花卉布置; 插花
flower arrangements───插花,鲜花装饰
flower arranging───插花
formal arrangement───流畅票据
prior arrangement───优先安排
funeral arrangements───丧事筹备
a prior arrangement───事先安排
head arrangement───头部排列
Flower arrangement is an elegant art.───插话花是一门高雅艺术.
That's a very artistic flower arrangement you have there.───你那些花儿装点得很有艺术性.
Masako, who has Alzheimer's disease, is in good condition because of new drugs for the ailment. She walks to a flower arrangement class.───患有阿尔茨海默病的奶奶身体状况也不错,因为那时已经出现了医治这种疾病的良药,她每天可以步行去上插花课。
Her flower arrangement was a monstrosity.───她插的花真是难看死了.
This is an artistic flower arrangement.───这是精巧的插花.
Flower arrangement is art that I know nothing of.───我对插花艺术一窍不通.
My flower arrangement needs more foliage.───我的插花作品还得多要些枝叶.
The flower arrangement was created as an echo of a client's still life.───这个插花是仿照一位客户的静物画做出来的.
I wondered who the stumbling subway woman's cousin was, how "the kid" died, in a knife fight or from withering illness, what flower arrangement she had in mind chrysanthemums?───我好奇:这个步履蹒跚的地铁女人的表亲是谁,“这个好孩子”是怎么死的,是械斗中刀致死还是因为一场无药可医的大病,她想要的是什么样的花菊花?
In my personal florist, I can flower arrangement or plant.───在我的私人花店中, 我可以插花或者种植.
The tokonoma generally holds a calligraphic scroll or painting, along with a bonsai or simple flower arrangement.───上一般挂着一幅书法,要么一幅画,辅以一处盆景,或几支插花。
Her flower arrangement won first prize.───她的插花赢得头奖.
Foreign friends were magnetically attracted By Chinese flower arrangement on a handsome model.───外国友人被造型美观的中国插花深深吸引住了.
Good. I'm interested in lessons in flower arrangement.───好的. 我对插花课很有爱好.
To help checking flower arrangement, lighting, music and reception general cleanliness.───协助检查鲜花摆放灯光音响和接待区域的整体清洁情况.
Name six perennials and six annuals suitable for indoor flower arrangement.───列出多年生及一年生花朵各六种,它们必须是适合插花的.
A spiked or perforated device used to support stems in a flower arrangement.───插花''.'支架'.''插花时用以固定花茎的有孔的装置.
All the flower arrangement containers can be used again in the future for different functions.───鲜花设计的花器都可以再次使用.
Who did this beautiful flower arrangement?
The flower arrangement from the Society is beautiful and will give pleasure and remembrance for a long time.
A flower arrangement in a large basket stood on a pedestal in the corner of the room.
This is an artistic flower arrangement.
That's a very artistic flower arrangement you have there.
My flower arrangement needs more foliage.
Her flower arrangement was a monstrosity.
Her flower arrangement won first prize.
A small flower arrangement on the kitchen table can brighten up the room.
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