falling for───迷恋;信以为真
settling for───无奈接受;勉强同意
calling for───要求
feel for───同情;摸索
feels for───同情;摸索
heading for───前往;出发;取向于
sending for───召唤,派人去叫;派人去拿
declaring for───v.表明赞成(拥护)
heeling over───倾侧
His feeling for her was close to hatred.───他对她的感情近乎仇恨。
You have no feeling for the sufferings of others.───你对他人的痛苦毫无同情心。
Thomas never lost his feeling for Harriet.───托马斯从未失去对哈丽雅特的感情。
And in the fighting soon there was no purity of feeling for those who survived the fighting and were good at it.───在战斗中,你不久就对那些幸存的英勇善战的人失去了这种纯真的感情。
His cold, ceremonious tone did not proceed from his feeling for her (of that she was convinced), but that tone covered something.───他对她彬彬有礼的冷淡态度并非出自他内心的真正的感情(这一点她是知道的),他这种态度掩盖着某种东西。
Judging from her autobiography, she always has a mixed feeling for that pianist.───从她的自传可以断定,她对那名钢琴师始终怀有着一种复杂的感情。
With one hand reached out in front of me I moment on carefully feeling for the switch to turn off the electricity.───使用在我前面被到达的一只手在仔细感觉的I片刻开关的能关闭电。
His feeling for her, lulled into unconsciousness by the dull round of domesticity, had been sharply stirred by the loss of her presence.───她的离开强烈地激起了他对她的柔情,这感觉在枯燥的生活里已日渐麻痹模糊。
Instantaneously all the tenderness she had been feeling for him vanished, and was followed by a feeling of horror for what lay before her.───霎时间,她原先对他所怀有的全部柔情消失了,为呈现在她眼前的光景所引起的恐怖所代替。
She still had a lot of feeling for David.
You have no feeling for the sufferings of others.
She has a natural feeling for mathematical ideas.
You seem to have a feeling for drawing.
She has no feeling for the suffering of others.
She edged forward feeling for a foothold.
She hasn't much feeling for the beauty of nature.
He blundered about in the dark, feeling for the light switch.
Thomas never lost his feeling for Harriet.
- feeling time
- feeling nice
- feeling words
- feeling cool
- feeling down
- feelings and emotions