christmas.take a peep at [sth/sb] v expr (quickly look at)瞥一眼;看一眼take a shot at [sth], have a shot at [sth] v expr informal, figurative (attempt [sth])尝试I'd like to learn to play golf, so one day I think I'll take a shot at it.我想学打高尔夫球,总有一天我会去尝试的。take a shot at [sth/sb] v expr (fire at, try to hit [sth/sb])向...射击;朝...开枪When you see the target appear, aim your gun and take a shot at it. I took a shot at the deer, but I missed.看到目标出现时,端起枪瞄准,然后向目标射击。我朝那只鹿开了一枪,但没打中。take a stab at [sth], have a stab at [sth] v expr informal, figurative (attempt, try [sth])尝试..., 试图...take a stab at doing [sth], have a stab at doing [sth] v expr informal, figurative (attempt [sth])尝试做...take a swing at [sb] v expr (try to hit [sb])挥拳出击take a swipe at [sb] v expr (aim a punch at)重击;猛掴I was so enraged by the paparazzo that I took a swipe at him.;take a swipe at [sb] v expr figurative (criticize)批评, 抨击Critics have taken a swipe at the government's proposals, calling them unrealistic.批评家抨击了政府的议案,称其并不现实。take aim at [sth/sb] v expr (point a weapon at)瞄准I saw a sniper taking aim at us from a second-story window.take [sb] at their word, take [sb] at his word, take [sb] at her word v expr (believe [sb] is speaking honestly)相信...的话;信任...说的take fright at [sth] v expr (be scared off by)因为…受到惊吓Stock markets fell after investors took fright at the weak manufacturing reports.thrash [sb] at [sth] vtr + prep figurative, informal (defeat thoroughly)在…上彻底打败某人Audrey thrashed Tania at tennis.thrill to [sth], thrill at [sth] vi + prep (be excited by)因...而激动, 因...而兴奋The velodrome was filled with spectators thrilling to the speed of the cyclists.自行车运动员在赛车场中高速骑行,让观众们非常激动。throw [sth] at [sth/sb] vtr + prep (hurl in the direction of)用…扔Johnny was told off for throwing a book at his brother.约翰尼因为用书扔自己的弟弟而受到责骂。too much at once n (sudden excess of [sth])突然过量I took a big gulp of beer and got too much at once.try your hand at [sth] v expr (attempt [sth] new)尝试...Eugene had always been good at crafts, so he decided to try his hand at woodwork.try your hand at doing [sth] v expr (attempt [sth] new)尝试;试一试I've decided to try my hand at writing children's books.tug at [sth] vi + prep (yank or pull on [sth])用力拉;猛拉;使劲拉Emily tugged at the door, but it wouldn't open.艾米丽用力拉那扇门,不过却打不开。turn up your nose at [sth], turn your nose up at [sth] v expr figurative (show disgust, disdain for)对...嗤之以鼻;对...不屑一顾Two can play that game, Two can play at that game expr figurative (intention to retaliate)一报还一报Two can play that game; if John refuses to help me, then I can refuse to help him!wave at [sb], wave to [sb] vtr + prep (gesture in greeting)向…挥手示意;向…挥手致意Brent waved at his sons as he approached the house.当布伦特要走到家门时,他向儿子挥们手示意。way of looking at things n (perspective, perception)看待事情的方式I can't understand your way of looking at things.weak at the knees adj informal (overcome by attraction to [sb]) (由于被某人吸引)两腿发软的weak at the knees adj informal (overcome by fear or nerves) (由于恐惧或紧张)两腿发软的a whiz at [sth], a whizz at [sth], a wiz at [sth] n figurative, informal (wizard: person skilled at [sth])…方面的奇才;…方面的能手He's a whiz at maths – he can even do equations in his head.wink at [sb] vi + prep (blink one eye at)对某人眨眼示意;向某人使眼色When the handsome young man smiled and winked at her, Lucy began to blush.那位年轻帅哥微笑着向露茜眨了眨眼,露茜脸红了。wonder at [sth/sb] vi + prep (be amazed at)惊叹;感到惊奇He could not believe what he saw. He just wondered at it.他简直不能相信自己的亲眼所见,对其感到十分惊奇。work at [sth] vtr (put great effort into)致力于;投身于We are currently working at finding ways to become more environmentally friendly.worry at [sth] vi + prep (fiddle with [sth])摆弄Jemma's hands worried at the beads of her necklace.yell at [sb/sth] vi + prep (shout angrily at)对...怒吼;对...喊叫Susan yelled at her dog but the barking continued.苏珊对她的狗怒吼,不过狗吠声没有停下。the young at heart npl (people: youthful in spirit)人老心不老;年轻的心态young at heart adj (youthful in spirit)心态年轻的




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