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词汇 field goal
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field goals───(美)(除罚球外的)投中次数;射门得分

field coil───[电]激磁线圈

field coils───n.励磁线圈(fieldcoil的复数形式)

field glass───野外镜

field grown───田间种植

field trial───(新产品等的)现场试验;(猎狗)实地追猎选拔或测试

field corn───非甜质玉米;饲料玉米

field day───体育比赛日;野外实习日

field gun───[军]野战炮;[军]野炮


Orlando shot just 30 percent from the and Dwight Howard made only one field goal.───魔术首战30%的命中率,超人中锋火花命中一球.

What are field goal, penalty corner and penalty stoke mean?───场上射门 、 发片面性罚角性和发点球是什么意思?

After all, James averages more points, rebounds and shoots a better field goal percentage than Rose.───毕竟,詹姆斯在场均得分、篮板、投篮命中率比罗斯要高一些。

A field goal is a goal scored from open, continuous play.───场上射门得分是在不间断的比赛过程中直接射门所得的分.

Field goal : A goal scored from open, continuous play.───射门得分: 通过连续配合利用空档射门得分.

First half injury time, Roma captain Panucci field goal.───上半时补时阶段, 罗马场上队长帕努奇首开纪录.

They're tops in opponents'scoring and second in defensive field goal percentage.───在得分排名中湖人排第一,在防守中限制对手得分率的排名中排第二.

The last of the three a field goal.───最后一种得分方式叫做射门得分.

Field goal A scored from open, continuous play.───为了射门得分而在球着地时踢.

Three-point shot: a field goal worth three points, taken from beyond an arc that is 22 feet from the basket.───三分球(three - point shot):距篮筐22英寸的地方,边线外投中的球值三分。

Scoring can be done from the field goal, the penalty corner, and the penalty stroke.───他们可以通过场上射门 、 发惩罚性角球和发点球得分.

Stoyanovich kicked a 52-yard field goal, placing it squarely between Miami's goalposts.───斯托扬诺维奇在52码处射门,从迈阿密球门正中射入。

They kicked a field goal and won by one point.───她们一脚踢进档次球得分,结果领先一分赢得胜利.

They lead the league in scoring, rank fifth in field goal percentage and first in rebounding.───本赛季场均得分第一, 投射命中率第五,篮板也是高举榜首.

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