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词汇 finishing line
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finishing lines───终点线,终航线

fishing line───钓丝,钓鱼线

finish line───终点线,终航线

finishing with───完成,结束;与…断绝关系

fishing lines───钓丝,钓鱼线

dividing line───分界线;界线

finish lines───终点线,终航线

finishing nail───终饰钉;饰面钉

finishing off───结束,完成;毁灭;吃完


In the end, both sequencing projects hobbled across the finishing line together.───最后, 双方都没有在规定时间内完成项目.

Which of the runners was the first to cross the finishing line?───哪一位赛跑者首先冲过了终点线?

Summoning up my last ounce of strength, I flung myself over the finishing line.───鼓起最后的一点力量, 我向终点线冲过去.

The two runners reached the finishing line at the same time.───那两位赛跑选手同时到达终点线.

The two horses crossed the finishing line together.───两匹马同时越过终点线。

Mr. Turtle almost arrives at the finishing line.───乌龟先生几乎要跑到终点线了.

Technology for finishing line of type 7628 glass cloth is introduced.───介绍了7628玻璃纤维布后处理技术,通过两年多生产实践证明该项技术先进可靠.

Some new technology in the finishing line of cold wide strip is introduced.───本文对冷轧宽带钢精整机组新技术和生产予以介绍,并提出了自己的看法.

The winner dashed across the finishing line.───优胜者猛冲过终点线.

Then she pulled ahead. At the finishing line Wilma breasted the tape.───接着跑到前头去了. 在终点线上,威尔玛冲线了.

You are in control and ready to wind your way towards the finishing line.───你是司机并准备向终点线冲刺.

He was just fractionally ahead at the finishing line.───在终点线他只是稍微领先。

He also paid the jockeys to cross the finishing line in a particular order.───他还给每个骑师钱让其按不同顺序跨过终点线.

Like everyone who is close the finishing line the adrenaline is what gets them there.───就像临近终点线的每个人,让他们抵达终点的是肾上腺素.

Who was first to cross the finishing line?───谁第一个通过了终点线?

I passed the finishing line, and at the same time he passed it, too.───我通过了终点线, 与此同时他也通过了终点.

The timer stands on the finishing line.───计时员站在终点线上.

Tom is the last to pass the finishing line.───汤姆是最后一个到达终点线的.

Tears rolled down the young skier's cheeks as he reached the finishing line.───年轻的滑雪者到达终点时,落下了眼泪.

The winner is the athlete whose torso breaks the vertical plane of the finishing line first.───第一个用身体躯干冲过终点垂直面的人为优胜者.

The exhausted runner gasped when he dashed to the finishing line.───筋疲力尽的赛跑运动员在冲向终点线时直喘气.

At last he overtook me at the finishing line.───在到达终点线时他超过了我。

I can see the white flag at the finishing line.───我能看见终点线处,那纯白的旗帜.

He was first past the finishing line.───他是第一个跑过终点线的.

He redoubled his speed when he saw the finishing line ahead.───当他看到前面的终点线时,他大大地加快了速度.

Many big projects struggle to get to the finishing line.───许多巨型项目要挣扎着才能按期完成.

Lin Tao ran past him. He was first past the finishing line.───林涛从他身边跑过去, 第一个冲过了终点线.

two horses crossed the finishing line together.───两匹马同时越过终点线。

The two runners the finishing line at the same time.───两位赛跑选手同时到达终点.

Summoning up his last ounce of strength , he flung himself over the finishing line.───他鼓足最后的一把劲向终点线冲去.

  • finishing touch
  • finishing touches




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