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词汇 all
释义 allUK:*/ˈɔːl/US:/ɔl/ ,(ôl)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 all of pron (every one of)所有,全部Someone has eaten all of the chocolates.All of his classmates went to his birthday party.有人把所有巧克力全都吃完了。// 他所有的同学都来参加了他的生日聚会。 all of pron (every bit of)所有,全部I've spent all of my money.我把所有钱都花光了。 all adj (every bit of)全部的;所有的He spilled all the soup on the floor.他把汤全洒在地板上了。 all adj (every one of)所有的,每一个的All these books need to be sold.所有这些书都得卖掉。usage: used as a determinerYou use all immediately in front of the plural form of a noun to talk about every thing or person of a particular kind. When you use all in front of the plural form of a noun, you use a plural form of a verb after it.There is built-in storage space in all bedrooms.All boys like to eat.You can use all immediately in front of an uncountable noun when you are making a general statement about something. When you use all in front of an uncountable noun, you use a singular form of a verb after it.All research will be done by experts.All crime is serious. all adj (time: the entirety of) (时间)整个的,全部的I've been waiting all afternoon.我等了整整一下午。 all adj (extent: the entirety of) (过程)整个的,从头到尾的,全部的We played cards all the way to Paris.在去巴黎的整个路上,我们一直都在打扑克。 all adj (duration: the entirety of) (期间)整个的,全部的He snored through all the play.整场剧他都在呼呼大睡。 all adj (any)任何的;所有的Beyond all shadow of a doubt, she's the best worker that we have.毫无疑问,她是我们这儿最棒的员工。 all pron (everything)万物;所有一切It's midnight and all is quiet.午夜时分,万物息声。 其他翻译 all adv informal (completely)完全地;全部地He came in all covered in mud.他走了进来,满身是泥。 all adv (score: apiece, each) (球赛双方得分相等)每人,每个,各The score is thirty-all at the moment.目前,比分是30平。 all n (best effort)最大努力Even though my daughter didn't win her game, I'm still proud because I know she gave it her all.即使女儿没有赢得比赛,我还是为她感到骄傲,因为我知道,她已经尽了自己最大努力。 动词短语jump on [sb], jump all over [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (criticize, find fault with)责备;责骂;斥责备注: 指一发现有错就立马责备Olivia jumped on her husband for being slow to offer the guests another drink.复合形式: a man for all seasons n figurative (capable man)有能力的人,能干的人 above all adv (more than anything)尤其;最重要的是Above all, Louise wants to become a nurse.最重要的是,露易丝想要成为一名护士。 above all, above any other, above all others adv (more than any other)尤其;最重要的是Peter is a clever, handsome and, above all, honest man.彼得头脑聪慧、外表英俊,以及最重要的是还很诚实。 above all else adv (most importantly)最重要的是Above all else, the company must make a profit. after all adv (ultimately)终究;最终After all, nobody but the patient has the right to refuse the treatment.最终,只有病人有权拒绝治疗。 after all adv (despite that)终究,毕竟;尽管,虽然Tina is feeling better now, so she can come with us after all.缇娜现在感觉好多了,毕竟她都可以和我们一起去了。 after all adv (explanatory: because) (解释原因)毕竟I'm definitely going to the concert - they are my favourite band after all.我肯定会去音乐会的,毕竟他们是我最喜欢的乐队。 after all is said and done expr (ultimately)最后;一切落定后After all is said and done, the decision to have a baby is a personal one. against all odds adv (highly improbably)几率很低Julie fell out of the moving train. She survived against all odds. agog, all agog adj (eager)迫切渴望的The children sat there agog as he told the story. all aboard interj (train, boat: call to board)请大家上车(上船;登机)"All aboard!" the captain called out, and then the ship set sail. all about adj (on the topic of)关于…的I want to hear all about your trip.我想听关于你旅行的一切故事。 all about adv UK (all around a certain area)到处The pickpocket looked all about to make sure nobody was watching.扒手四处张望确保没人在看。 all about adj informal (person: very interested in)热衷于;钟爱 all alone adj (without company)独自一人的;孤零零的After alienating her family and friends, she found herself all alone. all alone adj (without help)独力;靠自己的力量Many women in third world countries give birth all alone. all along adv (the whole time)一直;始终She knew about the surprise party all along.她一直都知道这个惊喜派对。 all along prep (alongside)沿着There were willow trees all along the river banks.沿着河堤有很多柳树。 all and sundry n (everyone, no matter who)所有人,各色人等The lord complained that since he'd opened the castle to the public, he'd had to put up with all and sundry tramping through his home every weekend. all around (US), all round (UK) adv (everywhere)各个方面;各个地方Prices have increased all around.各个地方物价都上涨了。 all around (US), all round (UK) adv informal (for everyone)所有人;每个人Joe called for drinks all around to celebrate his good news.乔打电话给所有人来庆祝他的好消息。 all around (US), all round (UK) adv (in all aspects)在各方面This is a better solution all round.从各个方面看,这都是一个更好的解决方案。 all around [sth/sb] (US), all round [sth/sb] (UK) prep (surrounding)周围;四周David looked all around him, but Eleanor was nowhere to be seen.大卫环顾四周都未看到埃莉诺。 all at once adv (suddenly)忽然;突然All at once, I heard a noise in the kitchen. all at once adv (simultaneously, at the same time)同时The guests cried "Surprise!" all at once. all bets are off expr (outcome is unpredictable)扑朔迷离;世事难料If Celeste is coming to the party, all bets are off--she's crazy! all but prep (everyone except)除…外全部All but one of her students passed the exam.除一个学生外,她所有学生全部都通过了考试。 all but adv (with verb: almost completely)几乎;差不多You've all but polished off that cake.你们几乎已经把那个蛋糕吃完了。 all but adv (with adjective: nearly)几乎;差不多The rain is all but finished now.现在这场雨差不多停了。 all clear n (signal that there is no danger)解除警报,无危险情况When the fire drill was done, the principal gave the all clear. all clear n figurative (signal to go ahead) (表示可以继续前进)危险解除 all comers npl (anyone)所有来人;来的所有人We welcome all comers but we have limited capacity.我们欢迎所有人前来但是我们的位置有限。 all creation n (everything)万物;万事万物I think cats are the most exquisite creatures in all creation. all day adv (throughout the whole day)一整天;一天到晚She's been practising all day.她一整天都在练习。 all day long adv (throughout the whole day)一整天;一天到晚I could water the flowers all day long.I sat in the sun all day long and read my book. all done adj informal (finished)已完成了的When you're all done with the quiz, please put your pencil down and wait for everyone else to finish. be all ears v expr figurative, informal (eager to hear about [sth])洗耳恭听Tell me about your wedding plans; I'm all ears.告诉我你的结婚计划,我洗耳恭听。 all eyes npl (everyone's gaze)大家都在关注All eyes were on Amanda as she walked down the aisle. be all eyes v expr figurative, informal (look intently)全神贯注地看;目不转睛 all for prep informal (completely in favour of)完全赞同I was all for getting ice cream after classes. all for prep (everyone in favour of)全部赞同;所有人都赞同All for the motion, say "Yes". all for one interj (expressing solidarity) (常作one for all, all for one)(我为人人,)人人为我 all gone adj (finished, used up)用完了I can't make beef stroganoff tonight because the mushrooms are all gone. all gone adj (disappeared)消失了;全没了The snow banks in the garden are all gone after this week of warm weather. all hail (greeting) (问候语)欢迎;您好 all hands npl figurative (everyone on board) (比喻)所有人,全部人员The ship was sinking, so the captain called for all hands on deck. all in adv (risking all money)筹码押上;全力押注 all in adv figurative (act: risking everything)压上所有身家;放手一搏We have decided to jump all in and buy the house in France! all in adv (in all, overall)全部包含地Taking into account the purchase price and all the repairs needed, the car cost us £10,000 all in. all in adj US regional and UK, slang (exhausted, very tired) (俚语)筋疲力尽,疲惫不堪 all in a day's work expr informal, figurative (routine activity)日常工作;分内之事There's no need to thank me - it's all in a day's work for me. all in all adv (on the whole)总的来说,总而言之All in all, I think you did a fine job. The trip wasn't perfect, but all in all, I'm glad we went.总的来说,我认为你做得不错。这次旅行不是很完美,不过总的来说,我还是很高兴我们去了。 all in good time expr (be patient)耐心点;别着急;要有耐心The doctor assured the family that the patient would be out of hospital the next day, all in good time. all included adj (paid for) (费用)包括在内的,全包的Flights are all included in the price of the holiday. all included adj (accounted for)都计算在内Make sure the figures are all included in your calculations. all kinds of adj (a wide variety of)各种各样的I'll plant all kinds of flowers this spring and see which ones survive. all manner of adj (many different kinds of)各种各样的On our safari we saw only one lion, but all manner of antelopes. all mod cons npl abbr, informal (most up-to-date features)现代化设施 all my life adv (throughout my lifetime)一辈子;一生I was born in Manchester, and I've lived here all my life. all night adv (throughout the night)一整夜备注: hyphen used when term is an adjThe convenience store is open all night. all-night adj (continuing through the night)一整夜These all-night study sessions are tiring me out. all of prep (only)不少于;足有,足足有She took all of twenty minutes to complete the puzzle.她花了足足有20分钟才把这个拼图完成。 all of a sudden adv (suddenly)忽然;突然All of a sudden, a dark cloud blotted out the sun.突然,乌云把太阳遮住了。 all of this aside adv (regardless, nevertheless)抛开这一切不管;把这一切放在一边不论 all of which npl (every item mentioned)所有这些;全都The cupcakes, all of which are gluten-free, are in the glass case.这些小蛋糕全都不含麸质,搁在玻璃盒里。 all of which n (everything mentioned)所有这些Greg stole his sister's purse and lied to his parents about it; all of which goes to show that you can't trust him. all one adj (the same thing)都一样Whatever way you choose, it's all one.无论你怎么选择,结果都一样。 all or nothing n (no compromise)孤注一掷;不成功则成仁 all out adv (totally, to the utmost)全力以赴;竭尽全力Andrew was trying all out to defeat his opponent. all over adv informal (everywhere)到处;四处I've looked all over but still can't find my keys.我四处找过了,但还是找不到我的钥匙。 all over adv (over whole surface)满是;(整个表面)全部都是Oil from the site of the wrecked tanker is now spreading all over.油轮失事现场泄露的油如今已经扩散到整个海面全部都是。 all over adv figurative, informal (in every respect, characteristic)典型地;是(某人的)特色He forgot to turn up for his own wedding? That's him all over!他忘记参加自己的婚礼了?那简直太有他的特色了! all-over adj (thorough, complete)彻底的;全面的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.Jack gave the bike an all-over check.杰克给那辆自行车做了个彻底的检查。 all-over adj (tan, massage: over whole body)全身的;覆盖全身的Mandy would like to have an all-over tan.曼迪想要全身美黑。 all over again, over again adv (once more, from the beginning)再一次;又一次Oh no! I forgot the cake was in the oven and now it's burnt; I'll have to do it over again. all over the map expr figurative, informal (changeable) (非正式用语)善变的;反复无常的After her father died, her emotions were all over the map. all over the map expr informal (in many places)到处都是;各处都是When he looked up the nearest ATM, they came up all over the map. all over the place expr informal (in many places)到处都是;各处都是There is dust all over the place; I really need to clean house! all over the place expr figurative, informal (not focused) (非正式用语)精力分散的;分心的I have been very distracted lately; my thoughts are all over the place. all over the world expr (in many countries)全世界;世界各地Santa Claus is known all over the world.全世界都知道圣诞老公公。 all over the world adv figurative (everywhere)到处;四处Luke had searched all over the world, but there was no sign of Naomi.卢克到处搜寻,但是都没有发现内奥美的影子。 all over with, over with, over and done with adj informal (finished, over)结束Thank goodness that ordeal is all over with.谢天谢地,艰难的考验终于结束了。 all over with adj (ended a relationship with [sb])与…结束关系It's all over with Robert and Hannah. all right, alright interj informal (OK)好吧!备注: "Alright" is used in informal writing, but "all right" is preferred in formal, edited writing.All right, let's go to the pub.好吧,我们去酒吧吧。 all right, alright adj informal (fine, well)好;行I was a bit nauseous yesterday but I'm feeling all right again today.我昨天觉得有点恶心,而今天我感觉又都好了。 all right, alright adj informal (average, mediocre)良好的;还好的;一般的The food was all right, I suppose - nothing special.食物很一般,我觉得没有很特别的。 all right, alright adv informal (satisfactorily)令人满意地The car always works all right for me.这辆车对我来说一直很好用。 all right, alright adv slang (certainly, without a doubt)确实;的确You didn't see me, but I was there, all right.你没看见我,但我确实在那里。 All Saints' Day n (Christian calendar: 1st November) (每年十一月一日举行的为纪念各圣人的基督教节日)万圣节All Saints' Day is the day after Halloween. all set adj (ready, prepared)做好充分准备的Are we all set? Then let's go! all set for [sth] adj (ready, prepared)为…准备好;准备就绪Are you all set for opening night? all sewn up, all sewed up adv figurative (assured)一切都在掌控之中;一切都安排好The party planner has the details of the big birthday celebration all sewn up. all shook up adj US, slang (shaken, very upset) (俚语)心烦意乱The criminal was all shook up because he knew the police would find him. all sorts of prep (many and varied)各种各样的The shelves were lined with all sorts of lotions and potions for the skin. All Souls' Day, All Souls, All Souls' n (November 2 holiday) (每年十一月二日为死者灵魂祈祷的节日)万灵节 all systems go expr figurative, informal (ready for action)万事俱备;一切就绪 all taxes included adj (no additional tax)所有税收都包含在内;含所有税收 all taxes included adj (price: includes tax) (价格)含税的 all that n (everything that, everything which)所有;一切"All that you see here," said our tour guide, "was built in the 19th century." all that n colloquial (all those things) (口语)整件事,所有事情"What about the driving arrangements?" "Leave all that to me." all that adj slang (especially impressive)非常厉害,特别出色He thinks he's God's gift to women, but he's not all that.all that adv (particularly, especially)非常,特别My dog isn't actually all that mean, but his size scares people.All that glitters is not gold, All that glistens is not gold expr figurative (appearances can be deceptive)虚有其表;金玉其表,败絮其中all that is n (everything that exists)所有一切What if all that is existed only in your mind?All the best, expr written (closing: letter or email) (信件或电子邮件结尾)祝一切顺利,备注: Followed by the writer's name or signature, usually on a separate line.The letter ended, "Please let me know if I can be of any further help. All the best, Simon."这封信结尾写着:“如果您需要帮助,请联系我。祝一切顺利,西蒙。”all the best n (good wishes)万事顺心如意I wish you all the best in your new career.祝愿你的事业一帆风顺。all the better expr (enhances [sth])更好,更加"Big eyes? All the better to see you with, my dear!" said the wolf to Little Red Riding Hood.all the comforts of home npl (amenities, facilities)各种舒适的设施The hotel room has all the comforts of home.all the days of your life expr (for rest of your life)余生all the more expr (before adjective or adverb: even more)更加;愈加I'm happy that my sister is getting married, and I'm all the more excited because I'm going to be a bridesmaid.我很高兴我的姐妹要结婚了,让我更高兴地是,因为我将成为伴娘之一。all the more expr (even more)更加;更为Crying in front of her embarrassed him, but it made her love him all the more.在她面前落泪使他难堪,不过这却让她更加爱他了。all the more so expr (even more so)更是如此;更加如此You need a strong pair of boots if you go hiking, all the more so now that it's winter.all the rage expr (very popular, in fashion)风行一时Polka dots are all the rage this season.all the same expr (even so)尽管如此…(仍然)Max promised to change, but all the same I decided to end the relationship.麦克斯保证会改,尽管如此我还是决定结束这段关系。all the time expr (always)一直;始终I help people all the time.我一直在帮助他人。all the time in the world n figurative (as much time as needed)充裕的时间,足够的时间all the way expr (the full distance)走到底;整个一路上;从头到尾He has just run a marathon and was barefoot all the way.他刚跑完马拉松,而且全程都是光脚跑。all the way expr figurative, slang (completely)完全地;彻底地"Which football team do you support?" "Manchester United all the way!"“你支持哪支足球队?”“当然是曼联队咯!”all the way in adv (completely in)全进去;全插进去To get the card to work, you have to put it all the way in.all the way to adv + prep (during the entire journey to)在…的整个行程中;自始自终;一直We had to listen to him snore all the way from New York to Rome.all the way to adv + prep (the full distance to)到…的一路上;整个一路中He sang and danced all the way to school.all the way to adv + prep (emphatic: a long way)不远万里(来到);千里迢迢(来到)You want me to carry this all the way back to the house?all the while expr (at the same time, meanwhile)同时He said he was working hard at the university but all the while he was going to the race track.all things npl (everything relating to [sth])所有与...相关的东西This shop is the place to go for all things sports-related.all things considered expr (ultimately)综合考虑起来;总体来说The service is sometimes slow, but all things considered it's a great restaurant.all through prep (throughout)一直;始终There are wooden floors all through the apartment.all through the night expr (throughout the night)整个晚上;整夜All through the night we could hear the loud music from the floor all thumbs v expr figurative, informal (be clumsy)笨拙;拙手笨脚all to yourself adv (for [sb]'s sole use)独享;独占Cheri had the train compartment all to herself.all together adv (in chorus, in unison)齐声;同时all together adv (gathered, in a group)一起all told adv (in total)总计;总共Four teachers, seventeen boys, eleven girls... there will be 32 people on the bus all told.all too, only too adv disapproving (overly)实在太;只是太She is all too eager to help.all too soon adv (prematurely)很快All too soon, the lovely dinner date came to an end.all wet adj informal (soaked, drenched)湿透The rain got my clothes all wet.all wet adj US, slang, figurative (completely wrong)完全弄错了, 错得彻头彻尾all work n (working all the time, overwork)只工作不干别的;只工作(不休息)all year round, all the year round adv (throughout the year)全年,整年,一年四季; (口语)一年到头I'd love to live in a climate where I could garden all year round.all you can do n (your only recourse)你唯一能做的When something bad happens, all you can do is make the best of it.all you can do n (everything you are capable of)你能做的一切All you can do is whine; you never fix your problems.all-American adj (fitting a US ideal)美国国家队的;全由美国人组成的,全为美国产的;全美洲的;美国最佳选手The pop star's image is that of the all-American boy.all-around (US), all-round (UK) adj (versatile, multi-skilled)多才多艺的;全能的Joe has developed into an all-around player for the basketball team.all-around (US), all-round (UK) adj (comprehensive, overall)全面的;各个方面的The school aims to provide an all-around education for its students.all-consuming adj (occupying all attention)耗费精力的;全身心投入的all-day adj (lasting or available the whole day)整天的This café serves a delicious all-day breakfast.这家小餐馆提供一整天的美味早餐。all-embracing adj figurative (including everything)总括的;包括一切的all-encompassing adj (broad, universal)综合的;包含一切的;包罗万象的all-expenses-paid adj (everything is free)所有费用都已付清的Geoff won an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii! Lucky guy!all-fired adv US, informal (extremely, excessively)非常,极其If you think it's so all-fired easy to run a marathon, it's clear you've never tried it!all-fired adj US, informal (extreme, excessive)非常的,极其的Pete had the all-fired gall to quit when the work was only half done.all-important adj (crucial, critical)极重要的;至关紧要的all-in-one adj (combined, comprehensive)多合一的I have an all-in-one printer; it prints, scans, and photocopies.all-in-one, one-piece n UK (bodysuit, catsuit)(胸罩和腰带连一起的)紧身内衣;紧身胸衣Gloria was wearing an all-in-one.all-inclusive adj (with all costs pre-paid)包括一切的;无所不包的Most cruises are all inclusive, except for day trips in the ports of call.all-knowing adj (who knows everything)什么都知道的;无所不知的My priest told me that God is all-knowing.all-nighter n ([sth] that lasts all night)通宵活动The group of friends only intended to go for a couple of drinks, but they were having such a good time that it turned into an all-nighter, and they didn't get home until 6 am.all-or-nothing adj (no compromise)孤注一掷;宁为玉碎, 不为瓦全all-out adj (total, full-scale)全面的;彻底的She was so upset she threw an all-out tantrum in the middle of the store.all-out war n (full-scale combat)全面战争The drug cartels along the US-Mexico border have declared an all-out war against law enforcement.all-pervading, all-pervasive adj (affecting everything)无处不在的,遍布的all-points bulletin (police alert)全面通缉;全境通缉all-powerful adj (who has absolute power)全能的;能力无限的all-purpose adj (for many different uses)多用途的Zingo is a powerful all-purpose cleaner for floors, walls and ceilings.all-purpose flour (US), plain flour (UK) n (wheat flour)通用面粉;普通面粉;不含发酵粉的面粉All-purpose flour is great for cookies, but doesn't have enough gluten for bread.all-rounder n UK (person: versatile) (形容人)多面手,全能选手,什么都会的人备注: Used primarily in reference to cricket players.all-seeing adj (seeing everything)看穿一切的,洞察一切的,无所不见的all-star n (sports: player selected for top team) (体育)全明星运动员all-star adj (team, game: featuring top sportspeople) (体育等)全明星的all-star adj (cast, show: featuring famous performers)全明星的The new film has an all-star cast.all-terrain vehicle n (quad bike)四轮全地形车,沙滩车all-time adj (ever, for eternity)空前的,有史以来最…的Many consider Mozart to be the all-time best composer.all-time great n (performer: classic)名留史册表演者,空前杰出的表演者all-time great n (song, etc.: classic) (歌曲等)跨越时代的经典all-volunteer army n US (military: non-conscripted force)志愿军all-weather adj (for all weather conditions)适合各种天气的;各种天气都能适用的This winter I purchased 4 new all-weather tires for my car.all-wool adj (made of wool)全羊毛的;纯羊毛的This is an all-wool sweater.all-year adj (lasting the whole year)整年的;全年的The school board is considering switching to all-year school, with staggered summer vacations.all-you-can-eat adj (restaurant buffet: unlimited)畅吃的;自助的At the all-you-can-eat restaurant he stuffed himself with cheap food.All's well that ends well., All is well that ends well. expr (everything is resolved happily)结果好;万事好备注: This is the title of a play by Shakespeare.and all adv informal (including everything)等等I managed to stuff everything into my suitcase, clothes, shoes, souvenirs, and all.and all adv UK, slang (as well)也是The dog bit my leg, then it attacked my brother, and all.and all that adv informal (etc.)所有一切;诸如此类and all that goes with it adv (and everything it entails) (非正式用语)连同其所包含的一切She gave her sister a birthday party, with cake, ice cream, and all that goes with it.and all that jazz adv slang, figurative (and the like, etc.) (俚语)...之类的事;云云;...之流and all that sort of thing expr informal (and similar) (非正式用语)以及所有类似的事物;那一类东西;...什么的They found sea shells, driftwood, and all that sort of thing at the beach.and all the rest of it expr informal (etc.) (非正式用语)诸如此类,等等For Christmas dinner we had roast turkey, Brussels sprouts, and all the rest of it.any and all adj (every)每一个;所有Please send any and all complaints to the manager.anything at all pron (something, anything whatever)任何事;任何东西You can ask me anything at all!anything at all pron (everything possible)任何事;任何可能的事I miss my brother; I would do anything at all to see him again.anything at all pron (in questions: a thing of any type) (疑问)任何一种;任意类型Do you have anything at all to say in your defence?anything at all pron (with negative: a single thing)任何东西They didn't manage to save anything at all from the house when it burned down.anything at all adv (with negative: to any extent)任何程度;任何样子April Fools' Day, April Fool's Day, All Fools' Day n (1st April)愚人节On April Fools' Day in the UK, it's traditional to play practical jokes on people before midday.在英国,到了愚人节,正午前玩恶作剧是节日传统。aquiver, all aquiver adj literary (quivering)颤抖的;战栗的;浑身发抖的as … as all get out, as all get out expr US (extremely)极其;非常What? That's silly as all get out! You can't grow bananas in the all adv (in the slightest) (加强语气)根本,丝毫I don't mind at all if you want to smoke.如果你想抽烟的话,我根本不会介意。at all costs adv (by whatever means)无论如何At all costs, you must finish the work by all hours adv (at any time of the day or night)一天到晚,全天The people upstairs are stomping around at all all times adv (all the time, constantly)在任何时间;总是;总是Please keep your hands and arms in the car at all sea, all at sea adj figurative (disorientated)茫然的;不知所措的;迷茫的Clara was all at sea in the advanced calculus class.ATV n initialism (all-terrain vehicle)全地形交通工具It is illegal to drive an ATV on this highway.bare all v expr figurative (tell your secrets)披露全部秘密;爆料In the next issue of the gossip magazine, one of the top Hollywood stars will bare all!be all fingers and thumbs v expr figurative, informal (be clumsy)笨手笨脚;笨拙Victor was all fingers and thumbs because he felt very all over v expr informal (be finished, ended)全部结束The battle was all over in less than three insured against all liability v expr (protected against insurance claims)投保一切险;投了全保the be-all n (most important part or thing)最重要的事the be-all and end-all of [sth], the be-all end-all of [sth] expr (most important part or goal)最重要的;最核心的Helping kids to make the best of themselves should be the be-all and end-all of education.the be-all and end-all, the be-all end-all expr (the very best)顶尖的;最好的When it comes to books about Appalachian history, that professor's work is the be-all and end-all n (most important element)重要因素;关键点That film is the be-all end-all of the science fiction genre.beat [sb/sth] hollow, also US: beat [sb/sth] all hollow v expr (defeat)彻底打败;大获全胜beset on all sides expr (surrounded, under attack)被包围;四面受敌best of all adv (the most fortunate part is that)最好的是beyond all understanding adj (incomprehensible)难以理解;不可理解Why Janet stayed with her cheating husband is beyond all understanding.beyond question, beyond all question adj (certain)无可怀疑的;毋庸置疑的;毫无疑问的His integrity is beyond question.boil it down, boil it all down v expr figurative (reduce to essence)精简;压缩When you boil it all down, you have two choices: In or out.bugger-all, bugger all n UK, vulgar, slang (tiny or trivial amount)什么也没有bugger-all, bugger all adj UK, vulgar, slang (trivial amount of [sth]) (俚语,粗俗语)一点点;鸡毛蒜皮by all accounts adv (according to everyone)众所周知by all means adv (of course, certainly)想尽一切办法;当然,没问题"Can I borrow your pen for a moment?" "By all means!"“我能借一下你的笔么?”“当然可以!”by all odds expr (by far, undoubtedly)毫无疑问地;毋庸置疑地by herself, all by herself adv (her: without company)她自己;她亲自by herself, all by herself adv (her: without help)她独自;她自己by himself, all by himself adv (him: without company)他自己;他亲自by himself, all by himself adv (him: without help)他独自;他自己by itself, all by itself adv (without help)独自地The bruise will go away by itself.淤青会自行出现。by itself, all by itself adv (without adornment)单独地;单单地Does the dress look good by itself, or should I put on gold beads?by myself, all by myself adv (me: without company)我自己;我亲自by myself, all by myself adv (me: without help)我独自;我自己by ourselves, all by ourselves adv (us: without company)我们自己;我们亲自by ourselves, all by ourselves adv (us: without help)我们独自;我们自己by themselves, all by themselves adv (plural: without company)他们自己;他们亲自by themselves, all by themselves adv (plural: without help)他们独自;他们自己by themselves, by themself, all by themselves, all by themself adv (unspecified gender: without company)他们自己;她们自己by themselves, by themself, all by themselves, all by themself adv (unspecified gender: without help)他们独自;她们独自by themselves, by themself, all by themselves, all by themself adv (nonbinary person: without company) (非二元性别)他们自己;他们亲自by themselves, by themself, all by themselves, all by themself adv (nonbinary person: without help) (非二元性别)他们独自;他们自己by yourself, all by yourself adv (without company)你独自地by yourself, all by yourself adv (without help)靠你自己地by yourselves, all by yourselves adv (you plural: without company)你们自己;你们亲自by yourselves, all by yourselves adv (you plural: without help)你们独自;你们自己can't be in all places at one time v expr US, informal (have too many obligations) (因事情太多)分身无术I can't be in all places at one time so someone will have to help me.我分身乏术,因此有人需要帮助我。catch-all n informal ([sth] comprehensive, all-purpose)无所不包之物;用途多样之物catch-all n as adj informal (comprehensive, all-purpose)无所不包的;用途多样的Come one, come all interj (exhorting all to attend)来吧,大家一起来The loudspeakers shouted out "Come one, come all, to see the circus."cover all bases, cover your bases, cover all the bases v expr figurative (take full precautions) (比喻义)做到滴水不漏We have researched it thoroughly and we believe that we have covered all the all it's cracked up to be, be what it's cracked up to be v expr (be as good as claimed)并没有所说的那么好;徒有虚名;名不副实备注: Often used in the negative.That film's not all it's cracked up to be; I didn't enjoy it at all!cure-all n (universal remedy)万灵仙丹;灵丹妙药Their latest policies are by no means a cure-all for the economy.他们最新的政策绝不是拯救经济的灵丹妙药。damn all n potentially offensive, slang (nothing)完全没有, 什么都没有damn-all adj potentially offensive, slang (no, not any)没有的, 没有任何的My partner is really lazy; he gives me damn-all help around the house.despite all opposition adv (in spite of adversity)力排众议;不顾所有人反对Despite all opposition, the couple were determined to get all the talking v expr informal (be the only one to speak)一个人(不顾他人)夸夸其谈I'll do all the talking when we negotiate the all you can v expr (try hard)尽你所能;尽力而为I did all I could to catch the train, but it was too late.the end-all n (ultimate goal)终极目标,最终目标first of all adv (to start with)首先First of all, I welcome all those who came today.首先,我向今天到场的各位表示欢迎。first of all adv (primarily)首要;首先"Our priority," said a police spokesman, "is first of all to ensure the safety of the hostages."警方的发言人讲到:“我们的优先任务,就是首先确保人质的安全。”for all adv (for everyone)对所有地;对每一个人When running for club president, Jason promised free cookies for all, but unfortunately didn't deliver.for all prep (in spite of [sth])即便;即使For all his bluster, he is a cowardly man.for all I know expr (possibly, even though I do not know)据我所知,在我看来I won't argue with you; for all I know, there may actually be little green men on Mars.for all practical purposes adv (effectively, in effect)实际上;事实上For all practical purposes my shares are now worthless.for all that adv (even so, in spite of this)尽管如此;虽然He was a scoundrel and a wastrel but, for all that, she still loved him.for all time adv (forever, for eternity)永远The invention of the car changed transportation for all time.for all you know expr (it is possible that)有可能He might be married with three kids, for all you know.for aught I know adv dated (possibly) (过时用语)据我所知;据信;有可能for eternity, for all eternity adv (forever, for all time)永远;永恒;恒久for the world, for all the world expr (for any amount of money) (常用于否定)无论如何也;怎样也备注: always used after a negativeOf course I'll come and see your play; I wouldn't miss it for the world.the four corners of the earth, all four corners of the earth, the four corners of the globe npl figurative (every part of the world)天涯海角;世界各地;全球各地free-for-all n informal (fight, argument open to everyone) (非正式用语)可自由参加的竞赛;对任何人开放的比赛from all quarters adv (from everyone, everywhere)从四面八方His latest film has received praise from all quarters.f*** all n UK, vulgar, offensive, slang (absolutely nothing)丝毫没有f***-all adj UK, vulgar, offensive, slang (no, not any)绝不get all your ducks in a row, have all your ducks in a row v expr figurative (be organized)有条理的;有精心安排的;井井有条的It's always good to work with colleagues who have all their ducks in a row.go all out v expr informal (make a full effort)竭尽全力地;豁出去地If you want to win the contest, you'll have to go all out.go all out to do [sth] v expr informal (make a full effort)竭尽全力,全力以赴;绞尽脑汁,殚精竭虑George went all out to impress his girlfriend.go all the way v expr figurative, slang (have sex) (暗指发生性关系)允许一切He wanted to go all the way but she said no.go all the way v expr figurative, informal (completely fulfil expectations)完全符合期望When I began searching for a new house, I didn't expect to find one that went all the way so quickly.Hail, All hail interj (Roman greeting)你好;欢迎"Hail Caesar!" said the gladiator.“凯撒你好!”角斗士说。Hang it!, Hang it all! interj (used to express irritation)烦死了;真讨厌have all the luck v expr informal (be lucky)幸运;走运You won the lottery? Some people have all the and bothered, all hot and bothered adj informal (flustered)紧张激动的Larry got hot and bothered during his and bothered, all hot and bothered adj informal, euphemism (sexually excited)性兴奋的Just looking at Rachel gets me all hot and bothered.if at all adv (possibly not at all) (if的强调说法)即使…;如果真的…In this part of the country, it only snows a few days per year, if at all adv (in total)总共;共计;合计There were seven guests in all at the hotel, including all directions adv informal (out of control) (非正式用语)向四面八方地Someone had let the dogs out and they were running in all all fairness adv (considering everything)说实在的;说真的In all fairness, Zoe deserves that promotion after all the effort she puts into her all honesty adv (to tell the truth)说实话,坦率地说in all likelihood adv (very probably)十有八九;很可能In all likelihood, the patient will make a full all probability adv (very probably)极有可能The team will, in all probability, need to beat Mexico to advance to the next round of the all respects adv (in all ways)在各个方面The boats conform in all respects to the latest all seriousness adv (without joke or irony)极严肃,庄重;极严重;极认真,并非开玩笑In all seriousness, I think she has a all the ages adv literary (throughout history)历代地,历史上各个朝代地,古往今来in all truth adv (honestly)说真的;说实话in any event, at all events adv (whatever the situation)不管怎样;无论如何In any event, the safety of the public must remain the top no time at all, in no time adv figurative (rapidly)马上,立刻,很快I can get dinner ready in no time at the same boat, all in the same boat expr figurative (in a similar situation)处境相同;同命相连It is all for the best, It's all for the best expr (outcome is beneficial)这是最好的结果I lost my job, but it's all for the best since now I can start a business, just like I always wanted.It is all in the mind expr (It is imaginary.)这都是想象出来的;这全是凭空想象Some people believe they have been cured by faith-healers, but it's all in the is all the same (there is no difference, it makes no difference)都是一样的;没什么区别的I can either go to the party or stay home. It's all the same to me.It's all the same to me expr informal (I have no preference.)对我来说都一样You can stay or leave; it's all the same to me.jack of all trades, jack-of-all-trades n informal (many skills)多面手;什么都会但不精的人My dad was a real jack of all trades; he could repair virtually anything.jack of all trades, jack-of-all-trades, jack of all trades, master of none, jack-of-all-trades, master of none n informal, pejorative (shallow skill in many things)杂而不精jump all over [sb] v expr US, figurative, informal (criticize, find fault with)严厉斥责;责难He jumps all over his employees every time they make the slightest error.kidding aside, all kidding aside expr informal (seriously)不开玩笑;言归正传know all the answers v expr informal (be opinionated)自命不凡, 摆出无所不知的样子Teenagers think they know all the answers.know-it-all, also UK: know-all n pejorative, informal (person: clever, arrogant)自以为是的人;自以为无所不知的人That kid who got 100 percent in science and math is such a know it all!learn all about [sth] v expr (become fully informed)充分获悉;充分了解Before I invest in a company, I am always sure to learn all about their history and business practices.least of all adv (applying especially to [sb/sth])尤其;特别是Nobody should behave so stupidly, least of all someone with such a responsible job.let it all hang out v expr figurative, informal (be uninhibited)放飞自我;自由自在most of all adv (above all else)所有当中最…的I want to make money and to be famous, but most of all I want to be loved. I love to listen to music; I like jazz most of all!我想要赚钱还有成名,不过所有当中最想的是被爱。我喜欢音乐,所有音乐当中最喜欢的是爵士乐!no time at all n figurative (briefest moment)立刻;马上We'll see each other again in two weeks. That's no time at all.none at all pron (not a single one)无一人The doctors tried to save the lives of the crash victims, but none at all survived.none at all pron (not even the slightest amount)没有一点They tried to make their own wine, but none at all was drinkable.not at all adv (in no way, to no extent)根本不;一点也不;绝不My boss was not at all pleased with my work, so he fired me.我的老板对我的工作一点也不满意,所以开除了我。not at all interj (certainly not)当然不;一点也不'Do you mind if I sit here?' 'Not at all!'“你介意我坐在这儿吗?”“当然不!”not at all interj (don't mention it)别客气'Thank you; that's so kind of you!' 'Not at all!'“谢谢你;你真是太好了!”“不用客气!”nothing at all pron (not anything)什么都没有,一无所有;什么事都没有,没事I've got nothing at all suitable to wear for the party!of all kinds adv (of many different varieties)各类地;各种各样地Children love candy of all kinds.of all sorts adj (many and varied)各种各样的Birds of all sorts come to my birdfeeders.of all time expr (best in history)历史上最...;前所未有的最...We watched a film about the best baseball pitcher of all time.of all types adj (many and varied)各种类型的The shop sells cakes of all types.on all counts expr (law: of every accusation)在所有指控上The accused was found guilty on all counts.on all counts expr (in all points)在所有问题上;在所有事项上You're right on all counts, but you could have said it more nicely.on all fours adv (person: on hands and knees) (人)四脚着地,匍匐着The best way to clean the floor is to get down on all fours and scrub.on all fours adv (animal: on four legs) (动物)四肢着地Bears usually walk on all fours, but stand up occasionally to see better.on her own, all on her own adv (without company)她自己;她独自Sarah often eats out at restaurants on her own.on her own, all on her own adv (without help)她亲自on his own, all on his own adv (without company)他自己;他独自on his own, all on his own adv (without help)他亲自on my own, all on my own adv (without company)独自一人I have lived on my own since my daughter moved out.我女儿搬出去后,我一直一个人住。on my own, all on my own adv (without help)靠自己I'm proud of myself for assembling the wardrobe on my own.我为自己组装衣柜而感到骄傲。on our own, all on our own adv (without company)我们自己;就我们on our own, all on our own adv (without help)我们亲自on their own, all on their own adv (more than one person: without company)他们自己;她们自己;它们自己Lana left her guests on their own for ten minutes while she went into the kitchen to prepare the starter.on their own, all on their own adv (more than one person: without help)他们亲自;她们亲自;它们亲自on their own, all on their own adv ([sb] unspecified: without company)他自己;她自己;它自己on their own, all on their own adv ([sb] unspecified: without help)他亲自;她亲自;它亲自on their own, all on their own adv (non-binary person: without company)他们自己on their own, all on their own adv (non-binary person: without help)他们独自on your own, all on your own expr (without company)独自地, 单独地When you live on your own, you can eat dinner whenever it suits you.on your own, all on your own expr (without help)自己动手;靠自己的力量做某事;依靠自己做某事The teacher told her class, "I'll show you how to solve the first equation, then you can try the next one on your own."once and for all adv (for the final time)一次了结地;彻底地You said yes, then you said no. Tell me once and for all, will you marry me?one and all expr (everyone)大家,所有人one size fits all expr (clothing: flexible size) (衣服)均码The tag says "one size fits all," although it may be too small for some size fits all, one-size-fits-all adj figurative (applicable to everyone)普适的There is no one-size-fits-all diet plan that will work for to all adj (accessible to everyone)对所有人开放的;面向任何人的;谁都可以的We've carried out alterations to make sure that the building is open to all, not just the able-bodied.out of proportion, out of all proportion adj figurative (exaggerated, excessive)夸大其词的;过度渲染的out of proportion to [sth], out of all proportion to [sth] adj + prep figurative (exaggerated, excessive)不成比例;不相称Your anger is out of proportion to the insult.overall, over all adv (generally)总的来说Overall, he did a fairly good job.总的来说,他干得不错。overall adj (total)全部的;总计的The overall cost was more than we'd estimated.总计成本比我们之前预计的要高。plaster [sth] all over [sth] v expr figurative, informal (spread: [sth] all over [sth])把…涂满Rick turned his back for a minute and the kids plastered ice cream all over the sofa.里克转过身去不过一分钟,他的孩子们就把沙发上涂满了冰淇淋。plaster [sth] over [sth], plaster [sth] all over [sth] vtr + prep figurative, informal (distribute, spread [sth] around)使…遍布…;在…到处传播…Melanie plastered the unflattering photo of her brother all over social media.梅兰妮在社交媒体上到处传播自己的弟弟不好看的照片。pull out all the stops v expr (do everything possible) (书面)竭尽全力,全力以赴;使出浑身解数put all your eggs in one basket v expr proverb (rely on a single plan)孤注一掷;把全部希望寄托在一件事上If you put all your eggs in one basket you risk losing them all.Read all about it! interj (newspaper seller's cry) (卖报宣传语)赶快读!一切尽在报内!The kiosk sign read "Extra! Extra! Read all about it! RMSTitanic sinks, huge loss of life.".remove all doubt v expr (confirm [sth])去除一切疑惑You may remain silent and people will think you are ignorant, or you may open your mouth and remove all doubt.root of all evil n figurative (cause of all that is bad) (比喻)万恶之源Drugs are the root of all evil.Money is the root of all evil.still and all expr US, informal (nonetheless)虽然如此Thank you all interj (gratitude to a group)感谢大家that's all very well, but expr informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)好吧…但是,那也好…然而That's all very well, but it still doesn't explain why you didn't finish the work.that's all well and good, but expr informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)好吧…但是,那也好…然而That's all well and good, and I enjoy talking to your granny, but isn't it about time we left for the movies ?The pleasure is all mine. expr formal (You're welcome.)这是我的荣幸"Thank you for cooking us such a wonderful dinner." "The pleasure is all mine."“谢谢你为我们做了如此美好的一顿晚餐。”“这是我的荣幸。”to all appearances adv (apparently)显而易见地It was a happy marriage to all all intents and purposes, also US: for all intents and purposes expr (practically speaking)实际上说;实际来看to cap it all, to top it all expr figurative, informal (in addition to all that)更加糟糕的是;除此之外While I was arguing with my brother, I had left the tap running and it flooded the bathroom, then to top it all I slipped on the wet floor and hit my end all [sth] expr (be superlative example)超过;超越It was the war to end all to the good, be all to the good v expr (be a welcome outcome)好结果;好事When we explained what had happened, we didn't have to pay the fine after all, which was all to the good.until all hours, till all hours, to all hours adv (until late at night)很晚;深夜warts and all expr figurative, informal (despite flaws) (非正式用语)不隐瞒缺点,不遮丑,不加掩饰I love my husband as he is, warts and all.warts and all, warts-and-all adj figurative, informal (including negative qualities)不掩盖地;毫无保留地This book is a warts-and-all portrait of the singer's life and career.we all pron (all of us)我们所有人when all is said and done adv informal (ultimately) (非正式用语)最后,结果,尘埃落定When all's said and done, you've no right to an opinion on this.with all due respect adv (despite my regard for you)无意冒犯With all due respect, I couldn't disagree more.with all my heart adv informal (completely and sincerely)全心全意My darling, I love you with all my all pron (all of you: you, plural)大家;所有人How are you all doing tonight?




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