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词汇 fifth month
释义 fifth month
fifth month发音



final month───最后一个月


fifth force───第五力

fifth form───第五形式

fifth forms───第五种形式


witch moth───魔女蛾

birth mother───生母

fifth column───n.第五纵队


The fifth month is May.───第五个月是五月。

the unrest enters its fifth month, there is still little hint of light at the end of the Syrian tunnel.───叙利亚的动乱已经进入了第五个月,却依旧没有丝毫停止的预兆。

Paz, just 17, was in her fifth month of pregnancy.───仅17岁的帕兹已怀孕5个月。

By my reckoning, someone who buys a newspaper a day, a magazine a week and three books a month will break even by the fifth month.───根据我的估计,一天买一份报纸、一周买份杂志、一月买三本书的人,到第五个月就收回了本钱。

It was the fifth month in a row that public construction, which makes up a third of total U. S. construction spending, made gains.───这是公共建筑支出连续第五个月增加.这部分支出占美国建筑支出总额的三分之一。

The disappointing cut helped drive income expectations down in January for the fifth month running, he claims.───他说,减税额下降的消息令人失望,并导致1月份的收入预期指标连续第五个月下降。

Additionally, Australia's central bank left interest rates steady for a fifth month, thwarting expectations of a hike.───另外,澳大利亚央行连续第五个月保持利率不变,市场预期为升息。

AS THE unrest enters its fifth month, there is still little hint of light at the end of the Syrian tunnel.───叙利亚的动乱已经进入了第五个月,却依旧没有丝毫停止的预兆。

It was the fifth month of sharp declines in the country's overseas shipments, which make up almost two-fifths of the economy.───这是该国出口第5个月大幅下跌,而出口在该国经济中占近五分之二。


It was the fifth month in a row that public construction, which makes up a third of total U.S. construction spending, made gains.

During the fifth month, downy hairs ( lanugo ) cover the Body and the skin becomes less transparent.

The Treasury Department says lending fell a 5 th fifth month at banks that received government aid.

Ezra came to Jerusalem in the fifth month of that seventh year of the king.

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