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词汇 an
释义 anUK:*/ˈæn/US:/ən; when stressed æn/US:'an': (ən; when stressed an); 'An': (än)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: See also: a主要翻译 an indef art (a, one) (用于元音之前)一备注: before a vowel soundTania is eating an ice cream. Harry likes an omelette for breakfast.塔尼亚吃了一个冰淇淋。哈里早餐喜欢吃一个煎蛋饼。usage: ‘a’ and ‘an’You usually use a and an when it is not clear or important which specific thing or person you are referring to. You only use a and an with singular countable nouns. When you are talking about a specific person or thing, you usually use the.She decided to buy a car.He parked the car in front of the bakery. an indef art dated, formal (a: before certain words) (用于h音等起首、不发重音的词前)一备注: "An" may be used before a word beginning with h in which the first syllable is unstressed; however, "a" is more common.This is an historic moment.这是一个历史性的时刻。 an indef art (each, per) (用于元音前)每一,任一备注: before a vowel soundMusic lessons cost one hundred dollars an hour.音乐课每小时的价格是一百美元。 复合形式:an | a an acquired taste n (like for [sth] over time)慢慢养成的口味Oysters are definitely an acquired taste. an arm and a leg n slang, figurative (high price, high cost)昂贵,大价钱No, the price is too high - he wants an arm and a leg for that old car.不,价格太高了。他那辆旧车要价太贵了。 an awful lot n informal (many, much)很多;许多 an awful lot of expr informal (large quantity)很多;大量There are an awful lot of violets growing among the rhubarb. an awful lot expr informal (greatly)非常地;极大地 an awful lot expr informal (very often, at great length)经常地;长久地 an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth n figurative (revenge) (报复)以牙还牙,以眼还眼He destroyed his rival's creation, saying it was an eye for an eye.他毁掉了他对手的作品,说这是以牙还牙。 an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth n figurative (justice) (公正的惩罚)以牙还牙,以眼还眼For murder, I believe an eye for an eye is fair punishment.对于谋杀,我认为以牙还牙是对其公平的惩罚。 an uphill struggle n figurative ([sth] difficult and tiring)艰苦的斗争;难题Brian faces an uphill struggle to overcome the injuries from his accident. an analog of [sth], an analog to [sth] (US), an analogue of [sth], an analogue to [sth] (UK) n ([sth] comparable)与…类似之物,与…相似之物;与…类似的情况 an apology for [sth] n (poor example)勉强的代用品;聊以充数之物Frankly, this place is an apology for a hotel.老实说,这不是酒店,只算是勉强的代用品罢了。 as an afterthought expr (do, add [sth]: afterwards, later)事后 as an alternative to [sth] prep (instead of)作为…的替代;代替Soy milk can be used as an alternative to cows' milk for some recipes. an assault on the senses n (overwhelming noise, color, smells)感官冲击A walk through the market is an assault on the senses; there is so much noise and activity. at an angle adv (diagonally, obliquely)倾斜地;成某个角度地He hung the picture up without a spirit level so it was at an angle. at an early hour adv (early in the morning)一大早地My grandmother had the custom of rising at an early hour. at an end adj (finished, over)结束;终止;完结Economists think the recession is at an end. at an impasse adj figurative (at a standstill, at a dead end) (比喻)陷入僵局We can't agree on the terms of the contract; we're really at an impasse. be an instant success, be an overnight success v expr (be immediately popular)一举成功The TV show proved to be an instant success. before an audience adv (in front of people)大庭广众之下;在人们面前I hate speaking before an audience; I get stage fright and stammer over my words. not blink, not blink an eye v expr figurative, informal (not be shocked or disapprove) (表示毫不惊讶)眼都不眨一下;不动声色 not blink at [sth], not blink an eye at [sth] v expr figurative, informal (not react to)对…无动于衷;冷眼旁观; (比喻)眨眼Joshua is so rich, he doesn't blink at paying $800 for a wristwatch.约书亚十分富有,对于支付一块800美元的腕表,他眼睛都不眨一下。 bring [sth] to an end vtr (conclude, finish)结束;终结The conference was brought to an end in the late afternoon. champion an idea v expr (support a project, plan)支持...计划;赞同...想法Mary championed the idea of increasing recycling at her company. come to an agreement v expr (decide mutually) (计划等)达成协议,达成一致The two men came to an agreement over the price of the secondhand car. come to an agreement with [sb] v expr (resolve a dispute)与…达成协议It was a long hard battle but we finally came to an agreement with each other. come to an agreement with [sb] v expr (agree to terms)与…达成一致I came to an agreement with my ex-wife that I would watch the kids on the weekends. come to an arrangement v expr (compromise, agree on [sth])谈妥;达成共识 come to an end v expr (conclude)结束;终止;完结All good things must come to an end. come to an end v expr (be resolved)解决;完结With some therapy your internal conflict could finally come to an end. come within an ace of [sth] v expr informal (almost do [sth])差一点就;几乎就 come within an inch of doing [sth], be within an inch of doing [sth] v expr figurative (almost do)差一点就去做某事;几乎要去做某事 conduct an experiment v expr (test [sth] scientifically)做实验 conduct an inquiry v expr (hold investigation)进行调查;展开调查The committee will conduct an inquiry into the governor's alleged fraud.委员会会就针对部长作弊行为的指控展开调查。 cost an arm and a leg v expr slang, figurative (be expensive)价格昂贵 decline an invitation v expr (turn down a request to attend [sth])谢绝邀请Would it be rude of us to decline their invitation? dollars an hour npl (hourly pay rate)美元时薪I receive 10 dollars an hour for baby-sitting. draw to a close, draw to an end v expr (finish)结束;落下帷幕;接近尾声As the evening drew to a close, the orchestra played a final waltz. eighth, an eighth, one eighth, 1/8 n (fraction: 8th part)分成八份;八份备注: "an eighth" is used generally; "one eighth" is used to emphasize the precise amountCut the pie into eighths. eke out a living, eke out an existence v expr (struggle to earn money)竭力维持生计;设法谋生She ekes out an existence working two part-time jobs. an element of [sth] n (factor)...的因素;...的成分There was an element of luck involved when he won the race.他的比赛胜利中有运气的因素。 an enemy of [sth] n (person: opponent)反对者;对抗者This environmentalist is an enemy of the government's policy on nuclear energy. the engine of [sth], an engine for [sth] n figurative (stimulus) (比喻)刺激, 刺激物; (比喻)导火索, 加速器This latest government policy is likely to prove the engine of the party's destruction. an eternity n informal, figurative (long time)漫长的时间, 似乎无终止的时间; (比喻)永远School seemed to go on for an eternity. an exercise in [sth] n (project, endeavor)…训练Writing short stories was an exercise in technique for the author.对作者来说,写短篇小说是一种技能训练。 extend an olive branch v expr figurative (offer reconciliation) (表达和解)伸出橄榄枝 eyeful, an eyeful n ([sth/sb] visually striking)美人 eyeful, an eyeful n (thorough look)满眶 face of an angel n (sweet and innocent appearance) (比喻义)天使的脸She was evil to the core but she had the face of an angel. form an opinion v expr (decide what you think)形成一种观点I don't think I have enough information to form an opinion yet. free [sb] from an obligation v expr (release [sb] from a duty)解除...的责任He's been taking care of his elderly parents for years; finally, his siblings have decided to free him from that obligation by taking on more responsibility themselves. free yourself from an obligation v expr (avoid having to fulfil a duty)不受责任的约束;摆脱责任 gain an understanding of [sth] v expr (learn about)了解;弄清楚After playing he began to gain an understanding of the game. get an earful v expr figurative, informal (be reprimanded)听了一堆责备的话Tony got an earful from the boss when he arrived late for work. go to an early grave v expr (die young)夭折;年纪轻轻地死去Callum is going to an early grave if he doesn't adopt a healthier lifestyle. half an hour n (30 minutes)半(个)小时;30分钟It only takes me half an hour to get ready in the morning. half hour, half an hour n (30 minutes)半小时I ran for a good half hour.It only takes me half an hour to get ready in the morning.我跑了整整半个小时的步。我早上只花了半个小时就收拾停当了。 a half-inch, half an inch n (measurement: half of one inch)半英寸 have an account with [sth/sb] v expr (bank with)有银行账户;在…银行设有户头I have an account with Lloyds Bank. have an account with [sth/sb] v expr (for purchases) (商户)在…上开有账户,办了…的会员I have an account with the university bookshop on the High Street. have an ace up your sleeve v expr figurative, informal (have a secret advantage) (比喻)藏着一张王牌;藏着大招 have an ax to grind (US), have an axe to grind (UK) v expr figurative (have an agenda)另有企图;另有打算;有不可告人的目的 have an edge v expr figurative (be better)占优势;具有优势;拥有有利条件He always uses superior materials in order to have an edge on the competition. have an edge on v expr slang (be mildly drunk) (俚语)微醉;稍微喝醉 have an effect v expr (make an impact)产生影响;起作用Advertising takes a lot of money to have an effect. have an eye for [sth] v expr informal (notice)对…有鉴赏力;对…有眼光The painter has an eye for detail. have an eye for [sb] v expr slang (be attracted)钟情于That guy has an eye for the ladies. have an idea vi (invent or devise [sth])我有一个想法I have an idea that will surprise you. have an idea of vi (have some notion, understanding of)(对某事)了解;理解;知情Do you have an idea of how many people will be coming to the party? have an impression v expr (have vague idea)有点印象,模糊记得I have an impression of her as a bit irresponsible. have an impression v expr (suspect) (常指错误的)认为,推测 have an inkling that, have an inkling [sth] v expr (suspect, sense)略微知晓We had an inkling that the film might be a success, but we weren't sure. have an off day v expr informal (perform poorly)状态不佳He is normally a great performer, but I think he was having an off-day.他通常表现很好,但我认为今天状态不佳。 have an opportunity vi (have a chance to do [sth])有机会(做某事)I've had the opportunity to travel the world. have an understanding vi (have an informal agreement)形成共识;达成非正式协议My wife and I have an understanding: she does the cooking and I do the washing up. in an exclusive way adv (showing elitism)排外地;权贵独享地 in an instant adv (very quickly)立刻;立即;立即The phone rang and he answered it in an instant. in an offhand way adv (casually)(言行)过于随便的;唐突的One of the customers complained that the waiter had treated him in an offhand way. in an underhand manner expr (in a deceitful or dishonest way)偷偷摸摸地;以欺诈的方式;以不诚实的方式He is behaving in an underhand manner, going out with his best friend's girlfriend without him knowing. in the twinkling of an eye, in the blink of an eye expr figurative, informal (instant, brief moment)转瞬之间;顷刻间;顷刻间And in the twinkling of an eye she was gone. an insult to [sth/sb] n (offending action)对…的侮辱,对…的羞辱Tom thought that being denied the job was a huge insult to him.在汤姆看来,没拿到这份工作是对他的巨大羞辱。 issue an injunction vi (law: put out a restraining order)发出强制令The celebrity was relieved when the judge issued an injunction against her stalker. be an item v expr slang (be a couple) (俚语,指情侣)一对儿;情侣Are John and Lucy an item now?约翰和露西现在是一对儿了? keep an eye on [sth/sb] v expr informal (watch carefully)密切注意;留意When cooking soufflés, you need to keep an eye on them so they don't fall. keep an eye out for [sth/sb] vtr informal (remain vigilant for)注意;留心It's important to keep an eye out for dangerous snakes in the bush. Keep an eye out for a parking spot.特别注意草丛中有危险的蛇。注意找个停车位。 keep an open mind v expr (be willing to consider new ideas)保持开放的态度 keep your eye on the ball, keep an eye on the ball, have your eye on the ball v expr figurative (be attentive, alert)集中注意 the Koran, the Quran, the Qur'an n (Muslim holy book) (伊斯兰教经典)古兰经Devout Muslims read the Koran every day.虔诚的穆斯林教徒每天都诵读古兰经。 kph n invariable, written, abbreviation (kilometer per hour)千米/小时 launch an attack, launch an attack on [sth/sb] v expr (military: begin combat)对...发动攻击Prepare to launch an attack, men. launch an attack, launch an attack on [sth/sb] v expr (criticize harshly)对...发起抨击The newspaper article launched an attack on the president and his policies. lay [sth] vtr (produce: egg)生产;产;下A hen can lay a few eggs per week, I think.我想,母鸡每周能下好几个蛋。 lend an ear v expr figurative, dated (listen to [sb])听;倾听When I need someone to talk to, Patricia is always willing to lend an ear. lend an ear to [sb], lend [sb] an ear v expr figurative, dated (listen)听某人说;倾听"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears." - William Shakespeare lodge an appeal v expr (object formally to a legal ruling)提出上诉,提起上诉,提出申诉 make an adjustment v expr (amend)调整;改进;改良I need to make an adjustment to this belt as it's too loose. make an announcement v expr (declare [sth] publicly)公布;宣布The Prime Minister made an announcement about taxation in the House of Commons yesterday.May I have your attention? - I'd like to make an announcement. make an apology v expr (say sorry)道歉 make an appearance v expr (perform: appear on stage, etc.)登台;亮相The singer made an appearance at the charity concert. make an appearance v expr informal (be present, show up) (非正式用语)出面,出席I wonder if the bride's ex-boyfriend will make an appearance at the wedding? make an appointment v expr (patient, client)预约;挂号If you want an eye test, you need to make an appointment.想检查眼睛就得挂号。make an appointment with [sb] v expr (patient, client) (客户、病人)与某人预约;挂某人的号Jane had toothache, so she made an appointment with the dentist.make an appointment for [sb], make [sb] an appointment v expr (secretary, etc.: for [sb] else) (秘书)为...预约'I've made you an appointment to see Dr Smith at 4pm on Monday,' the receptionist said.接待员说:"我给您定好了预约,周一下午4点与史密斯医生见面。"make an arrangement v expr (set up a method)做安排make an arrangement v expr (set up an agreement)约定;订立契约make an ass of yourself v expr slang (do [sth] stupid)出丑;出洋相Jim made an ass of himself when he turned up at work wearing differently coloured socks.make an attempt v expr (try)试;尝试The French made an attempt to build a canal across Panama, but failed.make an effort v expr (try hard)努力You could give up smoking if you just made an effort. Let's all make an effort to get along.只要你努力,就能成功戒烟。让我们一起努力来和睦相处吧。make an entrance v expr (into room)进入Charles made an entrance into the study.make an entrance v expr (onstage) (演员)登台,上场When she says "Ah, Romeo, Romeo!" it's time to make your entrance.make an entrance v expr (grandly)(隆重)入场The red carpet is the place for celebrities to make an entrance before awards ceremonies.make an entry v expr (in log, diary)少年男女之间的恋爱;早年的初恋Dennis made an entry in his diary.make an exception v expr (deviate from a rule)破例;通融I don't normally stay up after 10pm, but I'll make an exception, as it's your birthday.make an exception for [sb/sth] v expr (exempt [sb] from [sth])为…破例We don't usually allow students to take holidays during term, but we'll make an exception for your daughter, as she's such a good student.make an exit, make your exit v expr (leave)离开;走开make an honest woman of [sb] v expr dated, humorous (marry)娶...为妻Sara's father was happy because Tom had made an honest woman of her.make an impression v expr (have impact)留下印象;起作用;产生影响If you want to make an impression socially, it is very important to remember people's names.make an impression on [sb] v expr (have impact on [sb])给...留下印象备注: 特别是良好的印象Lily has certainly made an impression on Alan.make an issue of [sth] v expr (present [sth] as problem)小题大做;制造争端make an offer, make [sb] an offer v expr (bid)给...出价;竞标I'm going to the agent to make an offer for that house.Let me make you an offer on that car.means to an end n (method of achieving [sth])达到某一目的的手段It doesn't matter that he lied; it was just a means to an end.The junta has promised new civilian elections; the coup was a means to an end.mile per hour, mile an hour n usually plural (speed)每小时…英里;每小时英里数The speed limit on British motorways is seventy miles per hour.The police stopped me for going twenty miles per hour over the speed limit.miss an opportunity v expr (not take or get the chance)错过机会I never miss an opportunity to travel abroad.not bat an eyelash (US), not bat an eyelid (UK) v expr figurative, informal (be impassive, not react) (比喻,非正式用语)眼睛都不眨一下;完全没有反应The defendant didn't bat an eyelid when the prosecutor suggested she had intended to commit murder.of a, of an expr (roughly the same)差不多一样;基本相同备注: Used with age or measurements - of an age, of a size, of a height/length, etc.The two men were in the same class at school, so they are of an age.Those two pieces of wood are of a old hand n figurative, informal (experienced person)老手;经验丰富的人Listen to your father when it comes to the family business; he's an old old hand at [sth] n figurative, informal (experienced person)...的老手;...技能熟练的人;...经验丰富的人You'll do well to follow his advice; he's an old hand at this business.on an ad hoc basis expr (as needed)临时性;根据当前情况The factory hires extra staff on an ad hoc basis.on an even keel expr figurative (stable, balanced)稳定的;均衡的on an ongoing basis adv (continuously into the future)持续进行,随时间不断变化I will be doing this job on an ongoing an account v expr (register with a bank)开户;开设银行账户;开立银行户头One of the first things you need to do on arrival in a new country is to go to a bank and open an orgy of [sth] n figurative (wild indulgence in [sth])狂欢David arrived at the buffet ready for an orgy of ounce of [sth] n figurative (small amount)一点;少量备注: Usually used in the negative.Mark's ordeal has really shaken him; he hasn't an ounce of courage outpouring of [sth] n figurative (of grief, sympathy, etc.) (比喻)流露;表达After her father died, Jessica received an outpouring of sympathy from her friends.owe [sb] an apology v expr (need to say sorry)应该向...道歉pass an exam v expr abbr (be successful in a formal test)通过考试;考试及格Once you have passed the exam you will be awarded with a an order v expr (make request to purchase [sth])下订单Please call the Chinese restaurant and place an order for hot and sour soup.请给中餐馆打电话,并下一份酸辣汤的订单。put an embargo on [sth] v expr (ban trade with)对…实行禁运put an end to [sth] vtr (stop, curtail)结束,终止;杀死The fall put an end to her skiing career. I'll put an end to this nonsense right away!put in an appearance v expr (show up, be present briefly)露面,短暂出席The boss usually puts in an appearance at the annual employee picnic.put [sb] in an awkward position v expr (cause [sb] social embarrassment)让某人处于尴尬境地;使某人感到尴尬Her thoughtless remarks about Janet put us all in an awkward position.put on an act v expr (behave falsely)装出一副模样;装模作样quite a, quite an adj (intensifier before noun) (加强语气)相当,很The 4th of July fireworks this year were quite a sight.raise an eyebrow, raise your eyebrow v expr (show surprise)感到惊讶raise an eyebrow v expr (show disbelief) (表示不相信)挑眉raise an eyebrow v expr (show disapproval) (表示异议)挑眉render an account v expr (submit for payment or approval)报账;开出账目run an errand, go on an errand v expr (task outside home)办个差事I won't be at home tomorrow morning, as I have to run a few your eye over [sth], cast your eye over [sth], cast an eye over [sth] v expr informal (glance at briefly, examine hastily)粗眼一看;快速浏览scrape out an existence, scratch out an existence, eke out an existence v expr (obtain daily necessities with difficult)勉强度日;艰难求生She managed to scrape out an existence by working three low-paying jobs.serve as an example v expr (demonstrate what is expected)成为例证The team's defeat serves as an example of what can happen if the players become complacent.set an example v expr (be a model of behavior)做榜样;做例子slippery as an eel, as slippery as an eel expr (very physically slippery)滑溜slippery as an eel, as slippery as an eel expr (evasive, hard to understand, elusive)非常狡猾;非常滑头;油头滑脑straight as an arrow adj informal (direct, unwavering) (非正式用语)像箭杆一样直,挺拔His concentration was straight as an arrow.straight as an arrow adj slang (honest, not criminal) (俚语)正直的,循规蹈矩的take an active part, take an active role v expr (be fully involved)积极参与Emily takes an active part in the chess club.take an active part in [sth], take an active role in [sth] v expr (be involved)积极参与He refused to take an active part in the discussion.take an interest, show an interest v expr (show curiosity or concern)有兴趣;关心When it comes to football I find it really hard to take an interest.take an interest in [sth/sb], show an interest in [sth/sb] v expr (show curiosity or concern)对…感兴趣My mother never took any interest in my hobbies.take an interest in [sth] v expr (get involved, participate in)对...感兴趣;喜欢参加;喜欢涉足Helena always takes an interest in the village fair.take an oath v expr (pledge)发誓The president took an oath to defend our constitution.take an order v expr (serving staff: write down food requested) (餐厅)点餐,接收订单take inventory, take an inventory v expr (count stock or belongings)盘点备注: 清点库存The store will be closing early tomorrow so that we can take inventory.I have to do the stock-taking in the shop, then meet the estate agent to take an inventory at the new house.there is an off chance, there is an off chance that expr (there is a slight possibility that)机会很小to an extent adv (to a certain degree)到一定程度;某种程度上What the politician said is true, to an extent, but he withheld several pertinent such an extent adv (to an extreme)到此程度It was a mystery why he should go to such an such an extent that conj (so greatly that)到如此大的程度;竟然到了这样的程度He yelled to such an extent that my ears almost burst.under an hour adv (less than 60 minutes)不到一小时It takes under an hour to fly from Seville to Madrid.with an even hand expr figurative (impartially)公平;不偏不倚He treats everyone with an even hand.with an eye to [sth/sb] expr (in the hope of)为了;目的在于;着眼于She dressed in her best clothes with an eye to making him notice her.with an iron hand adv figurative (severely, strictly)以铁腕政策She runs this department with an iron hand.without batting an eye, without batting an eyelid, without blinking an eye, without a blink adv figurative (impassively, not reacting)眼睛都不眨地;毫不犹豫地work up an appetite v expr (get hungry)勾起食欲




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