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词汇 football league
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football leagues───足球联盟;足球联赛

football game───足球赛;橄榄球比赛

football season───橄榄球赛季;足球赛季

football team───足球队

football seasons───橄榄球赛季;足球赛季

football stadium───大型露天足球场

football career───足球生涯

football club───足球俱乐部

football fan───足球迷


This is one of the world's highest level of football league.───这是世界足坛水平最高的联赛.

Every year before the Football League starts, all the players should take health tests.───每年的足球联赛开始之前, 所有运动员都要先参加体测.

One rounds is a relaunch of the old Yugoslav football league, albeit under a different name.───其中一项是恢复悠久的南斯拉夫足球联赛(虽然名头会有变化).

Since 1954 only the teams of Canadian Football League have challenged for the Grey Cup.───从1954年以来只有CFL的球队才能参加灰色杯的挑战比赛.

Our team plays in the first di ` vision ( of the football league ).───本队在 ( 足球联赛 ) 甲组参赛.

These two teams are level on points in the football league.───足球联赛中,两队积分相同.

The club faces expulsion from the football league.───这家俱乐部面临被足协开除。

The local schools formed a football league.───当地几所学校组建了足球联合会。

Our club is a member of the Football League.───他是长春藤联合会的一员.

My dream was to play in the National Football League.───我的梦想是要参加全国橄榄球联盟.

I researched the set - up at the National Football League.───我研究了全美橄榄球联盟(NationalFootballLeague)的设立过程.

And the Football League also uneasy about the potential damage television could do to the sport.───此外,英国足协为电视对足球这项运动可能带来的危害而忧心忡忡.

When the Football League was founded in 1888, Anfield was one of League's original grounds.───当足球联盟成立于1888年, 利物浦是联赛的最初理由.

Our team plays in the football league.───我们队在足球联赛中参加比赛.

America's National Football League provides an interesting example.───美国国家足球联盟是个有趣的例子。

Liverpool finished the season top of the football league.───利物浦队在该赛季足球联赛中独占鳌头.

  • football hog
  • football match between
  • football stadium
  • football geme
  • football team
  • football pitch
  • football season




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