n.发给失业者或贫民的粮票( food stamp的名词复数 )
food stamp───发给失业者或贫民的粮票
food shares───食品股
food wraps───保鲜膜;食品包装
food stylist───食物造型师
boot camps───海军训练新兵的营地(bootcamp的复数)
date stamps───日期邮戳
floor lamps───落地灯,立灯
fog lamps───[轻]雾灯,雾天行车灯
food aids───粮食援助
When I returned home, I told my mother that I'd lost the food stamps.───我回家后,告诉妈妈我把食品券弄丢了。
Agent: No, you don't need to fill that in. That part is for food stamps.───工作人员: 不, 您不用填那部分. 那部分是给申请粮食券用的.
In some states, such as West Virginia, one in six of the population is on food stamps.───在一些州,如西弗吉尼亚州,有六分之一人口依靠食品券维生。
Food stamps appear to induce more food consumption than an equivalent amount of cash.───食品券似乎比等量的现金能引致更多的食品消费.
This summer the chain began accepting food stamps.───今年夏天,该连锁店开始接受食品券。
There were few provisions available in exchange for food stamps: ersatz coffee, macaroni, small cubes of margarine.───可以用来换取粮票的食物只有这些:代用咖啡、通心粉和小块的人造黄油。
Cuz man, these goddam food stamps do not buy diapers.───因为人们, 这些发给失业者的粮票不是用来买尿布的.
You have to quit your job order to apply for food stamps.───为了申请粮票,必须辞去工作.
They also qualified for food stamps and Medicare.
Stores accepting food stamps are reimbursed with money by the government.
They had no right to food stamps or unemployment benefits.
Among their complaints: The new law cuts food stamps and bans some federal welfare benefits for some legal immigrants.
The $ 418 worth of food stamps he got in February probably will be reduced to about $ 120.
Social security, unemployment compensation, welfare, Medicare, food stamps, and public housing are examples.
The food stamps which government provides to such families can be spent only on food.
Many people depend on food stamps to feed their families.
The department responsible for food stamps and improving conditions for the rural poor should rightfully be held to the highest human-rights standard.
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