

词汇 foreign body
释义 foreign body
foreign body发音




foreign bodies───异物

foreign aid───n.外援,国外援助

foreign aids───n.外援,国外援助

foreign bank───[金融]外国银行;外地银行

foreign bill───国外汇票,外汇汇票


foreign policy───外交政策

foreign bills───国外汇票,外汇汇票

foreign buyer───外国买家


Method Results of treatment from 67 cases with esophageal foreign body.───方法:总结我院收治的67例食管异物的临床资料。

The swelling on his left hand was caused by a foreign body in it.───他左手肿胀是由于异物进入引起的.

Objective: To investigate the emergency transition of the airway foreign body.───前言:目的探讨呼吸道异物患儿的急救转运方法。

Objective : To summarize perioperative nursing measures of patients undergoing corneal foreign body removal under slit lamp.───总结裂隙灯下角膜异物剔除术病人的围术期护理措施.

Breathing circuit obstruction by a foreign body.───呼吸被异物阻塞电路.

Objective To evaluate spiral CT in localizing and measuring intraocular foreign body.───目的探讨螺旋CT在眼内异物定位测量中的应用.

Method: In 104 patients, 103 were extracted foreign body under total anesthesia.───方法: 为104例患者诊治, 103例在全麻下行呼吸道异物取出术.

Conclusion? Spiral CT has unique advantage in the diagnosis of negative bronchial foreign body.───结论: 螺旋ct扫描在阴性支气管异物的诊断中具有独特优势.

Exactly why the foreign body is so deleterious is not clear.───异物为什么如此有害,其确切原因尚不清楚.

Waiter! a foreign body in my soup!───服务员! 我的汤里有异物!

Objective : To evaluate the clinical application of CT virtual bronchoscope in foreign body in bronchus.───目的: 探讨螺旋CT模拟支气管镜对支气管异物的临床应用价值.

Conclusions Early diagnosis, rapid and localization of foreign body are essential to the selection of treatment.───结论尽早诊断, 快速急救,选择适当的治疗方案及方法.

To evaluate the B scan ultrasound image characteristics of intraocular foreign body ( FB ).───探讨眼后段球内异物B型 超声图像 特征与手术方式.

The swelling on her finger was caused by a foreign body in it.───她手指肿大是内有异物所致.

A foreign body dwells long in the nose.───异物长期存留在鼻子内.

The sample must be clean, do not touch foreign body, moisture, and do not touch.───样品必须干净,不可沾有异物,水分,也不可用手触摸。

The foreign body can be shown up on a barium swallow.───吃了钡之后能把异物显示出来.

First check that there is no foreign body lodged in the nostril - grass seedgrass etc.───首先检查龟龟鼻孔有无异物——草字或者草等等.


Could there be a foreign body in there?

Foreign body in the erosion and abrasion, or loose fill the loss of this flexibility is sealed letter fill the main reason for failure.

Discussion Aspiration of a foreign body during use of an inhaler has been infrequently reported since the first report in 1981.

Most patients report itching, foreign body sensation, tearing, redness, and photophobia.

Ear canal foreign body removal, with otoscope, under anesthesia.

They removed a foreign body from her eye.

Patients typically report burning, watering, foreign body sensation, photophobia, pain, decreased vision, and erythema.

Tell everyone to watch out for a foreign body?

The intra-uterine device is a foreign body, as are the tampons used to absorb the menstrual flow.

  • foreignism synonym
  • foreignness def
  • foreign students
  • foreign officer
  • foreign investors
  • foreignness define
  • foreign born
  • foreign nationals
  • foreign minister
  • foreign correspondent




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