

词汇 fell into
释义 fell into
fell into发音



fall into───落入;分成

falls into───落入;分成

fell in───排队;到期

fell to───开始;开始吃

fly into───v.突发

fold into───把...调入

pull into───(车)进站

roll into───卷成,使合为一体;滚进

fallen into───分成,开始;变成


Una soon fell into a deep sleep.───尤娜很快便沉沉睡去。

He fell into a deep dreamless sleep.───他酣然入睡,一夜无梦。

When I read the reports of the case, everything fell into place.───我读了这个案件报告后, 一切都清楚了.

The factory fell into disuse twenty years ago.───这个工厂二十年前就废弃了。

He overbalanced and fell into the water.───他失去了平衡,落入水中。

Totally exhausted, he tore his clothes off and fell into bed.───他疲惫不堪,胡乱扯掉衣服,倒在床上。

The plane disintegrated as it fell into the sea.───飞机坠入大海时解体了。

They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.───他们成了军队人员与平民雇员之间身份界定不清的人。

Una soon fell into a deep sleep.───尤纳很快就睡熟了。

Once the decision was made, things fell into place rapidly.───一旦作出决定,事情就立刻顺理成章地发展下去了。

The town fell into enemy hands.───那个小镇落到敌人手里了。

The bus overturned and fell into a ravine.───这辆公共汽车翻了车,掉进了一处深谷。

In late 1975, she fell into a black depression.───在1975年底,她陷入了情绪的低谷。

He fell into disfavor as the president fell in the polls.───总统大选失败后,他被打入了冷宫。

She fell into a deep and peaceful slumber.───她睡着了,睡得又沉又香。

The station quickly fell into disrepair after it was closed.───车站关闭后很快便破败不堪。

Yesterday he went to London and there fell into company with Peter.───昨天它去伦敦并在那儿偶然认识了彼得.

She slipped her hand into his and fell into step beside him.───她轻轻地把手放进他的手心,和他并排而行。


Some parts of the country fell into rebel hands.

He fell into the water with a splash.

To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap.

The cottage gradually fell into ruin.

He overbalanced and fell into the water.

She fell into a drug-induced psychosis.

We rescued the boy who fell into the river.

The three of them fell into step.

I fell into a gentle slumber.

  • fellow worker
  • fell all
  • fell happy
  • fell after
  • fellow human
  • fellew ships
  • fell nub
  • fell blue
  • fell out
  • fell good
  • fellow ode grinder
  • fellow guests
  • fellowship program
  • fellahin pronunciation
  • fell ill
  • fellow being
  • fell sick
  • feller law
  • fell sleep
  • fell like
  • fell across




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