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词汇 fish out
释义 fish out
fish out发音


从水中捞出来; 摸出; 掏出; 把…中的鱼捕尽


dish out───给予,分发

fished out───掏出,摸索出;捕尽鱼

fishes out───掏出,摸索出;捕尽鱼

fish soup───鱼汤

flesh out───充实,具体化

flush out───冲掉,排出;驱赶出来

bash out───痛打

cash out───现金支出

fish oil───[水产]鱼油,[油脂][药]鱼肝油


You've cleared all the jelly - fish out of the way.───你已把海蜇都赶走了.

He jerked the fish out of the water.───他急忙一抖把鱼甩出水面.

First you have to fish out all the glass and metal.───首先你必须把所有的玻璃金属拣出来.

I think he thought of himself as a country gentleman and was like a fish out of water in Birmingham.───我想他认为自己是一名乡绅,在伯明翰就如离水之鱼一般浑身不自在。

I was a fish out of water in that luxurious restaurant.───在那个豪华的酒店里,我就像一条离水之鱼,很不自在.

Fish out the debris until the bend is clear.───在碎片中搜寻直至有了眉目.

With them he'd feel " like a fish out of water ".───同他们相处,他会感到 “ 如鱼离水. ”

He's like a fish out of water when he tries to dance.───他跳舞的时候,感觉自己非常尴尬.

Yes, but sometimes I feel like a fish out of water.───是喜欢啦, 只是有时觉得格格不入.

The cook has sneaked some fish out of the kitchen.───厨子偷偷地把鱼拿出了厨房.

He felt like a fish out of water.───他觉得自己是犹如鱼离开了水般无助.

I felt like a fish out of water in my new school at first because I knew no one at that time.───我一开始在新学校的时候感觉非常不自在,因为我不认识任何人。

I met Clive at a dinner I hosted for my boss," Rajna says in a refined Eastern European drawl. "He was like a fish out of water and I was concerned, so I got talking with him."───我是在为我的老板主持的一次晚宴上见到克雷夫的,”劳伊娜用文雅的东欧语调慢慢地说,“他那时就像一条离了水的鱼,他引起了我的注意,我和他交谈起来。”

Tu Chu - chai paused again to fish out a handkerchief and mop his forehead triumphantly.───杜竹斋 又顿住了,踌躇满志地掏出手帕来揩了揩脸儿.

Can you have a fish out of water?───能让鱼离开水生活吗?

BEAVER: Wow, at the fish out there.───海狸: 哇, 看哪有一条鱼.

With these people he'd feel like a fish out of water.───与这些人在一起,他感到不自在.

She feels like a fish out of water among the celebrities.───在那些达官贵人中,她感到十分不自在.

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